Anti tranny thread

are you looking forward to the coming tranny holocaust?

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A tranny holocaust sounds cool, but I don't like focusing energy into things I dislike.

why do you hate trannies? Do you hate MtFs or FtMs more?
Why is it the one mental illness that people aren't sympathetic to?

I really don't like thinking about them since I've seen multiple horrific images of tranny axe wound vaginas.

Honestly sometimes I think about the fact this is allowed in society, how it is spreading through the youth, how more and more are trannies because our sick societies allow it. They allow developing minds to be warped by it

It makes me cry a lot. Or at least very angry and sad at the same time. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother being alive in this sick fucking world. It makes me feel ill.

I don't want to bring children into this place, it's worse than hell.

i honestly cant even be mad at hitler

Kill yourself then fuckin puzzy

How many fucking years of strife has mankind had? All to come to here, tranny frankstein monster children. Nobody to fight against the madness. Nobody. Nobody at all. No one is here. It just fucking happened and nobody cared. Nobody fucking cared.

>are you looking forward to the coming tranny holocaust?
i'm not sure if you realized but the world is getting more and more liberal these days my friend, if anyone will be holocausted its gonna be us

Don't you wanna go to heaven?

ftms are mostly harmless women dealing with trauma by disassociating from femininity. hetero mtfs are dangerous failed men who should just be culled, and make up most of the mtf group. the gay ones I don't really have a problem with. The whole problem is that people are too sympathetic to it. Professionals would never attempt to alleviate an anorexic's dysphoria by encouraging them to starve.

using proper pronouns isn't "special treatment", you don't go around calling random cis women he.

that's literally all trans people ask of you. use the proper pronouns like a mature adult.

Because starving kills you.
Gender dysphoria has the same suicide rate with or without treatment, doctors probably just figure they might as well live their short lives the way they want to.

>Professionals would never attempt to alleviate an anorexic's dysphoria by encouraging them to starve.
Starving is harmful to the person. Living as a woman is not.

i am sympathetic to the sufferers of this mental illness, that's why it makes me upset to see others enable their delusions

Sticking feathers up your butt won't make you a chicken, and no amount of coercion will make me state otherwise.

why are you lying? what are you gaining from it?

injecting excessive amounts of hormones and mutilating your genetalia isn't harmful?

No human is a chicken. Lots of humans are women. Do you not see a difference?

Oh so now you care about the individual?

No. It alleviates psychological pain from gender dysphoria.

All women are human. No tranny is human.

everyone has a male and female half to them because they were born of a male and female. Sometimes one side is dominant. nobody was born a chicken.

>i am sympathetic
no you're not, you just think we are annoying and gross because of discord trannies

Boomer logic. Y even try to argue?

This. I wish people would get them proper help. Has there ever been records of a person liking the results of SRS? Until we're advanced enough as people to be able make real, functioning vags and dicks then surgeons shouldn't be operating.

you can call yourself whatever you like, that's your right but you can't dictate how other people speak.

the suicide rates in mtfs actually go up after "sex change" surgeries. the treatment that should be used is therapy regarding the issues that have brought on the dysphoria, not encouraging a delusion.

you cannot "live as" something you will never be.

A minority of transgender people get SRS. Don't virtue signal to me about how you actually love trannies and it's just tough love.
You don't even know anything about us.

i remember you, you retard. exact argument. how the fuck does "oranges exist, so why cant this apple be an orange" make any fucking sense. kill yourself you fucking tranny/tranny enabler.

>the suicide rates in mtfs actually go up after "sex change"
prove it, dumbass. it's not true.

ignore this cunt, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Citation needed on suicide rates

whats the suicide rate after receiving "treatment"? whats the rate of people that regret getting surgery that literally puts a wound where your genitals used to be?

>you can't dictate how other people speak.
But I can call you an asshole and a transphobe for refusing to give trans people basic respect.

>you cannot "live as" something you will never be.
You can literally become a woman with hormone therapy, voice adjustment, and a new wardrobe lmao. Trans people have brains that are structured like those of their preferred gender.

Post non passing trannies.

You can't tell me that's not Day[9] as a tranny

That isn't what I asked though, I asked if there has ever been records of someone liking what the doctor gave them: that being an axe wound or a sausage sewn between your legs

I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm also not female like another user suggested, so I think I'm being confused for someone else.

Suicide rates are lower after hormone treatment. Sex reassignment surgery isn't common in the first place, and people who regret it are even less common.

>90.2% said their expectations for life as a woman were fulfilled postoperatively.
I can do everything but read it for you, buddy.

0.2% of the population.

Yet we always have to use the right pronouns, and pander to their every fucking whim and desire. I'm not even one of those conservative faggots who tries to push their morality on everyone else, but I'm disgusted and sick of trannies.

So glad I grew out of my trap phase and tranny-enabling/lover phase. Fuck trannies. I can't believe how prison gay can take a hold of someone so strongly. Seek help - not the kind that requires you to take "pink pills".

>Yet we always have to use the right pronouns
Wow it's almost like they're human beings or something

I just want a radfem gf. TERFism is assumed.

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To be fair, most 35 year old women here in muttistan are pretty ugly so (s)he's not wrong

Yes, see here >The very high rates of subjective satisfaction and the surgical outcomes indicate that gender reassignment surgery is beneficial.
>Transgender identity should therefore be considered neither negative nor pathological (1). Unfortunately, gender incongruence often leads to discrimination against the affected individual, which can favor the development of psychological complaints such as anxiety disorders and depression (2- 4). While some transgender individuals are able to realize their gender identity without surgery, for many gender reassignment surgery is an essential, medically necessary step in the treatment of their gender dysphoria

>But I can call you an asshole and a transphobe for refusing to give trans people basic respect.

oh no, how will i go on? basic respect doesn't involve humoring the delusions of the mentally ill.

>You can literally become a woman with hormone therapy, voice adjustment, and a new wardrobe lmao. Trans people have brains that are structured like those of their preferred gender.

You cannot change your sex. Your voice, appearance and voice are not what make you a certain sex. Sexed brains do not exist.

If your entire existence and self-esteem hinges on being called a guy incorrectly, then you should be fucking removed from the gene pool.

the woman next to him looks about that age. she still looks like a woman though.

>trannies willingly remove themselves from the gene pool
>"wtf you cant do that you mentally ill freaks"
>tranny asks to be treated the same way you would treat a cis person
>"you should be removed from the gene pool you fucking fascist"

>humoring the delusions of the mentally ill.
It's not a delusion, it's caused by exposure to the wrong sex hormones in utero, which leads their brains to develop to be more masculine/feminine.

>tfw no redkatherinee gf
the artist who drew this is a cute as fuck. too bad she's a dyke.

How are these people so delusional? Do they live in a bubble?

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>tfw my hairline looks just as bad but I'm only 24
What crimes did I commit in my previous lives to deserve this fate.

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found selfie to prove point. why even live.

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She's cute, but being a dyke is half the charm. Dykes are just inherently better women than heterosexuals. Which is a shitty thing to acknowledge as a man. The real challenge is to find a dyke that's 99% lesbian and to be able to be the one boy she actually wants.

>use my pronowns complete stranger who doesnt know me and has an entire life and experiences of your own completely different then mine
>now say what i want you to say!

>mfw anyone tells me to do anything

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>It's not a delusion, it's caused by exposure to the wrong sex hormones in utero, which leads their brains to develop to be more masculine/feminine.

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I hate how lazy people are here. I'm not even that guy and I can find this with a cursory google search.

There is literally nothing wrong with transpoultry.

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Kill yourselves you tranny faggots, you will never be a female

I am already a female, I want to be a male.

Why not just be my masculine gf and forget the tranny nonsense?

Ok, I will be a girl for you as long as I can be on hormones and tell people I'm a guy.

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you're taking the "there is no such thing as a fembot" meme too seriously.

I'm kinda iffy on the hormones part. Big clit and stronger muscles are positive aspects, but facial hair is a hard negative and it seems like they'd make you look too much of a guy in general.

I'd shave. I wanna be beefy enough to pick you up and carry you bridal style over the threshold of our new home though.

This is absolutely false.
Suicide rates are either the same or slightly higher after both HRT alone AND HRT+SRS.

It's not rocket science. They turn to their late 20s and 30s and now they look like disabled old men, if SRS they also have no dick and have to painfully dilate for hours a day and smell like gangrene.
How do you not kill yourself at that point? What other way is there?

Reminder that most people who shill for HRT and traps are old pedophiles.
Look at the trap porn and hentai, they all look like kids.

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Friendly reminder that less than 5% of 'pink pillers' pass after the age of 30 and 0% after the age of 40. If you really care about your life and future don't make this horrible mistake.

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Absolutely love the idea of being carried bridal style, but the fact that you'd have to shave your face is still offputing.

Not to put you off even more, but I already have to shave my face or I get a John Waters mustache and a Shaggy from scooby doo beard.

Well that blows. You grow more facial hair than I do.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not very desirable as a woman or a man, but I got a cool mustache to make up for it.

The metaphor is meant to convey that even if you start wearing fenale clothing, taking hormones, and doing all manner of other things to make superficial changes to your body, that does not mean that you will be a female in truth. Your attempt at making others see surface level changes as being strong enough to change your inherent qualities will never work, because people will always be able to spot obvious incongruencies between reality and fiction.

Stop trying to influence children you freaks

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>Why is it the one mental illness that people aren't sympathetic to?
Because fag and tranny activists have literally broken into meetings of psychiatrists and bullied them into changing the official definitions and accepted treatments of these mental illnesses into the ones preferred by the mentally ill. Hormones and genital mutilation are supposedly the best and only treatments for trannies and yet post-op trannies attempt suicide at a rate nearly 10 times greater than the general population. And yet, if any psychiatrist dares suggest an alternative treatment or that the ones we have aren't working, he will have his career destroyed by the tranny lobby.

There is no other group of mentally ill people who do this shit and that's why trannies deserve no sympathy until they learn to shut the fuck up and let actual professionals try to help them.

that opens up a new discussion about defining "male" and "female".

we don't fuck off. that is false-flagging shit to make normies hate trannies.

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>The very high rates of subjective satisfaction and the surgical outcomes indicate that gender reassignment surgery is beneficial.
Then why do post-op trannies have such incredibly high suicide rates?

>t. won't read the studies because obviously the massive tranny infrastructure controlling academia strongarmed the data

And one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

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Why do they all have such thing, flat hair?

All trannies do. Pre and post-op suicide rates are close to identical, with only a small decrease seen in the post-op trannies.
also everyone iit including trannies would benefit from reading this

Oh yeah you got me, I didn't read the studies that I'm literally citing. This is why normal people hate you. You not only refuse to seek help for yourself but you actively attempt to prevent others from seeking legitimate help even though you know that your solution can't help them.

>The prevalence of suicide attempts among respondents to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), conducted by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and National Center for Transgender Equality, is 41 percent, which vastly exceeds the 4.6 percent of the overall U.S. population who report a lifetime suicide attempt, and is also higher than the 10-20 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual adults who report ever attempting suicide.

>b-but that study is fake, you have to read only the ones I post!
prove your claim.

>Pre and post-op suicide rates are close to identical, with only a small decrease seen in the post-op trannies.
Why do you lie? What do you stand to gain from encouraging sick and confused young men to do things that are statistically proven to make them more likely to want to die?

> As shown in Table 5, respondents who said they had received transition-related health care or wanted to have it someday were more likely to report having attempted suicide than those
who said they did not want it. This pattern was observed across all transition-related services and procedures that were explored in the NTDS.

such beautiful ladies

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You didn't cite a study in that post, if you did previously itt then I didn't know because this is an anonymous image board.
Also go to page 8 in your PDF.

and then, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

I'm not lying and I am not encouraging "sick and confused young men" to do anything. I'm trying to stop the spread of misinformation.
>As shown in Table 5, respondents who said they had received transition-related health care or wanted to have it someday were more likely to report having attempted suicide than those
it doesn't say that in the thing I linked, try ctrl+f

>You didn't cite a study in that post
It's a very well known study and you're a fucking joke if you're coming into a thread like this to argue without being familiar with it.

>Also go to page 8 in your PDF.
The page I cited here ? Let's look closer!

>MTF suicide attempt rate: 42%
>MTF who have had genital surgery suicide attempt rate: 49.7%

Gee, look at that. Fucking 49.7%. You know what that means, any of you kids out there thinking that it might be a good idea to have some (((doctor))) slice up your dick? It means that you can flip a coin to see the odds of whether or not you're gonna try to kill yourself after the surgery is done. Heads you don't hate it enough to kill yourself, tails you hang yourself in your closet. Wow, can you believe that there are some bigoted people out there who think that this isn't the perfect treatment?

>false flagging
hol up now
so you be sayin
that the media, government and corporations
are both endorsing the tranny agenda 24/7
by bashing, smearing and banning anyone against it
and playing 4D chess false flag moves against them
at the same time?

So so so
hol up
when the founder of the first gay rights movement, the Mattachine society
Mr Harry Hay
endorsed, was endorsed and had deep connections with pro-pedophilia movements
that was also a false flag?
hol up a minute sir

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>the media, government and corporations are all owned by the same people

Anyone got the original vid of that clip?

80% of children who experience gender dysphoria get over it by the time they are 18 where there is no intervention. If there is intervention, such as puberty blockers (which leave children infertile and will have lifelong ill effects on them, despite what the trans lobby would have you believe) almost all will continue with the transition. just because something is inconvenient to you doesn't make it untrue. this is what your allies believe is right.
In addition, rates of children with gender dysphoria being medically interfered with have skyrocketed. the tavistock clinic in london, which exclusively deals with children received 97 referrals in 2009. In the first four months of last year, they received 2,519. this is sick and it's a direct effect of the entitlement of people like you.

>theres no difference in severity to GID as there is in other illnesses
>the people who don't want treatment are obviously as dysphoric as the people who do want it

>everyone i don't like is entitled
also correlation doesn't equal causation you fucking nutjob.

You can spin it however you want but the fact is that half of the people getting genital surgery try to kill themselves afterwards. And yet, tranny activists will crucify the fuck out of any doctor who dares suggest something different.

You cannot change sex, you cannot change gender either; gender does not match the sex all the time.
>sexed brains do not exist
men and women think the same?

>wut is brain plasticity? hurr?
I can't tell if you're a brainwashed retard or a shill, so in case it's #2 you're earning your shekel.
We've been doing alright as a species without souping our children up on hormones for the last couple tens of thousands of years.

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Hey kids!
Did you know that the term "Gender" as it pertains human psychology was coined by a self-proclaimed "Sexologist" pedophile jew by the name of John Money?
Mr Money's "research" on traps was laughed off by the entire scientific community, until he found a little boy whose peepee got severely infected after the jewish genital mutilation ritual.
Money proceeded to "socialize David Reimer as a girl" for his entire youth, even involved his older brother and had them 'simulate' sexual acts with each other to "normalize David as a bottom" and took pictures of these events for his...personal collection.

As you can imagine the experiment was a rousing success.
Both brothers, once they came of age, horrified by what they had participated into killed themselves, and Money was never able to prove the existence of "Gender".
To this day, nobody has been able to prove that "Gender" develops independently of sex, or that gender is a real thing that affects the human psyche at all.
Isn't child abuse great? Honk Honk away!

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It causes a healthy, normally functioning body to be deformed and no longer functioning correctly
Its sad and painful to see people damage themselves, make themselves infertile and in the case of mtfs, make themselves weaker
In nature its not too uncommon for species to change sex naturally. There are also people born intersex and there is a long history of people of what was called the third sex around the world, people who have souls that dont match up with their bodies. So this isnt a black or white issue. But most trans people I think needed to be sat down and told that, you just have to accept the way god or the universe made you and not to crave a new material shell for their immortal soul

He looks like Randy from TPB with a wig and a shirt on.