
one can only dream

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Sorry but venus should not be on this list.

all of them are plastic whores except the first one but she is souless whore

why ? i mean yeah she isnt THAT flashy but for a eoropean she is spucial

>get job
why? i can sugardaddy you

For me personally venus is the cutest there. Fucking hate belle

I look like the first. Can confirm

>I look like the first
You are my girlfriend now

>christie old roastie face
>belle looks retarded
>angelic look like a mix between a 9 year old and an 27 year old women
>milena butterface
>milkgore looks like shes fucking 6 years old

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f f f fug you milena is pretty

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ok in this picture she looks normal and cute

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one day but not now ouo

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original fagggggot

roz stahp you are cute in your own ghoulish way

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I know who you are, stop pretending

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marika and delphine look like shit
Milena and angelic are lolis wich mean that only pervert and closeth pedo find them attractive
Christine is mostly fine if you can afford top make up artist and surgeon when you are old

>Milena and angelic are lolis
you are overeating

>Jow Forums co-opted by trannies and teenage girls with self-esteem issues
Well, it's not like I didn't expect that, I suppose.

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No i almost stop browsing r9k and i started browsing fit regulaty almost an year ago and now thanks to calisthenics and the fact that i am 190 cm tall i have become a chad

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whats that have to do with lolis

>she doesnt look like THIS
why even try?

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>posts pic of girl with most of her face covered
this is a face thread

Just making neckbeards angry

weird cope but aight

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noic bruhhh

You have any more of that girl user?

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i like heer teeth

it's yulia nova

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thanks bro fabbad habbewnd

why tho
jk i agree she is too muc of a tryhard

She gets a free pass from me for her fucked up childhood, shes just awkward. and the fact her persona is literally her job. But shes unironically the cutest and most endearing even without being caked in makeup

im getttin jellly