Tfw no smelly hikikomori gf to sniff

>tfw no smelly hikikomori gf to sniff

I'm not even joking, once a femanon said she wished someone would enjoy her natural scent and it made me hnnngh

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imagine a world where girls didnt cover up their natural scent with perfume. my dick would be hard all the time

I love the smell of shampoo on a girls hair tho.

Smell is highly psychological, I find it hot when a pretty girl gives off a bit of natural funk but repulsive when an unattractive one smells the same way

you are a pleb and jesus will not have mercy on your soul

It's the only thing you can ever smell on a girl though, they always smell like fruity flowery shit

>they always smell like fruity flowery shit.
how can something so gay be so intoxicating lads?

>tfw no gf who enjoys the scent of my unwashed dick

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I had a smelly gf. I broke up with her.

Was the reason aroma-related

Same, once she actually make me gag

Yes. It was bad to the point where I sometimes refused sex because of the stench of her vagina.

Just make her shower nigga

I did. She didn't.

shouldve picked her up and fucked her in the shower

I also had a stinky gf, she wouldn't shower much because she didn't like feeling wet afterwards, told her not to take long hot showers and to get a hairdryer, refused. She also would always "forget" to use deodorant. She smelled awful pretty often.

The smell of a girl after just a day of doing nothing is much better, just a slight musk

>You will never stink up the room with a hikki girl's juices

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I hate it when >tfw does not match that actual feeling. Obviously you want a smelly girl, but you are probably not basking in post-orgasm pleasure like Tomoko. You probably have a depressive scow on your face. Why is picking the right picture so hard for people?

The implication is that Tomoko would enjoy sniffing my dick because she's weird

I had a smelly gf. She rarely showered two days in a row, and after sex, or getting home from work, she'd usually just pick up a dirty cami, panties and pj pants off the floor to change into. on weekends or vacation she wouldnt change or shower at all. I loved burying my nose in her sweet, girl-musky pits when we'd cuddle.
She was a bitch who cheated on me but I miss her so bad bros.

Yeah but that situation and a tfw are different.

HNNNG except for the last part

Fembots, pls describe your aromatics

we were together 7 years. even though the relationship was not good and my rational side is glad it's over, idk if i'll ever be that physically attracted to someone again. my 'type' is always gonna be the shy messy bookworm nerd that she was

>tfw no gay bf's ass or dick to smell

tell us some stories about living with her pls

We showered together once after sex but I refused because I genuinely wanted her to clean herself well. That was so worth it.

>recently reconnected with someone from my high school who is basically an IRL Tomoko Kuroki

it's not as good as i thought it was would desu, AMA

I moved in with her family the last couple years of our relationship. Big gross house and white trash family. Drunk single mom, six children, and five dogs. The three smallest pups always slept in our bed, one of them she'd often shove under a blanket in the corner of the bed while we fucked because he'd bark incessantly if we made him leave.

she had a thing for her own feet smell. After a long day at work or coming home for a run, she'd rip off her socks and take a deep whiff of them and sigh with a big smile on her face. she'd go barefoot in the backyard or around the block to walk the dogs, and then shove her feet, black with dirt, in my face and laugh

her reason for not showering often was 'it's bad for your skin,' and her skin was perfect so i can't argue. but if i got a pimple she got really excited to pop it for me

she was severely antisocial and her closest friends were her five siblings. most of our time together was spent in cuddling in her smelly house in a pile of dogs, while watching netflix or playing nintendo games with her two younger brothers. brap'd on me all the time and then giggle and deny it. when she was off from college we'd spend a whole week doing that and she'd probably change and shower all of once, because the furthest we went was a walk to the closest store for snacks

one time we were fucking in her bedroom, she was riding me and wearing only my hoodie and i was underneath completely naked. her brother barged in and she threw the blanket over us. we had a whole conversation with her bro about "what's for dinner?... you guys wanna play smash bros after?" while i was still inside her

I have a piss fetish and she would pee on me and then shove my face in her piss-stink pussy after

>That last part
Living the dream, bro

Stinky femanon here, I shower twice a week. Ask me anything.

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Tits with timestamp or get the fuck out

Even traps can get tits these days, heck, even some men have tits naturally. The fuck is your point?

But you ARE cute, right

I think so yes, ive been told.

Well I hope you like that you'll always have a secret orbiter

What's your stinky discord#