Were do you fit in r9k?
Were do you fit in r9k?
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i identify with the wageslave the most, but i dont get paid, uniroincally working for benefits/wefllare
Mouse reporting in
Holy shit not even original
Fuck this life
The Cyborg and The Wannabe.
I'm guilty of spreading my body all over this website and fishing for compliments and hate.
Also tell people to lift and it's not that bad.
I don't really connect with anyone on Jow Forums except role-playing anime fags. They are more open and fun.
I unironically think I'm the Super Autist. Would certainly explain why people avoid me so much.
super autist with a side of sloth and a pinch of elephant man.
the cerebrotonic.
>has difficulty with life tasks suh as cooking, shopping,fashion,haircuts, sunlight
this hit me hard
OP here cerebrotonic is where i fit in it perfectly describes me
kind of a combination between mouse and cerebrotonic
75% wage slave
20% elephant man
5% cerebrotonic
unironically super autist
when i said pinch i actually meant a really fucking big handful of elephant man.
Cerebratonic 100%
Ive started losing weight but thoughts of fixing the rest of my mess is painful
also this. My laundry just piles up so much
you need to have at least 80% of elephant man and super autist to be qualified as a robot.
want to be my friend?I never talked to a real autist and I want to make you my little study subject.
Definitely the cerebrotronic. I would have thought that qualifies as a cyborg or a failed normie though.
The underage B. Wow. Accurate, gotta say
oh my god im the girl version of cerebro
altho i guess posting this makes me a filfthy histrionic ... how does one get out of the shell?
I was thinking the same. And I thought cyborg and failed normie are pretty much the same thing.
you add me on discord and start talking to me, that's how.
Wageslave and mouse desu
ah, so this is why i dont talk to anyone
inb4 everyone is cerebrotonic
tfw too intelligent to have a gf
I love you too, boo. Seriously though Schlomo#9421, I'm interested in how shitty a girl without a fashion sense looks.
Also open for you senpai
More like
>tfw intelligent enough to get a decent job, but too weird and emotionally unintelligent to get a gf
i'm sorry user. i was just using you to boost my confidence.
has saying that made someone here a super incel now? ;) let's hope so.
The elephant man. Never made a child cry, but they do avoid me like the plague.
The wageslave and the mouse, its scary how real these are. Though I don't have friends which is somthing the mouse seems to have going for him
>real autist
there are at least 50 other autistic people on this board and most of them are way more autistic than me
I can't be the only person here with a diagnosis.
The mouse and parts of the elephant man.
glad I could help m'lady.
pretty difficult telling real autism from larp on an anonymous board.
Unironic mouse reporting in.
Cerebrotic but I'm incredibly self-conscious so I pay attention to how I dress and look. From an outside picture I'm completely normal but the way I behave like nervously looking down gives away the fact
>tfw no mouse bf
It physically pains me that I'll never get to hold him in my lap and cuddle him.
Another wagie/mouse hybrid here. Too accurate.
the deadpool
I used to be all of these and then grew up
Why do you gays have to come into every thread with this shit. You've got your own board and a dedicated thread to contain your faggotry.
the super autist
all memes are true
So you're the Wannabe, dipshit
Everything from the mouse category applies to me except
> the awkwardness of being alone.
It is not awkward once you get used to it.
> in uncomfortable situations burst into tears
I usually have a nervous laughter whenever I am cornered in a debate when someone pushes sensitive buttons.
Most people wouldn't know I was autistic unless they were a trained psychologist or saw my documentation. I get autism bux though and just got a reevaluation last month, so it's legit.
motherfucker I have a vore and inflation fetish and a girlfriend that participates
Wageslave like most people, I think?
>has a gf
Take your pick of the normalscum options and get out.
fucking nasty, go back to /soc/
the contradiction apparently
holy shit lad, you dug yourself into this one
The mouse hits a lot of nails into my coffin
even at my most pathetic i still look better than you and any chad
I am the cyborg with the autistis lack of self awareness
I fucking hate myself
I'd say 50% cerebrotonic, 50% sloth at this point. Particularly being unable to express emotion, asociality and massive apathy from the cerebro, and laziness, MMORPGs, disgustingness and sleep patterns of sloth.
Cerebrotonic with a little dash of mouse
I sometimes wonder how it would be like to have been born a normie
Cerebrofags must be burnt in cages, these cunts aren't robots surely
I am a mixture of mouse and sloth.
Nice quads dude, seriously
Something beyond Sloth and Super Autist.
Tfw elephant man
Just waiting to die
Cyborg and partly wageslave. I don't hate my job, but man do I hate having to work on anything. I'm not paid too poorly, but I'm only motivated by money.
quads of truth, he is a dirty fucking normie and the numbers have spoken
A mix of the mouse and the cerebrotonic
some nerds want to challenge themself and change or improve
others want to find some bullshit excuse for why they can't get a gf like it'd make them happy and continue to self loath
Somewhere between Cerebrotonic and Cyborg. Not the worst place to be I guess.
I'm actually confused at this, does this mean improvement=gf? Because if that's the case some people may not want that
well if anything stagnation=nothing changes
It's because a lot of retards have seen to many YouTube videos and think you're either a robot or a normie, and since cerebrofags are clearly not normies they conclude that they must be robots. Really the "cyborg" is just a regular normie, and the cerebro is what people actually mean when they say cyborg.
super autist and elephant man with a pinch of histrionic.
Cerebretonic, with some mouse characteristics.
Wageslave & Mouse
if you only knew how bad things really are
so, what are you Jow Forums?
fembots are more robot than 90% of the men on r9k. u r all normies
I used to identify with the Cerebrotonic, but over the last year or so I've started to identify more with the wageslave and the cyborg.