Are you not bothered by how deeply unfair the world is?

Are you not bothered by how deeply unfair the world is?

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le reparations

Who isn't?
Can't do anything about it though.

Cuckitalists all secretly know we don't live in a meritocracy. Everybody knows being born with a silver spoon up your ass is more important than any amount of labour.

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They're not working hard. They're doing it the easiest way. If they were working hard, they would come up with a more efficient way of transporting those faggots.

Wealth is the result of hard work, enterprise, and intelligence. The women in op's pic only have the first one. If they had even basic intelligence or enterprise that pic would show one woman towing a wagon or rickshaw.

Yeah why don't they just use their daddies wealth to invest in some trolleys to use on the sandy shoulder of the highway.
Privvies are mental.

Get dabbed on poorfag. My parents got rich due to superior genes that I inherited. Why you think nobility were able to rule over masses for generations? Get dabbed on.

Not really no. It's a fact of life. I'm not upset about gravity either

I don't think any of those are a prerequisite for investing your daddies money.

Wealth more often than not is a result of not fucking up the wealth you were born into. Most people who are wealthy are not hard workers. Maybe some guy 100 years ago was and a guy who had more money came along and bought the hard worker's idea and turned it into a dynasty.

>Implying basic cheap ass craftsmanship is so expensive it requires inheritance
Socialists truly are retarded

Not the dude you responded you, but if they had any intelligence they would build a wooden cart and transport the shit in there. Don't need an investment for this, just wood

There's nothing noble or honorable about working harder instead of smarter. Why should I feel bad that they've lived the last ten thousand years in an environment not conducive to the development of higher cognitive function and intellectual ability? What's unfair about that? You get what you pay for.

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Yes, but those whom suffer the most from it also support it. For example, an engineer working in an american multinational operating in my country makes about one fifth of what the same position pays for burger engineers in the US, yet most people here are absolutely cum guzzling retards whom praise burgerland and want even more muh free-market and even less protectionism because "dood games will be cheaper lmao". So yeah, the world is shit but there's nothing we can do about it, better just focus on ourselves...

Okay, but can you make a wooden cart? serious question.
>yeah man it's easy uhhh you just whittle at the wood for days at a time, well I could do it if i wanted to heh

Yeah, that's a load of shit. Maybe some trust fund babies exist (probably you, since most socialists are allergic to work), but the mere fact that college loans and part time jobs exist easily refute you

Also another question... Do you think Elon Musk or Donald Trump could make a wooden cart either?

Not him, but yeah, i can. Figuring out how to make something like that is easy as fuck for anyone with an IQ above 70.

Also how are they supposed to fasten the axle to the bed of their hypothetical cart, are they going to specially order some piece of manufactured metal to hold it on. What are you going to use as an axle, What are the wheels going to be are you going to be painstakingly making spokes. It's pathetic how detached some privvies are from the rest of us. Yeah I'll just use my privvie whyboy intellect to make a cart n shiet, that's really going to be improving their lives wow they can get a few more bundles of sticks to their village a trip, now they are rolling in the coin. Good job man.

Quick question, how much do you think he would make if he was working for a local company that may not even exist?

Fuck the world and everyone in it, particularly those nig whores

>crying about privilege
>sit on their butt for thousands of years

You're not going to get rich working a part time job and you're not going to get rich getting a loan to go to college. I have no idea what fucking point you're trying to make. I have a full time job at which 8 hours of my day are spent doing physical labor, I rarely take lunch or even have the luxury of eating breakfast. Fuck off, cuckold monkey.

Yeah. Even if they haven't discovered the wheel, yet, they could build a sled. Pile lots of stuff on it and two people could pull the amount that five could carry.

So are you just too smart to come tell me how to make a cart with my limited time and resources you are just yeah huh I can anybody with an iq above 70 can! The funniest thing is you haven't even carved or manufactured a thing in your entire life but you think it's super easy.

Wow, you're right. Lucky those ancient humans had vast amounts of wealth, right?

i deserve to be rich because i carry bundles of sticks on my back, and wash my clothes in the pond

cuckitalists itt be like, hey if they had enough brains to make a kart like elon musk would they could be rich too heheheheh

>cant even setup manufacturing
>but i deserve to be wealthy because i work so hard carrying sticks on my back

>look ma' I'm shit posting

no, I took the honkpill I don't care about others or the future

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Other members of the tribe would start making carts, competition would kick in and before you know it, you have a thriving economy full of billionaires in this small African village.

>He doesn't understand time investment
Anyways, the fact that carts were made everywhere except south America, africa, and Australia means that not being able to make them is an anomaly due to low iq

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muh superior genes

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No one said they DESERVE to be wealthy. You're just making shit up to prove a nonexistent point. The picture in the op says that if all it took was hard work and dedication to succeed, like Americans say, poverty in these 3rd world countries wouldn't exist. There are kids in Asia right now who have worked harder than you ever will in your life but they make less than a dollar a day.

user, the point is that multinational companies only benefit the countries that they're from, since most of the money returns to these countries. When corporations from developed countries outsource, they do it with the sole purpose of maximizing profits by paying salaries much lower than what they'd pay in Europe, for example, and by having many other benefits such as lower prices on commodities. And the citizens of countries that are openly exploited by these corporations instead of wanting a strong national economy (which in turn would create wealth equivalent to that of developed countrties), shill for even more internationalization - that, again, benefits much more the central powers than themselves. People aren't willing to struggle at all, so the world will continue to be unfair like that.

I've still not gotten over Tony Stark and Black Widow dying in End game. Life is too unfair.

>Africans don't have carts
You're seriously judging a whole continent based off of a single picture of some ladies carrying some sticks

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Thats right. And that's because they have sub 70 iqs and can barely do more complex work than what an ape could do.

Nobody claims hard work and diligence alone is enough. It requires intelligence and innovation, qualities which niggers surely lack.

Life is inherently unfair. Taking other peoples shit because you feel entitled to it by virtue of breathing is demonstrably more unfair, it is impossible to argue a cogent point to the contrary.
>being born rich is better!
Wow, well who'd have thought it, user. You're clearly a deep thinker and an intellectual, I just don't understand why you're a poorfag complaining about capitalism, when you should be where Jeff Bezos is. It should have been you! What went wrong? Why is life just so u n f a i r ?

Oh, it's because you're a fucking retard - but you're right: we don't live in a meritocracy because if it we did, you'd be dead by now instead of comfortably shitposting.

If you're subjectively poor compared to your peers, and have been for more than 5 years, you belong in those circumstances, regardless of where in the world you are.

family wealth is generational. hard work, dedication, and time.

Some work hard, some work smart.
Funny how they alway say they're so poor to have to walk 10 kilometers to get water. Every sensible person would just move closer.
Working hard without any goal or idea for improvement doesn't really count.

And guess who brought that invention to them. I was referring to independent inventions. But yes, thanks to the gifts brought by the evil whipeepo colonists, they have literally no excuse.

>Rich Jews with hundreds of thousands of dollars live off interest dividends
>Your taxes go to them
>You benefit from the cheap labor of people in shithole countries who can either starve or work for the rich Jews
Based and redpilled. Fuck the Jews though, I don't like Jews even though I support the economic system they use to control me.

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>you think it's super easy
No, it wouldn't be easy. And my first cart would be shit. But it would transport that stuff better, quicker and faster.
It's directly about making money. If my cart could do it much easier then that frees up 2 or 3 of those women to do something else. They can help around on the farmland or make some clothes. That stuff can be traded away for the benefit of the village. Or the same amount of women could go for wood with the carts, get loads more and then sell that elsewhere or only have to make the trip once a month.

>changing the subject from wealth to race

*not directly

>Let's just move onto desirable land, who could have possibly thought about that before us?

No, I'm not a communist that wants everything shared evenly so "I can sit at home and smoke weed all day"
Opportunities exist for everyone, some just want everything handed to them on a silver platter without lifting a finger for it

How does it feel being cattle?

>Implying they aren't connected
Theres a reason sub saharan africa is the poorest place on earth. Everywhere was poor once, but its places with intelligent people that stopped being poor.

>Opportunities exist for everyone
What opportunities exist for the people in OP's image?
Should they go work at McDonalds?
How is what you're saying any different from Jews saying they shouldn't have to pay for your education or healthcare?

>basic craftsmanship
Yeah with resources, materials and skills they were never afforded the privilege of having. Just go to their village library and grab a book about carpentry, why not just check it out on the internet. Oh thanks based cuckitalist you showed them how to make a cart now they can get a few more sticks, you saved their village, one day they will get a small loan of a million dollars and start a cart business. All thanks to you man. We all have equal opportunity!

>cuckitalists itt be like those 3 african women have equal opportunity look they were too retarded to make carts like Elon musk would in those shoes, see they deserve to be poor Woot!

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>Implying you cant learn that shit on their own
>Implying they dont already obviously have wood and tools to cut the wood
>Implying anyone who carries sticks all day isn't retarded to begin with

Not that user but
>I've never tried carving wood into anything but I know how easy it is

Nobody's saying they'll be like elon musk, that requires the talking skills to jew investors. Their poverty is their own fault though. The point is that if you are working hard but not smart you might as well not be working at all

Apparently nobody.

>Implying these things don't exist as hobbies
Anyways, i don't give a fuck how hard you think it is. Your whole argument is that they work hard because they carry sticks all day. If they arent willing to put in the effort to learn how to do things better, then they deserve to be poor.

I feel powerless to challenge the notion that a change would only happen with killing a lot of the population or something as drastic as that.

When you get that all it requires in theory should be things as simple as basic as empathy and honesty, it hits hard.

If they didn't want to carry sticks around, overthrow your society. Currently they're accepting their situation and acknowledging that it's their role.
You're not rich because your bank account is stacked, you're rich because you have a comfortable life and a sense of belonging.
Or are you gonna claim every person prior to the invention of money were miserable?

>Their poverty is their own fault though
wew user, I guess history is just a spook then

>hurr they're not working smart
Please, o enlightened one, tell us how the wheel of a cart made qith the materials they have should look like

>>Implying these things don't exist as hobbies
They don't. Do you honestly think building a cart by hand without machines is something you could easily do in any reasonable amount of time and effort?

>Anyways, i don't give a fuck how hard you think it is. Your whole argument
I'm not the other user you retard. The argument is that you are so blinded by how rich you are that you can't even consider how hard it must be to carve wood into ANYTHING by hand.
How long do you think it takes to chop down a tree?

>If they didn't want to carry sticks around, overthrow your society.
They do on a regular basis. Remember Kony 2012? Africa is full of militaries overthrowing corrupt Governments only to form corrupt Governments of their own.

>You're not rich because your bank account is stacked
Everyone in this thread is objectively rich.

>Or are you gonna claim every person prior to the invention of money were miserable?
Money has actively made the lives of everyone, including robots on Jow Forums, worse.

Niggers carrying sticks is not something that is valuable to the world, so why would anyone pay for it? The problem is that niggers are stupid enough to think that expending energy ooga boogaing like a savage is work, when most of what they do actually has negative value and is detrimental to civilized society.

>Blaming things that happened over a hundred years ago for the poverty of today
Sure, just look at all those dirt poor irish, or finnish, or poles, or koreans, or any other in a massive list of people who were oppressed but did fine. Anyways, you would truly have to be a brainlet to not accept that africans were even poorer before history came around.

Maybe my first wooden cart would be shit but that's basically the process of learning, you build so much fucking wooden carts until they are useful. When you've mastered the wooden cart craftsmanship, you supply the fellow nigeroids with carts. Then you begin to research something more useful

Yeah but where are they gonna get the hardware?
You know, screws, nails? Thing you need to fasten piece of wood together. I'm still trying to imagine this magical kart the privvie whyboys aren't explaining how to make. Maybe just fasten the axle down with some sinew mane. They should learn how to make dovetails and shit too, you know basic stuff, worth doing so you can push sticks around instead of carry them.

>Niggers sitting on land full of natural resources
>Have no money to buy equipment required to extract it
>Have no means to building the equipment required to extract it
>Joint venture between Chong and Goldberg gets the land for pennies from the Military Dictator ship Ooga lives on
>Ooga has to work for a few USD a week to extract the resources
Stupid niggers should have just been born rich.

>You should waste literal years of your life on a cart that will use up valuable resources
>When you are already using your time and resources to survive
Why don't you just work at your dad's investment company bro?

How did Chong's ancestors manage to extract the resources from their land? How did the people Goldberg's ancestors leeched off manage to extract the resources from their land?
Every other region and culture on Earth managed it, but Africans can't. And Aboriginals, but they're not even human.

The lady on the right in op's pic has a watch. Its not like they don't have any access to non savage markets to buy the stuff they cant make on their own

also i have built a robust partition wall out of friggn warddrobe parts the previous tenant left on the attic. Everything is possible if you use your brain

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>>Blaming things that happened over a hundred years ago
>>user can't into high school world history
There's much more to it than the 19th century user. The most important part being civil wars because, guess what, colonialists obviously didn't forge any kind of national identity in the lands formerly ruled by a multitude of tribes and small kingdoms.

>irish, or finnish, or poles, or koreans
>wew look at all these strategic countries that were much more important for world powers during the last century, guess subsaharan africans had exactly the same conditions for development as them
Please, stop

Reinvesting capital into an enterprise to improve efficiency isn't really a matter of intelligence-- it's an intuitive and obvious step forwards-- it's a matter of how much dispensable earnings are available to re-invest.

And, oh gee, would you look at that, manual laborers don't produce much in the way of profit margins because, under capitalism, they're massively underpaid in comparison to the amount of value they produce.

If you only make 10 ruples a day hauling sticks and you need 9 to feed your family, you don't exactly have the luxury of being able to afford better equipment for your endeavor. What little surplus you manage to accrue over time will be held in reserve for emergencies like paying for health services.

And honestly, if they were going to have enough surplus wealth to re-invest, using that to buy a wagon or rickshaw would be fucking stupid. Much better to spend that money to send either themselves or their children to a place where they can get an education so that they can stop working as unskilled laborers hauling sticks.

>Literally no one in Africa has the means to extract resources
>Africa has never had the ability to extract resources
Imagine unrionically believing this.

Then they could first make a sled and cut the labor in half. You aren't about to say they are too stupid to do that too huh? Anyways, its their unwillingness to plan beyond the next day that keeps them poor, and that is their own fault

Why would a sled work better than carrying sticks on their back? Did those straps come with the wood? Or did Goldberg feel especially charitable one day and decided to use his superior white intelligence to gift them with something that'd make their lives a bit easier?

>Implying korea wasnt once a conteder for the worlds poorest country
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about finland
Anyways, yeah, civil wars suck, but there are countries in africa that didn't have any, and guess what, they still have loads of poverty. Civil war has little to do with the inability to think past one day though, which is the cause of the poverty on the level of ops pic.

Because it would take less people to carry the same amount of stuff.

If niggers really worked that hard they would live in normal societies now

Everyone was poor in the beginning. Reinvestment has little bearing on how much you currently have, since you can always set aside one hour to try new things, or eat just a little bit less today so you can eat alot more next week.

>>Implying korea wasnt once a conteder for the worlds poorest country
>>Implying anyone gives a fuck about finland
Damn, I thought burgers were supposed to know at least a little bit about the Cold War

>Civil war has little to do with the inability to think past one day
Yeah, it's easier for westerners to just blame the cattle for being slaughtered. I mean, I wouldn't want to have the blood of millions of people in my hands either, especially considering shit like Yemen which is happening in 2015+4 and not muh six gorillion years ago...

>you can always set aside one hour to try new things
Not when you spend your time procuring the resources you need for food and shelter.

>or eat just a little bit less today so you can eat alot more next week.
You act like these people are eating food in excess.

>Cold war
Damn, those russians must have been really interested in the Irish

Also you can go suck a dick for the second part. Planning ahead is important regardless of what resources you have.

nah most people geniunely believe it because they have never been in a position where no matter how hard they worked they wouldnt make it. And they blame other people for their problems like immigrants and shit. they also see average people get successfull and it perpetuates the myth that it can happen to anybody, which it can, but so can winning the lottery.
I like to say hard work is not a guaruntee of success. But the normie pill is that if you don't work hard then you can't complain about not getting anywhere. And then they just drown themselves in alcohol every weekend to offset the struggle.

All you fucking geniuses who think you could build your way out of having to carry this load wouldn't survive a week in that country lmao. Porbably the terrain prevents them from doing that.

No, in the "beginning" we didn't bother exchanging resources for labor, we just stole whatever we wanted from other people.

Even when a demand for labor started, that demand wasn't met with payment, it was met by enslaving people and forcing them to labor for free.

It took a long time to reach the point where economy wasn't just straight-up exploitation, and by that time there were already substantial inequalities of wealth and resources.

Point to one example of a successful capitalist who started from the point that these people are at and was able to create an enterprise with sheer "ingenuity".

>Damn, those russians must have been really interested in the Irish
Thanks for proving my point

They arent new inhabitants on a deserted island or something
If they are hunter-gatherers, they have no excuse. If they are subsistence farmers, then most of their work is during harvest or planting, and in between they have plenty of free time.

no because that's not hard work. lifting things might be ****hard**** the first few times but only because it hurts a few muscles. hard work implies complexity and consistency in how actually hard it is. if those women solved problems, they would in fact become millionaires and the world is overall fair over time.

I would probably get murdered by some nignog for being white. If I didn't get murdered then there's extremely high chances I use my functioning brain to invent something to carry that shit

you must be so intelligent and innovative, thats why you hang out on Jow Forums

I agree with this user

Why are you rich then?

>Implying billions of dollars havent already been invested in africa

>he thinks you can just move wherever the fuck you want

>nigger bad, white good
Such a childish worldview, my God.

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>those 3 african women have equal opportunity
Lemme stop you right there. Anyone with a functioning brain understands these African women, and the African population in general, never had an equal opportunity to develop or accrue wealth, because they have an insurmountable intellectual deficit.

>they were too retarded
Based, redpilled, factually correct and demonstrably true. It is not a coincidence that every undeveloped populace in the entire world, every single one of them, have far below average IQ to the point where many are eligible for the diagnosis of "mild mental retardation".

I think you should go live with these people because you are also, clearly, retarded.

I am not from Jow Forums. I am just very sure that people in africa dislike or even hate white people. If I didn't care about being alive I'd pay the trip to africa for us both, so I can show you what I mean.