My little sister thinks theres nothing wrong with being a slut. What can I say to convince her otherwise?
My little sister thinks theres nothing wrong with being a slut. What can I say to convince her otherwise?
Don't, she's correct. Just make sure she's received proper sex-ed.
Also, getting deja-vu from this thread.
Too late. Being a bald-faced whore is the terminal stage. Should've been vigilant for it earlier. Nothing you can do now except watch (but don't literally watch you degenerate).
Just let her know that good men will turn her down when they find out she's a slut
she's right
std's are preventable
sex is good
the chart on divorce and number of partners is a serious correlation/causation fallacy - more religious people are far less likely to do both simply in virtue of being religious
I don't have it but isn't there a study that found that more sexual partners is correlated with unstable marriages and divorce?
i don't know OP, i have no sisters. wish i had one to hug and cuddle though, maybe that's what she needs. love from her family
Tell her to be a smart slut
Instead of surrendering to cock she should get into domming betas out of their cash and have everything done for her
religion is the primary factor which I think is likely to be a cause of both, and I think if you controlled for assessed religiosity, the data would be very different.
I told her (before) and she says that a better man wouldn't in current year. I think she's right that theres enough guys that don't care.
Look at post above you.
Im thinking of arguing that its bad because it shows a culture of putting happiness before family and comunity rather than getting happiness from thise things.
super stds immune to treatment are popping up because we have been treating them too much and acting irresponsibly.
Don't try to convince her that there's something wrong with it, because there isn't, really. Do try to convince her that it has risks and consequences (you know, like every other choice you make about how to run your life) and that she ought to consider that ahead of time.
You can't make someone want family and community.
Sluts to me are just disgusting. Why do I feel this way if its not. Why is imagining my sister being a slut so off putting? Is slut shaming culture actually bad? I want her to be happy but it feels so wrong.
Your subjective feelings about the matter are not reality. Reals over feels, remember? If she's having fun that outweighs the problems, then she's entitled to live that way no matter how disgusted you feel.
prevention isn't the same as treatment
Break her bones.
Honestly user, the biggest mistake you could make right now is trying to convince her that being a slut is bad, all you're going to do is push her more into being a slut, most women try to to do opposite of what the fathers and brothers in their lives tell them to do
I think there's an extent to which even theoretically safe promiscuity can be a problem, and that's when you have sex with people you don't trust or respect. If you wouldn't want to hug them if they were unattractive, it doesn't seem sane to fuck them just because they are attractive. Also if you don't like them at all for who they are, you are just using and being used by them.
So random one night stands seem bad to me, but FWB situations and such seem good and healthy.
Stds can pass from skin contact not just cum
Ik thats why i asked why I and other men feel this way. Why did evolution mean by it. I wasn't meaning my feeling were arguements. I cant help but think I will hate her if she becomes a slut. How do i stop finding sluts digusting? Idk man now im venting.
i smell plebit
whores don't deserve any respect whatsoever
>If you wouldn't want to hug them if they were unattractive, it doesn't seem sane to fuck them just because they are attractive.
I hear you. For me, it was getting sexual experience myself and actually seeing that you could be a slut and a good person at the same time that did it. I still don't choose to live my life that way, but I understand why people do. You have to introspect and understand what it is that bothers you so much - if you care enough about community to slut-shame, why not volunteer at a homeless shelter and do more for you community than any amount of slut-shaming ever will?
Get you some synthetic pheromone cologne and tell her that sluts will fuck anyone including their own brother then ram it in her ass.
Funny you should mention that, I just got done telling another thread why I hate reddit. You're still a fucking faggot, though.
For one, because my body is pretty personal, and it's a pretty direct link to my experience. If I don't feel comfortable with touch because of lack of knowing a person, my dick won't change that, it will just overpower that discomfort with it's urges. That's not good because it means I'm not listening to my own sense of self respect.
Secondly, because it means that you are sorta just liking the person for their appearance, and regardless of themselves, and are being liked in the same way. That's hallow at best and demeaning at worst. If there's no psychological aspect to sex, it's gonna be really unfulfilling. If there's a psychological aspect with no closeness of any kind, it's going to be based in a lie.
>Sluts are good people and there's nothing wrong with their demented lifestyle.
So do you enjoy 16 OZ or 1 liter of cum daily?
Having more sexual partners devalues the intimacy of sex, relationships and pair-bonding. The notion that men and women (more-so) remember their first sexual experiences and partners holds up well if you've had any amount of friends and talked to them. There is a reason the term "slut" exists and holds a negative connotation for women within all societies.
STDs must pass through bodily fluids by definition
otherwise, they are just diseases
Also, skin contact is just about the hardest way to transmit any disease.
Why do you want to lie to your sister?
I mean, if it works for them, what's wrong with it? I'm not a slut, I don't sleep with sluts, so I have no reason to care. People severely butthurt about not getting laid typically do care, though, even though it has nothing to do with them either.
She's gone, user. It's already too late.
Marriage-material grade men do care. No one wants to share skin with miles of cock. Spend some time fishing in /pol for some stories about women hitting "the wall" to show her for reference
The only reason not to have reckless sex is your emotional well-being. Women are forcing themselves to enjoy being sluts because society has made that seem cool and progressive.
Suggest that relying on sex with strangers is a maladaptive coping mechanism that stops personal improvement.
Tell her to never fuck without a condom. She will stop only when she gets bored of sex or if she gets an STD
Nothing, whether or not they're a slut is decided at birth. The best thing you can do is cut all ties.
if you have to convince her its already over
Terrible advice from these normalcattle behead her! I'm not kidding or being edgy my older sister is a slut and since she was already one by the time I could understand what a slut was I couldn't have prevented it. however my father could have dealt with it and he decided not to as he's a beta faggot and now my sister is a dysfunctional depressed tattooed pierced drug addict with dyed hair and she's in a polyamorous relationship she will never have children or a family. once they become sluts the damage is done and their souls are forever dammed it is more moral to kill them in the hopes of minimizing the damage they will cause to themselves their family god and society at large. This is a warning op do what thou wilt but there will be serious consciences for inaction.
Get her raped by a nigga
pro tip
find a girl who isnt a whore and start a relationship with her. how your sister destroys her life does not concern you. worry about things within your control.
Who cares what some men will do?
>What can I say to convince her otherwise?
That women have a very limited time window to find a partner for life. The overwhelming majority of single people over the age of 40 are women. She's a biological ticking time bomb, nature itself is going to tell her it's wrong but it's up to her to find out the hard way or not. If you don't use your youth on serious monogamous relationships you won't have you want, especially long term. This isn't even just about finding a partner mind you, her potential for children only decreases over time, even having a kid in your 30s instead of 20s is not only more difficult, but the kids are less healthy, less intelligent, and so forth (part of why so many kids today have ADHD...people have kids later).
>I told her (before) and she says that a better man wouldn't in current year. I think she's right that theres enough guys that don't care.
All men care, they just won't open up about it until after they fuck her.
won't have one you want*
Be a man for once in your miserable, faggot life, OP. Tell her that men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos, emotional baggage, and STDs. Don't let her destroy her ability to pair-bond and doom herself to a future of crazy catlady spinsterhood by hopping on the cock carousel. Nut up and do something right for a change.
>but don't literally watch you degenerate).
Tbqdesu, he might as well, if his weakass, effeminate, feeble attempt at masculinity has already allowed the illusory prospect of sluthood to gain such a foothold in his sister's psyche. Being forced to watch his little sister's guts get dug out by rando thug niggers she associates with for purposes of cultural enrichment seems to be, I think, a fitting consequence for a failure of a man like OP. He played a role (or rather, failed to do so properly) and contributed to her downfall, after all, and is thus obligated to witness the consequences of his actions, or lack thereof, the coming to fruition of the seeds he allowed this shithole clown world cancer society to plant in the garden of his sister's mind instead of those of his family.
only correct answer. she's already made up her mind and any reasoning you try and offer her will only be met with "this is my life and i want to do it this way."
>the homeless shelter is full of slut shaming volunteers again
>Also, skin contact is just about the hardest way to transmit any disease.
Unless it's hpv or hsv in which case it's very easy
How unusual is it to be 24-year old kissless virgin?
I get the impression that a lot of people are lying about having relationships/just not saying anything and that being a kissless virgin in your 20s is really quite common.
Who are these "good men"? The spastic virgins of Jow Forums? I don't think those count as good men
>dont think those count
Normie leave
>actually seeing that you could be a slut and a good person at the same time
(citation needed)
Latest stats collected were reported in the Washington Post, and apparently 30% of American guys are celibate. Its impossible to get accurate numbers on virginity for guys because they're usually too embarrassed to admit it.
The 'men' on here are worse than any Chad. Save your pussies for Chad, fembots.
>it feels good = it's good
fucking animal
It's fine that you like pleasure, but men are biologically wired to think less of promiscuous women.
>sex is good
Good goyim.
stop posting pictures of irish trash whores
>tfw you're so sexually frustrated you convince yourself recreational sex is jewish propaganda