How do you cope with the fact that life is so unfair?

How do you cope with the fact that life is so unfair?

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by taking advantage of the unfairness in my favor

Enjoying my own life, and doing what I can to make it better.

You just have to, or else you will perish. Easy as that

The kid on the left is born from adults who kept his society peaceful. The kid on the right is born from adults who did not. The fault and blame, or the praise and respect, fall upon their parents, their people, and I have no part of it. So there's nothing for me to cope with.

>get constantly in war with neighbours for shit reasons like religion
>buaaah life is so unfair

Shut the fuck up, you reap what you sow.

Try my best to make it better. I.e don't be an inbred shitskin from a backwards retard culture that is doomed to eternal suffering because I'm of too poor genetic stock

>civil and international wars are a parent's fault


Life is kind of fair though.
That kid on the right is probably going to be dumber than shit like his parents for making him, so it all balances out. He will be mentally strong enough to handle the world around him.

He has power to move around in life. He has a family (or he can make one because he has the same DNA as the people around him). He's all set for a good life in the future.

The war-time/revolutionary environment is provisional for him.

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>>civil and international wars are a parent's fault
Literally yes
>be muslim, as in, willingly being part of a suicidal+homicidal bandit cult
>surprised when everything around you is absolute shit

What about the ismanic golden age? And iran in the 70s?

yeah that white kid's hairline is already fucked up, how is that fair?

>What about the ismanic golden age?
Never happened

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by being born in a first world country.

in mine case i deserve it

had a fairly health normal childhood and family
pure laziness is what has gotten me here

i rightfully deserve to fail

I keep donating to a charity out of principle even when the money isn't really there

It's a meager contribution but it's something

In the future I hope to be able to invest time on decent causes

What about Ibn Khaldun?

>Ibn Khaldun?
Nigger shitskin

Masturbate till the sun comes up and sleep

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About the pic, Europeans also passed through very hard times : black plague, giant wars, starvations...
Just let natural selection do its office

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That was just the calm before the storm. Islamic countries are less stable because their religion and the goverment are not separated like in the west. Their laws either come from Qaran or the medieval times. They still do public executions for example. It reminds me of the french guillotine.

Imagine how bloody european countries would have been in the medieval times with the current technology. You dont have to imagine it tho, you can see what the middle east is today.

You cope by the fact that you can't predict life and that it can go either ways. The left kid is happy now but his life might turn out to be shit as well. The right kid might improve his life later on. In the end though, your total life outcome has a lot to do with choices and not just coincidences.

Here are a selection of quotes from Ibn Khaldun:

>The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage.

>On account of their savage nature, the Bedouins are people who plunder and cause damage.

>Beyond [the Lamlam] to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings.

>natural selection

you wanna tip your fedora even harder?

I think about redistributing the upper castes wealth by force and brutally beheading every capitalcuck who gets in my way. Capitalcucks be like taking up arms to defend their bosses investments so they can go back to busting their ass making their boss a fortune.

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when the kids on the lefts parents spend trillions of dollars bombing the kids on the rights country for Israel.

>as in, willingly
you dont leave islam alive in the type of places that religious wars are going on

A little thing called revenge.

i dont
i dont owe anyone anything and no one owes me anything

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>Be so large that the borders where shit get fucked up are too far away to fuck up enough.

Life was simple back then, no shit you fucked up less lmao

The only reason kid on the left is in the situation he's in is because someone else before him went through hell to ensure he didn't have to. Thats why niggers and arabs never have nice things but asians and whites do. Social conscious and planning for the future.

The kid on the right just looks like a tiny adult.
I have a soft easy life but for some reason I still hate my life. Ever notice how people with higher quality of life are more unhappy than those with worse living conditions? Shit's weird.

I have more interesting things to think about.

by laughing at sand niggers

the kid on the lefts parents destroyed the kid on the rights home in the name of the jewish kid not shown. go fuck yourself brainlet

Let old dudes with no life think they're in control but they have to pay for everything.

That half of the people making it unfair are having it so bad they feel they need to come here to take the piss. You can only imagine what it's like for them waking up in the morning.

The very idea of fairness is "a purely human madness", as Zizek would say. Pre-linguistic animals could never come up with such concepts as fairness or equality because they cannot be found in the natural world.
The concepts of good and evil could likewise be called 'semantic spooks'. It is pure ideology to complain about 'bad things happening to good people'.

Telling me something is fair or unfair is basically forcing your personal ideas about right and wrong, produced by your narrow and untrustworthy experience with your tiny little slice of reality, onto me. Begone, spooks!

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>self destructive behaviors and escapisms from lack of will to live
>impulsive hedonism
>making risky and borderline retarded choices, consequences don't matter cuz inevitable suicide
>trolling, using and destroying the lives of others as a means of revenge

By having had cancer at the age of 5

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Based trucopes

Yeah it's real unfair that the white kids parents act white and build up a infrastructure of social services, allowing kids to thrive, and that the mudslime kid has parents that throw rocks at Merkava V tanks because they're still salty about losing the war they started in 1948 against a bunch of undefrunded jewish peasants and holocaust survivors.

stop posting this / you already have one thread up

It must be true because user said it right?

life is like a game you spawn in a guild with random players with random stats
shit guilds = will disband soon
good guilds = fame glory love people give u stuff just to talk to them
Pray that reincarnation exist and respawn I have no other solution

He was not sub-saharan african you dipshit.

By not being a negro