Why dont you use kratom? Its literally a miracle drug sort of

Why dont you use kratom? Its literally a miracle drug sort of

>makes you talkative
>makes you enjoy stupid menial shit like video games
>can fuck you up really hard or just enough to boost mood but you can still exercise and go for walks
>all natural plant healthy non toxic
>every reddit post i have seen of people gettting blood tests after taking kratom have all come back clean and normal
>combine it with cbd and get a super fucking hardcore nod or just a chill spacey mood if you dont do a lot
>cheap as fuck costs 50 dollars for 500 fucking grams...thats literally like 50-100 heavy doses
>makes you enjoy life without interrupting everything
>all you have to do is pop pills with water or a soda
>only side effect literally is really really mild dehydration and you just have to sip a water or something
>i have insomnia where i cant literally sleep for months on end unless i just pass out at 5 am and kratom makes me fall asleep peaceful as fuck

I just wish i had some kratom buds on discord or something

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It's really expensive in countries where it hasn't caught on yet though

so its alcohol but it doesn't cause cancer?

No thank you. I love LSD and the effects of mind bending and full introspection

This is the first time I've heard of it. I'll give it a shot if I can actually find someone who sells it.

My state banned it and possessing a normal order would be charged as multiple felonies bc they don't understand dosing. And I'm afraid of getting caught ordering it.

>it lowers testosterone a significant amount and makes your balls shrivel up
>makes your hair super thin
>affects memory in negative way
>after using it for some time it stops giving you energy and starts making you feel like a drone

I used it everyday for 4 years. I became very familiar with the side effects and realized that it's not harmless

drug addiction is bad. Learn to be independent not dependent on kratom.

Have fun with your low T

>miracle drug
Low IQ post.

Low T don't trip on 35mg of 4-AcO-DMT and smoke 20mg of 5-MeO-DMT on the peak.

>Low T don't trip on 35mg of 4-AcO-DMT and smoke 20mg of 5-MeO-DMT on the peak.

What does this even mean? That has nothing to do with low T. And btw I've done 4-AcO-DMT. It's just shrooms. I'm waiting to do 5-MeO

What does Low T have to do with anything? Is that your go to insult?

No.. It's literally because kratom causes low T..

i don't fucking use kratom. Im not fuckin OP

it's b&, like everything else

Are you uk??? Origi

Shit tier drug
start doing psychedelics

I've dabbled with Kratom a bit. Overall, I didn't find it to be worth continuing with. You're right that it's a cheap buzz, but you get what you pay for. The high is generally short lived and the effects are somewhat inconsistent; although it's usually a depressant sometimes you'll inexplicably get a stimulant high off it for no reason, and I'm talking about off the exact same batch that made you relax before. Also it tastes like crap and the only way to avoid the horrible taste is to do it up in gel caps which is a pain in the asshole.

I feel high for hours and have a capsule machine

It would probably make me puke like all opiate like drugs, plus it IS addictive and it smells horrible.

Nah man I like the smell now and it has less nausea than opiates

God would you fuck off kratom shill, you always fucking wildly over-exaggerate the effects plus its not even worth it because it tastes like shit

I take 10 pills over time and feel good i know it effects me more than other people but I gave it to my friend too and he feels the same way

You just get shitty kratom

>avoiding your problems by pumping chemicals into your brain
no thanks