The cyborgs thread died which is bullshit because we probably make up a third or more of present day r9k. Now get in here fellow borg,
and post'em.
/cyborg general/
Other urls found in this thread:
Self bump with template posted by user in original thread
Stop trying to feel special user.
You are probably just a normie.
What do you think would differentiate you from normies?
>omg i'm like so weird lol
>i have frens but deep down i hate them
>i have gf but i'm with her just because i can't get anything better
>reee i hate my job
>omg some days i feel so depressed and shiet
Now I finally know how to fucking describe the status of my retardation, thanks user.
This, basically. This board is almost exclusively underagelings pretending to be losers ironically, who will become failed normies when they are legally allowed to post.
Fuck you faggots, I didn't even make the template but seriously what precious image board space am I occupying that you would be putting to such better use posting fucking same threads every day for years
tfw nogf
tfw hate society
neet vs wagecucks
Fucking boring faggotry among the occasional interesting or fun threads of random subjects.
Even not being fun or interesting at least this is one tiny little thing to do, sorry if you don't want to take the time between doing nothing, jerking off, and doing more nothing to contribute but honestly go fuck yourselves.
Robot made of titanium alloy
The template can be improved. Psychologically outcasted isn't a thing and the end titles psychological axis can be changed to Psychologically Normal vs Psychlogicaly abnormal. I personally would prefer a 3 axes chart, although it isn't possible I understand. The 3 axes being social outcastedness, psychological normalcy, and sexual obsession. Thius 3 axes model allows for 8 quadrants.
Ah the NPC shows up.
let's all take this:
and post our results.
I'll start
>mental retardetion autism and outcasts don't exist
Literally die fuckin NPC
Mfw actually Cyborg
i feel like i'm kind of a failed normie that gained some psychologically bad thoughts over time
I have some normie interests(sports, modern rap music, etc), am extraverted, do believe in equality for everybody and freedom, and people do seem to like me usually when they first meet me, but then they just eventually act condescending, mock me or just flat out leave me. I just get sick and tired of this shit so i just try to keep to myself.
I also had trouble with bullying when i was a kid(cried almost every day at school till i was 13).
Well im almost a cyborg but still robot so i can post here FAGGOTS!
where's the link to this shit
There you are fren
I'm actually the user that made that template, it's surprising to see since I thought nobody used it.
I was expecting to be a robot...
Create the content that you want to see faggot
it's nice that you know who you are
>Your total: 34
>Your class: Wizard Apprentice
Every single thing that you're saying is basically scripted.
I'm glad that I'm not a normalfag at the least.
Of course it is, i'm a robot
if you are a robot you must be some of theese:
>if yes whats the problem?
>if no gtfo normalfag
its that easy
>a lot of friends
>go out every weekend to drink or/and smoke weed with friends
>still virgin at 23 because I can't talk to girls
Failed normie.
I don't, but i have social anxiety.
And what makes you a normie is having friends and a gf. That's literally it, it doesn't matter what mental issues you have if you still manage to get those then those issues are significant enough.
Now gtfo or i will rape your gf
*aren't signifcant
I did this test before and I got a wizard apprentice now I'm a wizard