Layne Staley was one of us

>barely sociable
>lost oneitis and never got over it
>lost all of his teeth and a few fingers
>was a NEET the last 4 years of his life only going outside to get vidya and drugs
>no contact to anyone
>was found dead 2 weeks after he died as a rotting corpse with the TV still on
>overshadowed by Kurt (Chad's) legacy

Really makes you think.

Attached: layne.gif (500x375, 677K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>overshadowed by Kurt (Chad's) legacy
I've always thought about this, crazy because Layne had a way better singing voice imo

It's quite obvious why. Kurt was way more marketable, girls still cream themselves over his face even though he's been dead since 1994. In the music industry looks > talent, which is even more true so today.

I'll admit that Kurt had some great songs though.

Attached: nirvana-kurt-cobain-by-gilbert-blecken-1991-1.jpg (640x424, 378K)

>was a neet for 4 years
try 6 or 7, he was never seen again after Unplugged with the exception of their 2 '98 singles.
Layne honestly was the truest robot, just listen to their self titled, it is him accepting his fate and death. his voice was the soundtrack for a good chunk of my teen years. RIP

AIC was the goat. They wrote great songs.

god i fucking love his voice.

How did he lose his fingers?

>comparing a world famous rockstar who travelled the world to live his dream while acquiring a great deal of sex and wealth to some whinny r9k virgin who's only highlight of the day is fapping to his oneitis

Makes you really think

Heroin and crack. He was an absolute skeleton by the end, but he lost his fingers about a year before he died. It's sad as fuck because he made sure to visit Toys' R' Us at night when he bought vidya so he wouldn't scare any kids. This is what he looked like 4 years before you died, now imagine what he looked like at the end. Sad part is that this shit wouldn't have happened without Demri, and that one of his bandmates visited him on the day of his death but didn't stay.

Attached: layneteeth.jpg (259x194, 6K)

>lost all of his teeth and a few fingers
wtf how?

You obviously know nothing about Layne.

Attached: demri and layne.jpg (285x177, 11K)

He was a fucking rockstar/drug addict you fucking idiot

Also it's sad to know he never got to experience MGS3 - MGV since he was a huge Metal Gear fan.

Attached: layne halloween.jpg (662x494, 33K)

Freak cocksucking accident.

>had friends
>good looking
>had girlfriends
Not even close fuck off. He had a happy life before the addiction overtook him.

Oh and you do? Is this why you made this thread? You're also just like Staley?

This is a bit upsetting. Imagine taking your craft so much more seriously than this guy, and you had never thought you would have to compete with him, but when you do you find you're absolutely no match for him. That is assuming Cobain's success really did push bands like AIC out of the limelight.

It's not that hard to inform yourself

Chad Kurt destroys Virgin Layne
But really, I doubt that Kurt intentionally pushed AIC out of the limelight since he seemed so apathetic about Nirvana's commercial success. Even so, Layne's other band Mad Season and AIC deserve the same praise Nirvana got, if not more

Both had their lives ruined by shitty BPD women.

he died nearly a decade before i got into their music, but it's still upsetting that a voice like that was lost. RIP layne.

Kurt was shitting on AIC quite a lot until he started to shoot coke with AIC's guitarist.

A junkie is a junkie.

Kurt just found his perfect match. He was batshit insane and couldn't get enough of fame, he literally spent millions upon millions on cars and heroin while trying to manipulate his fans into believing he's not at all like that because that's "fake". Not to mention he called journalists late at night and threatened to kill their families if they'd give their new album a bad score (some of them can be found on YouTube). He also shot up a pizza place in France.

Attached: End it for me, Kurt.jpg (1280x854, 95K)

>shot up a pizza place in France
source on this please

It's literally in the article
I'd quote it but I'm on phone right now and r9k doesn't allow certain Symbols at the moment it seems

>Pick up the phone