Self improvement

have you robots done anything to improve your overall life could be anything no matter how small

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I've been trying to prove my own soul - lots of (failed) art practice and long, early morning nature walks looking for gods and talking to animals. I'm not sure what I'm improving but I feel better sometimes.

Went 2 weeks without fapping last month.

I train in my sport until exhaustion and then some in the hopes I become pro one day despite starting so late in life. I don't desire the money or acclaim, merely the ability. To attain their level of skill for my love, to reach new heights.

I've been eating both less and healthier. I already feel like I'm improving as a person

been saving money so i can do a trip overseas and visit friends!

stopped caring about things that bug me. Just kidding

Been lifting weights and exercising every day and studying Japanese, feels good man

Stop self improving and burden the system with your uselessness

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but then they'll just replace us with immigrants

Who's going to finance the immigrants if there's no one willing to work?

>Who's going to finance the immigrants if there's no one willing to work?
Females. They work like donkeys

Im gonna marry the black girl I impregnated

I gave Uni a second shot, i started working
my current goals are finding a better paying job and starting a regularly study

trying to stay off opis, nearing a month, was on them daily for 3 fucking years. My brain feels broken but I just ordered some steroids so I'm about to get hacked bros

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Same, started last summer. But not much has changed. Some days I feel great and confident. I mean I am in better shape n look a lot better but it doesnt stop me from feeling the self hate and acknowledging the disappointment that I am. Im still too weird, I still feel like a creep and out of place. im still not attractive enough to get her attention. I can get the awww thats cute reaction but... yeah. I mean its worth the effort on good days but the issue is still inside your head and social skills matter quite a bit too. Its not THE solution is what Im trying to get at
Ive been saving up too just in case I wanna do this with some friends I made online but im afraid theyll just ghost me. If I cant meet someone locally, why would someone far away wanna see me?
I need to finish too

Started talking go a girl on my course, but she either left me on read or just completely ignored my message. It was so awkward one time when we saw each other on campus, she started fumbling with her phone trying to show me that she read my messages. I kind of stopped texting after that. Now I texted her again yesterday, no reply. Should I just try and move on bros? I like her but it's become pretty clear it isn't mutual.

Im sorry user but best move on before you get further attached. She could line you later tho. Making the wrong choice now may fuck it up. Friend zone her or yourself if you want

>Now I texted her again yesterday, no reply.

You answered yourself, user. Best thing to do is move on. It was simply love not corresponded. Stop thinking you messed up or something

I'm even proud of you. You made your move to talk to a girl. That's a lot for Jow Forums anons

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i've been lifting for years and i have a good diet.
other than that, i'm a failure in every way possible

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Started sleeping my 7-8 hours a day. It really makes the difference in my studies. Also been going to lots of finance conferences at uni and start reading books again.

Maybe, next semester I'll get a job at a brokerage house to start my practices.

Don't know, but I think I'll actually make it

Just don't man.

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What are the odds of finding a big titty goth gf at 27 years old

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>tfw 26
Only 1 more year until I can start improving myself.

It starts when you decide it starts. I started at 28.
Relatable meme
Are you willing to settle with a retarded zoomer or used up millennial? Chances are shes loves to do drugs too

ate spinach
out of spinach

>Are you willing to settle with a retarded zoomer or used up millennial?

Of course, those are the only two types of women available

A message to all bloomers:
You can't un-blackpill yourself. As much as you try to distract yourself from the brutal reality of the world, you will never be able to ignore it completely. You can do this self-improvement shit if you want, but it will not bring you lasting happiness and it doesn't make you better than people who confront the truth head-on

locally I suppose. Im seriously thinking about some 3rd world waifu atm. I cant deal with the thought of being with a used up whore or a zoomer that will leave me to become a whore

Yes, when confronted with the truth I too bend over wishing to get fucked some more

That's why you take the honkpill. Just laugh it out

Started doing driving lessons to get my license

Went from a full garbage fast food diet to eating vegetables with every balanced meal. Transistion took about 4-5 months, but its already done me good. It has even help me build op discipline and it is learning me how to cook. Just find healthy foods that taste fine/good and combine then with other tasty healthy foods.
So that, more excercise and less booze/drugs.
Its the first time in years i've actually felt a bit of hope.

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Yeah, tonight, I did less heroin than intended

I'm proud of you son, you keep on making me proud. I love you

i work out, eat very healthy, improve my skills, stopped being neurotic, and i will still probably kill myself this week.

>Are you willing to settle with a retarded zoomer
How do I get one please

Thanks oregano mum

Got a job. It's kinda shitty but will look pretty cool in my resume.

How is me getting a job look good on your resume? Fucking identity thiefs on muh Jow Forums

Right here user, I've been on a major improvement streak.

I work out 6x a week and started running twice a week, and that combined with my major diet change which includes IT fasting I've already dropped 50 pounds in 4 months. I just started cutting out eating Sundays so I can try and drop 40lbs more by august for my first animecon. I really want to reach low BF. Currently at 170lbs, not sure how much of that is muscle though. I also have been taking vitamins for 2 months straight now every day.

On top of that I've been using duolingo to study Korean for 23 days straight as of today. It helped pull me out of a deep depression after head trauma from work prevented me from working out for 2 weeks which was the only thing that was making me happy at the time. I feel stupid that I'm spending so much time on the alphabet sections but I really want to hone them in. Also plan to invest in some workbooks soon to accelerate the learning. Will be visiting next year with a LD friend to commemorate my studying. If he kills me at least I'll still be winning.

Oh, I started reading again too as of last week! Completely read and finished both The War on Art and Unf*cking Yourself in 3 days. Took notes while reading them too to help improve my focus/note-taking/comprehension of the lessons. Also listened to and completed Rich dad Poor Dad and Social Anxiety audiobooks by habit crunching them with my workouts last week.

Tomorrow I plan to start reading 90 days to your Novel (one of my goals is to publish a book this year so I'm outlining some ideas at the moment.)

I enrolled to continue College again, randomly, this Summer. Majoring in Art with a minor in Software Engineering and Business Certification. Classes start in 2.5 weeks..

Learning Guitar too.

I tried to stop jerking off and have a better mindset earlier this week. Got 3 days in until I jerked off when I woke up and went back to shit mindset. awesome

this is the hardest one man, I swear

in the past 18 to 20 or so months I have:
>started going to the gym and improving body
>started working full time and improving finances
>started eating better and improving my spirit
>started sleeping more and improving my will
>started reading and meditating more and improving my mind

jerking off and porn however are hard as hell to kick

Started exercising more, mostly at home but some running too.
Trying to restore foreskin but that'll take years probably... But the hope that I get more functionality is nice...

I cut some expenses to save money

On may I will start gym and a plan to wake up early, I feel I desperately need it to add order to my life

Trying to drink more water instead of soda and cutting down on sugar. Hoping it might make me feel a bit less like garbage