Why don't you just get a tomboy gf to play vidya with?
Question to incels on this board
Okay, i'll just go and find that magical tomboy gf tree where tomboy gf grows and pick one.
imagine how much beta orbiters she gets dicked by. Probably having sex right now.
Damn that's hot. Who is she ?
tomboys utterly repulse me
hottest part of that webm is her biting off and chewing on dat tip.
>tfw no tomboy gf to chew on your dick
Why user, it looks and acts like a boi but its biologically female. Its just perfect.
ya... Ima need to see a spread... here.
Who is this? 10/10 desu
Because I can't stand interacting with other human beings let alone starting a relationship with one where I'm obligated to spend long amounts of time with them
You make it sound too easy. How do i do it.
Tomboys don't need to have short hair, its more of a personality trait. Has boyish interests such as playing video games, playing soccer, skating, gathers magic cards, etc. Doesn't fit in with the other girls.
She's your best friend and gf.
>cuts on leg
Gimme a Y, Gimme an I, Gimme a KES
Those are strech marks user.
Then she should take better care of her skin
i'm too busy playing games bro, #gamertime
top kek, what this man said
I do not know any. I used to know a tomboy who transformed into an arthoe. Most former tomboys grow out of it after high school.
yes but HOW do i get one ?
its kittens from /soc/
that's a plus for me
>why don't you just get a _______ gf??
I sincerely hate the absolute shit out of anyone making threads like this. fucking kill yourself
>Why don't you just get a tomboy gf to play vidya with?
Because i could do it, but i was to beta and to cringe and i lost my change with her and now i cannot even talk with her anymore, OH GOD I WISH I COULD HAVE A CHANCE WITH HER I STILL MISS HER.
Those are even harder to find than normal women.
I found one and I fucking lost her
everyone just gonna ignore the FPBP final word on this stupid question?
Tomboys are minor degenerates, they actively reject the gift of being a female
You got a kek out of me, user.
Because they are homosexuals. No woman can be that cool and not also want to fuck women.
A whore who cheated on her boyfriend with a ginger tripfag and caught syphilis from it.
Because they are as rare as fuck.
and usually ugly
nobody here knows what a tomboy is like irl. they just want hot, young-looking girls with no muscle definition and short hair.
u is right pham
And gay as hell
Don't stick a peeled banana down your throat, it can break off too easily and choke you.
Never heard of this, and at that time I was on /soc/
sauce on that story?