Its one of those sleepless nights

Come on guys join me. Tell me how are you all feeling.
Im feeling pretty shit can't sleep because of it

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Bruh it is 4 in the afternoon do not go to bed yet XD

I'm also feeling pretty shit. I tried my hardest to seem happy to my parents but I just found out that they read some personal chats that mentioned my issues and they didn't say a word. Now I feel like shit for making them feel like shit because they think their child is a depressed retard.

Im feeling pretty shit but i'm tired as fuck. I'll wait till 8 pm to sleep tho, else I fuck my schedule way too much. That means four more hours of suffering for today.

Whats got you down, OP?

Not everyone lives in the States fag

Do you guys feel like you want to see yourself dead??
I always get a dream where im looking at my own dead lifeless body. Then suddenly few people get inside the room and take my body for cremation. It feels really weird and amazing to see your own lifeless body burn

Are you really depressed??
If you really are then its ok they'll either try to help you or forget it by tomorrow. Don't worry about it just take care of yourself

I don't know man I've been feeling shit since afternoon. The worst part is i don't even know why. My sleep schedule is already fucked. I don't think I'm gonna get any sleep tonight

Don't worry user, if there's no particular reason why you're feeling like shit, then it'll pass quickly, too. It's just one of those days. :) You'll be better tomorrow!

Yeah, I'm really depressed. I don't know how long they've been sitting on this information, though. These are from a few years ago. And I've been trying. It feels nice coming on here and talking to people. :)

It feels really nice to vent here. Sometimes there are too much feelings which are left unsaid inside us. Coming to a place like this, sharing how you feel and finding out that there are strangers who can relate to me is strangely comforting to me.
I didn't like Sharing these things with my parents either. I just didn't want to be another burden on them. You'll be fine user. It will get better

Hello user.
I've felt down recently, but atleast I got a old fren back, so days seem slightly brighter.
What was the last movie you watched?

I'll give you some music too, hope you don't mind.

Thanks fren that albums really nice do you know any more music like this

I don't watch much tv or movies last movie i watched was cowboy bebop i really enjoyed it

I don't really know any artists with this kind of sound, but they just released a new album some time ago.

Btw, it's Bones in case you didn't know

Thanks dude i needed something like this.
I was tired of listening the same old songs for 2 moths

people who can afford a smartphone or anything else, that lets you browse Jow Forums while being in bed and still complain are the worst people. and no i'm not envious at all :(

Thank you. This actually made me cry a little. I feel a bit better now, and hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep quickly tonight thinking of this. :')

What were you listening to before then, fren?
This is my second favorite album from them, breathingexercise is also a good one and sometimes,idontunderstand is a great single
(sorry when I get caught up by a topic I like, I can't stop)

We all have problems dude. Getting these feelings off your chest is very important. Here I'm lying on sofa with a 100$ smartphone i bought after saving for 2 years. There's nothing wrong in complaining when something's bothering you

Lying in bed feeling anxious and depressed, no specific reason for it as far as I can tell

I was listening to La vie en rose i really love that song but it was really getting repetitive. I mostly listen to some random soundtracks like donnie darko, valiant hearts etc that I accidentally stumbled upon.
This albums really soothing as well. I really liked first few minutes of it

How long have been feeling like this dude?

I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I don't know how much you'll like this one, but i hope you do

i really like speech/dialogue samples in songs, they give so much more to the songs.
and if you liked the instrumentals of the two albums, then they're made by Greaf, absolute genius. At your worst, 730 and You'll see are my favorite instrumental albums from him.

Forgot myself again, sorry

>I was tired of listening the same old songs for 2 moths
Jow Forums, the song:

>tfw no gf
a sign of weakness?

Women are looking for dudes to be the leaders not parasites who depend on their gfs in order to be happy.

I don't really know about this one haha but thanks
This is my first time listing to something like this i think Speech amd dialogues really add some nice backstory to the song even if there not related to the oriy song
Thanks for all the recommendations user i will surely check them out.thanks again

No problem
Last I'll reccommend are American Football, Brand New and Tigers Jaw. Theyre all pretty cool bands
and now its time for me to sleep
happy dreams for you user

Happy dreams to you too fren

currently alone in a youth hostel abroad
The people are nice but no privacy is atrocious. also it'd be nice if I got laid

What country are you visiting?

Northern Ireland
It's pretty cool when it isn't raining

Thinking about an older girl I went out with
She used to tease me saying she felt awkward because of how much mire younger than her I looked. Truthfully I look 2-3 years younger than I am.
Its a weird void feeling.

That sounds cute user
But don't indulge in these feelings distract yourself don't let it go any worse

I had a good day for the first time in a long time. Now I'm drinking and shitposting.