Why the fuck do people work? Why not just try to get as much free shit as possible? Oh, what, you have to contribute to society? Fuck society. I don't even like society. Capitalism is for slaves.
Why the fuck do people work? Why not just try to get as much free shit as possible? Oh, what...
>Capitalism is for slaves.
I don't know why you tacked that on to your otherwise valid viewpoint.
You're a parasite, a net-recipient, that's your choice. Just accept it instead of blaming capitalism.
Who the fuck do you think is demanding everyone work their asses off until they die?
There has to be people who provide,filthy leech. Where do you think we get all the money,the money tree?
Okay, you can work in the mines and factories. Since you want to do it so badly. Everybody wins. You can work for everyone. Pull quadruple shifts.
Society isn't that bad for all the flack its given. Going to the store is the greatest American pass time that's existed since antiquity. Every job will seem crazy to someone who doesn't have the right brain for it. You just find one that kind of gels. Living in the forest as a scavenger and bush-crafting is its own kind of monetary work if you're smart about. Why not do that and get paid instead of doing that w/o a $ to speak of?
nice cock fellow finnish bro
yes society can suck big times... but it also feeds me and can do great good things. as in times when earthquakes happen as example...
earning feels better than getting for free.
The government, to pay for ponzi pension schemes. This is completely irrefutable.
That's not a capitalist thing by the way, that's socialism at play.
metaphysics you would be too ignorant or unwilling to understand the reason behind.
>earning feels better than getting for free
my life is work. everyone can pay the fuck up.
thanks to capitalism you have capital to live as a NEET
Society hates you. Why should it give you free shit because you are lazy?
>all these new-age zoomers swallowing the gun with their illegitimate reasons for thinking they're all young and responsible and going to make it
haha the new rebels xD
who said he was lazy? lazy people love systems that dispense them goods periodically for standing behind counters in lobbies. doubt he's lazy. candid response lizard man.
That's not socialism, you fucking retard. You've been drinking the boomers' Kool-Aid. Socialism is when the workers own the means of production.
Socialism is pure evil where everyone in the nation starves to death while being pillaged and raped by Jewish finance.
goes both ways, also nobody is personally providing him, he collects welfare checks and eats throwaway food
yes our life is our job. but why the quoting? sorry i didn't understand...
Im a housewife and it is based and I met my husband on here (r9k)
was he bald? or at least half bald? not a related question but i want still to know
Nope he's not bald at all, not even balding.
My father+brothers are balding though so if we have any sons they are likely to inherit bald genes anyway
Nice try kike, that isn't even a real MAGA hat.
People wage slave because they are debt slaves. Americans are the biggest debt slaves of all.
>go to college so they can get a good job but get into debt
>buy everything using a credit card
>buy the latest phone every year
>take out a loan to buy an overpriced car and get into even more debt or lease a new car every year.
>after years of throwing away money to jewish landlords they take out a huge loan to buy a house that will take them 20+ years to pay off
I'm happy that I'm a NEET. I have plenty of money, time, zero expenses and never been in debt.
>Socialism is when the workers own the means of production.
That sounds a lot like capitalism to me. You know what the difference is? We're experiencing that right now under capitalism, whereas we don't have socialism. Capitalists have absolutely no threats left because they've already delivered on all of them themselves.
where do you live? because pretty much nobody is starving in the modern West
ouch... try to get daughters. they won't have those problems. or at least in later age.
>That sounds a lot like capitalism to me.
>Dude just spend literally your entire adult life slaving away to make some assholes rich, so you can buy things that nobody needs and support a society that nobody likes
How the fuck did people fall for this in such huge numbers? People should only work if they want to. We have a name for compulsory work: slavery.
The cause of problems like that in capitalism is the socialism-lite that has infested it.
>Dude all you need is food
>Also, it should be the most unappealing food possible, because I'm an asshole
>Muh southern strategy
Sherman didn't burn the south nearly enough.
what are you talking about? one minute you are claiming that people starving to death "sounds like capitalism" now you are moving goalposts around?
The West has tons and tons of perfectly appealing food. Capitalism has a hyperabundance of food, such that very very few people if ever starve, and the food is delicious as well.
You're the one who brought up the starvation meme. Which is completely false btw. The CIA itself admits that the Soviet Union had better nutrition than the United States. I'm not talking about food, I'm just shitting on your retarded talking point. I was referring to the way capitalism treats its workers.
Except Soviet Russia was financed completely by capitalist nations and would have fallen apart in days if not for welfare from other, capitalist, countries. Oops!
I need to eat food or I'll die
I guess
not the same user as you were talking to. most people's modern conception of communism has more to do with North Korea etc. than 1980s ussr (about to collapse into capitalism anyway)
fact is that very very few people starve to death in the modern West. Stop being a retard
Oh, NOW the Soviet Union was a roaring success. You argue exactly like Hitler's description of jews.
Nobody's talking about food, stop riding that dick. One dumbass boomer brought up muh starvation meme, I batted it down and moved on and then he continued to harp on it.
Yes I do wonder why slaves love their slavery. They take pride in being worker cucks and make a lifestyle and fashion out of it
someone did right here: where "sounds like capitalism" was used in reference to "everyone in the nation starves to death".
You are just being retarded
He named like three things. If you took less Viagra maybe you could pay attention.
then he said "pillaged and raped to death by Jewish finance" which is just anti-semitism and has never been true anywhere in capitalism or in communism.
2008 ring any fucking bells?
>muh Jews did 2008
Literally the financial sector did 2008.
>live in a bus
>collect SSI from the government
>all of my friends and family spend half of their lives at work/getting ready for the next day at work
>they all eat like shit, have no time to themselves, live by the clock
>theyre always too tired to really do anything except sit and watch television unless its a weekend
what a life
>live in a bus
How does this work? Do you own a bus that you've turned into a home, or are you basically homeless and live in an abandoned bus or something?
>hates capitalism
>doesn't want to work
>expects to be given free shit
How shocking and novel
Take a look at this fucken retard
people work because they think they've found something worth working for.
>put in this world against my will
>get shit genes that work against me in every situation
>"wtf stop being a leech and give back to society"
What makes you think you'll be given a choice?
Work is hell, I have no time anymore, but at least I have money. But now I have the funds to actually enjoy things, I no longer have the time.
Yes. People who are brought into a world they don't even like without their consent don't owe society shit. Society owes us.