>don't want to date, don't want anyone to flirt with me
>just want people online to talk to when the solitude of real life becomes too hard
>they always eventually find out I'm a woman and flirt with me
>keep making it clear I don't date or care about that stuff
>they never listen
should I start using a voice changer?
Don't want to date, don't want anyone to flirt with me
Just transition to a man already
but I'm happy as a woman, I just don't want anyone to flirt with me
That's why I never even use voice chat. Long as people think I'm a boy I'm safe.
Wrong website kiddo, try cc
Yes, just use a voice changer
i hate women holy fuck
give me discord senpai ill chat with you
[email protected]
mail it
sometimes I take chances when I've talked to a group for a long time and we play video games together that work better with voice chat, you'd think I'd have learned at this point
do you have any links to good ones? free preferably, I'm a poor NEET
this ain't it chief
what do you mean?
did I get this wrong?
>just want people online to talk to when the solitude of real life becomes too hard
no, you didn't
but I know better than to add someone from r9k after stating I'm a woman, sorry
been in this rodeo too long
do it like me 'fembot', never use a microphone and always type, never really bother adding someone or making friends. I've managed for about +14 years being on the internet just like that, being a solo player, only using Jow Forums as social media basically and in the past video games, forums, online players.
When people ask if you are a female just avoid the question, say you surpassed gender or some bullshit and you have transcended into the next stage of the human evolution. Or just lie and say your name is John if they push on. Also don't pick retarded usernames like Lolly, Pink, Panda, Princess, Miss, Queenie, and whatever gem stone or fruit. It's just cringe.
Don't understand why you have the need to talk with people with your voice? Maybe try to learn and live without it.
My discord is macabre. . . ?#6977 if you want friends, i have a little group and we frequently VC
Bonus points if you play league of legends, WOW, risk of rain 2, Rainbow6, etc..
god just fuck off and die
Try Second Life.
Your avatar can be anything,and if you just type to chat,no one will find out you are female. But if you are witty and interesting, you may get flirts anyway,but perhaps you will appreciate them more since you earned them and weren't tossed at you for being a girl like a door prize.
I'm 30+ years old so don't worry about me having embarrassing e-girl nicknames, thanks for the advice though
>Don't understand why you have the need to talk with people with your voice?
I've been a full on shut-in (live by myself, don't go outside) for 8 years. sometimes I want to talk to someone, you know?
Yeah I get it. It's not like I didn't expect it, still I was just looking for conversation and was interested in chatting about life with a stranger. Sounded cool. Some things you can't really talk about with people you know irl, you know.
I admit that I posted this precisely because you stated that you are a woman. I will say that I was not interested in flirting with you or anything like that. I was just interested in taling with you since I've rarely had a chance to express my emotions to women. I see myself as a very feminine man and guys think stuff like this is gay af :(
I did not talk to anybody in over two months, and probably will not for the next few years. Even before this I only had one "friend". Just fuck off. Find a woman friend. Preferably a straight one if you're so afraid of relationships.
I know how you feel, whenever women find out I'm flirting with them online they stop talking to me. Should I start using a voice changer?
i'm 35 and really similar. just no interest or energy really in going beyond playing a game and having a laugh with someone. we can talk about serious stuff too, but it's exhausting to be around people who have some higher expectation of you. i've similarly ghosted women for getting too needy or expectant.
If you change your voice to a man's you'll realize the reality that nobody actually gives a fuck about you. Be grateful that as a woman you can have someone to talk to wherever you go.
I watch streams like a stupid zoomer. A lot of them use something called Clownfish.
You know when you wake up after sleeping way too much any can't type properly? It's like my fingers aren't pushing the keys hard enough and I can't coordinate them.
>women would rather pretend to be men than date you
What's the point of this thread?
Its a tranny larp thread frien.
I fucking hate what R9K has become. Its so fucking pozzed its insane.
Yikes, just stop dude
i have this same problem too. i listed out why i dont want to date but the person im currently talking to doesnt want to stop.
Which reasons for not wanting to date did you list?
That's what I mean.
You can't be honest because everyone is fake. So when someone is honest people think "what a bad faker"
>we are both mentally ill
>long distance (on opposite sides of the USA)
>neet so no ones ever going to get money to visit one another
Basically, how do I convince a girl I want to talk to her without wanting to date her??? Is that possible? A woman will always assume this no matter what.
tell them you have a dick
>should I start using a voice changer?
Just talk to other women instead
they don't want to talk to men or women.
blackpill: the last mode is just complete apathy and living 100% for yourself until people just stop reproducing altogether.
>we are both mentally ill
Mentally ill people end up in relationships all the time. Not a legit reason.
>long distance (on opposite sides of the USA)
Can be fixed.
>neet so no ones ever going to get money to visit one another
Can be fixed
None of the reasons you listed are legit reasons why a relationship wouldn't work out. If you met a guy you really liked you could get a job, make some money and move together. But you don't really like him and with reasons you listed he can still convince himself that he has a chance. Basically now he thinks you like him but the only reason you 2 aren't together is because of money/long distance and once that is fixed you would be in relationship. Just be honest with him.
what you do when your IQ starts showing? they just take you for a male retard and keep talking to you anyways?
Why, FUCKIN WHY, I would like to have your very same problem, and literally no woman(female(girl)) wants to flirt with me.
Those are legitimate reasons though, long distance especially never works out for anyone. Its just like telling me I should get plastic surgery if I want to fuck Stacy and its awful feedback.
Yes thankfully most men are at least as retarded.
Trips of truth has spoken. Women will always assume, no matter what.
Just talk to other women explicitly, you vapid attentionwhore. GET OUT!
>they never listen
Be upfront. The moment they start flirting, tell them that you're not interested and if they don't stop, you won't talk to them anymore. If they are smart they understand, if not, nothing of value is lost.
>we are both mentally ill
>long distance (on opposite sides of the USA)
That's something that can be fixed in time, as the relationship goes
>neet so no ones ever going to get money to visit one another
Same as above.
If you don't like them, tell them you don't like them. Don't come up with shitty excuses that could give false hope.
If by any chance you end up really liking that person, it might be worth breaking those rules.
You are fucked m8 orbiters ruined that for everyone
>2 people move together
>relationship is no longer long distance
I've literally had girl friends that assumed I wanted to date them and that's why I was hanging out with them. When I was just enjoying their company as friends. Usually these are attractive women. I did find them attractive, but I never really had thoughts about dating them or anything. Idk, you could say they just weren't my type, I mean of course I would've fucked them, but I would've never even tried to do that. The thing is, when they told me, well not outright but hinted that they had this assumptions I felt so weird. Kind of like, this whole time we were hanging out they were under the assumptions that the only reason I was doing it was to get in their pants, when in reality I never even had a single thought about that until this point. Kind of ruins things a bit, doesn't it?
What are some games where you NEED a mic ? Never had to buy one, and I'm quite the gamer.
Thats not how it works and we all know it, why cant we go one minute without shitposting like retards?
>ohhhh i hate it when beta cucks find out I'm female and flirt with my boring ass instead of listening to my inane drivel that nobody cares about
> goes on a site full of betas and tell them she is a female so that she can talk about her boring life that no one cares about while cucks try to flirt in between.
Kys seriously
you always have gay men. they don't mind yapping and texting away all fucking day until they pass out.
straight men like doing stuff with their time, even if it's just video games or fantasy drafts or working out or whatever.
Talk to other women or men that already have a girlfriend? It's not fucking rocket science
>Thats not how it works
It literally is tho
You should just give up user, I promise you won't find what you are looking for here, just larp as a guy and deal with getting called a fag once a day.
Most of the men here have sub 70 IQ so they can't gather that you're female even if you leave basic context clues. It's true that for the most part, men in the high IQ range are more intelligent than their female counterparts, but none of those men are here.
Was going to say this. You had a chance in say, 2010 maybe, but it's gone. Give up.
but i already told him i wasnt interested but youd still think it wasnt legitimate. those reasons are just icing on the cake really, he thought the very same thing as you but still tries to bring it up
>try to convince people of something but speak in absolute generalizations as if they know everything
Tell them you're a tranny, that might help.
Get this program called MorphVox and set it to the 'radio chatter' setting, it makes you sound like a black male.
>30 year old woman using 12 year old slang
No wonder theres no hope for you. Just stick to talking to your cats for social stimulation
I've been here for a good 10 years and I've just seen it all get worse and worse. I am trying to spare someone a great deal of suffering, it's better to be apathetic and blackpilled on this matter than get hurt and possibly become a sadistic monster themselves. Sick of seeing that shit happen to people nearly half my age.
if youre that much of a prude just tell us youre a butch lesbian, we really dont want to flirt or fuck those girls at all
why would you want to use a voicechat? especially if you know what happens every fucking time
just kill yourself you cunt
>men that already have a girlfriend?
Don't do this. Fuck out of here.
Its fucking discord she's using. Normie central. Let her join them and good fucking riddance, we don't need dusty barren womb cunts like these on our board
>barren womb
You know how ridiculous this makes you sound right? You're here, you know what it means to be here and you think someone would rather have your baby than cob webs in their bodies?
The barbaric English language (and derivatives) allows anyone to hide their gender (male, female, or imaginary).
Serious languages (Russian, Italian, etc) demand "declination" of any adjective, subjects, complements, verbs. This, summed up with different declination for gender-conserving singular/plural, allows the speaker to express complex thoughts in a few words, because if a female is speaking to a male, any female adjective is inherently related to her, even if it was postponed.
Then there's the German faggotry of composing words to shorten up genitives, but that's why we fought Nazis at the time
TLDR: if OP wasn't English language, she'd be doomed.
Fun fact: English sports a giant difference between "girl friend" and "girlfriend". OMG. So barbaric of a language. just like "BF" and "BFF"
was it the cock carousel rodeo riding?
anything? even a dude sporting a HUUUUGE wieiner?
Most of dem "other women" is actually a trans (or just your usual neckbearded faggot with a voice changer).
Nintendo karaoke, guess it needs a mic.
Massively top kek why the fuck the "top kek" thing abruptly disappeared from Jow Forums early 2017 and never came back?
>why the fuck
Maybe because of the turboautist kekistan shit. Plus people finally got over WoW
fuk, we need a rabb.it room again
Why do women think that any conversation deeper than smalltalk equals flirting?
take notes, losers. women dont ruin group chats. thirsting does.
The key is not getting to the point of having to use voice, simple.
I feel your pain though, must be bothersome to not being able to make friends for something that clearly isn't your fault.
Like anyone didn't know that, it's just easier if we blame women