I finally decide to try Tinder because why not

>I finally decide to try Tinder because why not
>choose two-three good photos and a good bio (rock climbing, playing guitar, hiking, shit like this) and I set to wait.
>after three weeks of swiping right, nothing
>today I decide, in my masochism, to try a little experiment and change the one photo where my face is seen with pic related of random chad found on the internet; everything else stays exactly the same
>less than 15 minutes later: 10 matches and 1 super-like
Fuck genetics and fuck this world

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how would u/others rank urself lookswise? also wew thats brutal

>tfw too scared to use tinder

I could've been a chad if I didn't lose all of my hair prematurely

Feels real fucking bad to be so close yet so far

Originally proof

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First of all, tinder is for value-less whores who want some quick sex. If it's for quick sex, of course they'll prioritize looks. If you want to try your hand at women who are looking for someone who shares strong core values, get off Tinder, dummy.

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Tinder is for hookups, my friend. Of course people will only care about looks.

I'd rank myself a 6, maybe a 7 on good days and when I shave

>10+ likes

did it show 3+ likes before you changed the picture? Or no likes at all?

Try to emulate that pose as much as you can

Women aren't the only ones that can become masters at faking decent photography

If your face is shit try some weird angles, etc.

No likes at all with my pic

Then see and get off Tinder, and next time learn why the place you're in exists before you start to explore.

>get off Tinder
And get on what if my social life is non-existent?

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I've thought about using Tinder a couple times. But I know it would only be bad outcomes. Women who see me on there would all swipe left because I'm ugly. Girls I know who see me on there would make fun of me for using it...because I'm ugly.

Two separate questions:

1) Should you get off Tinder?
Yes, it's for quick sex, in which looks are prioritized, which you've proven you cannot muster.

2) Your social life non-existent - what should you do about it?
I don't know - that's your problem. I just have good reason to think you don't belong in one of the avenues you've explored.

brutal, thought maybe you had at least some likes

let me tell you: I have 10+ likes from my real face after having reinstalled tinder last week, and 6 matches. The conversations go nowhere. Nowhere at all. I make a witty comment referencing their profile, some respond, some don't, then trying to converse with them is like trying to talk to a rock.

I have no idea how many matches you need before you have a chance, but in total I've matched with maybe 40+ people on tinder. Not a single date, and very few extended conversations.

Isn't Bumble the current favourite?

Personality cukks , hobby cucks btfo

Welp, this was depressing.
Right now I'm pretty much inclined to fuck around a little more and seeing what happens: should I maybe add some nazi reference in the bio or maybe the pasta which I saw around about thinder whores? Suggestions?
Just in for a good laugh, at this point

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don't put dumb Nazi shit anywhere associated with your name. And stop being a Nazi edgelord, Hitler was a drug-addicted prick, unequivocally.

As for the pasta, go for it if you want a laugh.

Yeah, life sucks if you are ugly. Get off tinder, it's just gonna make you feel bad.

You either gotta live till die of cancer or kys. The choice is yours

>trying to converse with them is like trying to talk to a rock
This, why do they all seem so fucking vapid and boring?

Who said anything about me being a nazi edgelord? Chill man, jesus

Welp, I posted the pasta in my bio (obviosly translating it in my language) and this is the result.
Don't know what to think anymore

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still with the Chad image?

sorry lad. I just don't want you doing anything stupid, you can be sure the government collects data from dating apps to go on your record in case you have written anything compromising (look at security clearance questionnaires - for advanced government security clearances, governments want to know about your dating app usage quite specifically, and it's obvious why)

Obviously, user: that's there to stay at this point.
After this experiment I will probably cancel Tinder and join a monastery or something

Oh didn't know that, thanks for the info then.
I'll be careful

ma chi cazzo lo usa tinder in italia, suvvia

This is well known info at the point user. Even the girls that might like your original photo would prefer Chad. That it how women are, they are basically NPCs. They don't have individual preferences, they are programmed to all like the exact same thing.

Un bel po' di donne che vogliono Chad, apparentemente

>user's first trip to the clown world
Can't leave now.

just BEE yourself, BEE yourself bro

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>choose two-three good photos and a good bio (rock climbing, playing guitar, hiking, shit like this)

Don't bother with this, it's all about the face

Y'know what's weird, i made an okcupid a couple years back just to answer questions and check by match% out of curiosity. I filled my profile with self-deprecating humor and hints i was a neet. I had no photo of myself (or anyone person) but i actually got quite a few messages from decent seeming girls.

I wonder if i actually put a photo of myself that i would have gotten any messages at all.

Yeah I can confirm this, I actually get way more succes when I have some random picture of something else other than myself or my face.

It just lets girls guess and I think they like that, never met anyone after the fact though.

>get maybe one match a month
>decide to put "height: 6'3" in my bio
>suddenly get a couple matches within one day
>mfw I am actually 5'8"

For fucks sake

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This, I just have a super close up selfie, no smile, nothing, and it's my only pic, and I get a decent amount of matches and superlikes. My profile is also left blank.

>girls prefer attractive guys than non-attractive ones where by far the biggest factor is attractiveness.
What did you expect?

i've considered just beeing myself on one of these apps, aka being autistic as fuck and seeing what happens

just think about how much that one little picture shows. It's like virtual reality. She can almost imagine herself sitting in front of a handsome man on a date. It's genius