Why do racists on this website pretend that black people like me are naturally more violent then white people? The color of my skin has no effect on my character. Pic unrelated
Stop being racist
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Cant tell if baiting or just retarded.
I'm not racist but I am sick and tired of shills on this board posting racebait because they're insecure about being black. Like get over yourself already, we wuz kings n president n shit. Get fucking real
Skin color is just a part of being black.
Why would this be bait. I am seriously offended by the racism on this board. How are we any different than you?
Your brains are different.
Plenty of research.
Once a white boy asked me what I believed in. I looked him dead in the eye and said, Wakanda.
Can you really blame us? not every wasp stings but that doesn't people should stop being wary of them because of the few that don't
>I am seriously offended by the racism on this board
Do you have anything to say about the sexism and homophobia too or are you just a black nationalist?
Because violent white people always get excuses like mental illness, bullying, bad home life, social rejection etc. But everyone one else it's "because they are x race" as if those problems don't exist for other races
You niggers are indeed the most retarded kind of apes. Good kek tho.
>race is just skinned color
Good lord that guy is hot
He made my pussy so wet
White girl here btw
Everyone understands the superiority of the black race!
In that case you should be wary of white people too since there are violent whites as well
Im glad to see that no one just responded by calling me the n-word. :)
You can make up bullshit excuses for retarded behavior if you want to, no ones stopping you except you. Go get a diagnosis and start punching old white ladies in the street for looking at you funny and then blame it on schizophrenia.
wow this faggot made my dick so hard
white virgin here btw
Nice larp user
I'm wary of all humans, some more than others, I trust no one
>S-stop being racist
When you stop being a primitive monkey with an unnatural high violent crime rate I might consider it.
And when you stop stinking like shit, have you fucks never heard of deodorant or personal space?
This is just a statement of fact. Europeans publicly executed 1-2% of their population per year for hundreds of years during the Middle Ages. Those executed were overwhelmingly young psychopathic males. This removed a substantial amount of the criminal element from the European gene pool as those killed were not around to reproduce as much as they would have been. We know from modern behavioral genetics and twin and adoption studies that the propensity to commit crime is strongly heritable. Here is just one way blacks, whites and Asians differ genetically that contributes to the groups being naturally more or less violent than one another:
>MAO-A, is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MAOA gene.[...] This gene has also been associated with psychiatric disorders including antisocial behavior.
>In humans, an association between the 2R allele of the gene and an increase in the likelihood of committing serious crime or violence has been found.
>Recently evidence has emerged indicating that a rare allele of the MAOA gene, the 2-repeat allele-may have effects on violence that are independent of the environment. The current study builds on this research and examines the association between the 2-repeat allele and shooting and stabbing behaviors in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups: of the participants, [...] 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.
>Analyses revealed that black men who carry the 2-R allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors
So there you have it. A genotype that has been solidly linked to committing violence is at least 55 times more common in blacks than it is in whites.
>that webm
It's like a dog walking by a wasp's nest and thinking to himself "this should provide no complications, friendly cat on tv said wasps are all good people"
Yes. The misogyny here is retarded. The homophobia is somewhat justified since homosexuals here are incredibly annoying but giving a fuck about who someone is attracted to is stupid. Basically, being upset at a person or thinking less of them because their ancestors came from a certain place or they have a certain set of genitals or something you think is gross arouses them is fucking idiotic.
The difference is, the news wouldn't mention his schizophrenia if he did. If YOU did it though, they'd give you the mental illness pass even if you were undiagnosed.
>let me post a picture that illustrates racemixing tendencies and my desire for white man's women
In the same breath:
>Don't call me a nigger wypipo!
Neck yourself you gorilla nigger.
Wow you're really fucking dumb and insecure, at least I can take comfort knowing you're almost never happy and you at least think your life sucks more than mine just because of your race.
imo blacks are more prone to sudden violence i.e. chimpouts, while whites first form an institution of some sort and then commit organized systemic violence on a planetary scale. asians are like lesser whites, while hispanics are lesser blacks.
>another race bait thread
>we still fall for it
No, my life is probably much better than yours. I just deal with more disadvantages and hurdles than you.
>call a nigger a nigger get puched
>call a white a cracker/redneck/honky/etc. he insults back or just ignores you
Also despite being 12% of the fucking population they commit over 50% of the crimes.
I wonder why people think that niggers are more violent then whites...
Blame your parents then. They had mirrors in their house, they know they're black.
Just remember the human race started in Africa
Funny cause i crushed a lot of nigger skulls in my neighborhood, they just don't learn unless you beat it into them like fucking animals.
New archaeological discoveries point towards south america.
out of africa has been disproven by genetics, just do not think that will be mentioned in the lowlevel curriculum anytime soon.
I love to stare at my beautiful big black cock in the mirror!
Every morning when I wake up with a hard log of wood I feel like the alpha male of the human race!!!!
Stormfags are dumb as the day is long but God damn their low IQ banter is hilarious.
It's very obviously bait, (shit bait at that) but the newfags just can't help themselves and fall for for it anyway.
>I love to stare at cocks
Its noticeable that you do without spelling it out, just for your info.
Its fun to bite the bait from time to time.
Its because on averidge blacks have the majority of single mother household, so you guys don't have a father figure in your life which then leads to poor control of your emotions which leads to rash descisions and outbursts. Blacks do have a lower i.q on averidge aswell but you guys are still in the 90 threshold so it shoulnd't affect it that greatly.