Mental generation

There's something seriously wrong with the current generation of teenaged girls.
Every teen girl I know suffers from the same conditions:
>they stay up till 4am talking to adult men online
>barely eat anything
>they can't eat, can't sleep, can't really get an education
>play shit like overwatch or the sims all night, when not being comforted by some predator on omegle
>they all say it's anxiety

I've known so many similar cases like this it's not funny. They often cut themselves, drink or do something else that's harmful to "make the pain go away", and 20-30 year old predator men take advantage of these girls in their fragile state.
The shittiest part of all is that when I try to make people in my country wake up to the fact their daughters are suffering, they go
>Wuh? How do u know my babby gurl anyway? You some kind of pedo HUH?
And this way nobody really gets to fixing the problem that every single female of this latest generation is going to be a mental mess never capable of getting a job or a stable relationship unless the man is nothing but a nurse to this woman.
Wake up.
Women have never ever ever been as broken as they are in 2019 and onwards.

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And the same goes for some men too.
Forgive me for being politically incorrect but men are naturally stronger than females - mentally and physically.
Still young men have started to suffer all the same.
It's like the whole west has been struck with some kind of anxiety ray from outer space and we all just want to die or drown our misery in porn and entertainment.

you think they'll stay broken for long when men can't deal with them anymore? they'll sort themselves out when the problems make themselves too much of a hassle for society.
also, most young girls nowadays are arrogant cunts so what goes around comes around.

I think maybe you spend too much time on discord user. They tend to attract that kind of demographic.

Yeah I agree at what point is it just not mental illness, all my friends have mental illnesses.

I'm a femanon myself and don't really have it that bad as them but they seem really fucked up and shit like they seem to just dianose themselves with BPD or whatever like ok.

I know a 15-year-old girl who has several mental illnesses, cuts herself, and she's surrounded by old adult men.
She spends all her nights talking to these men because they pamper her.
I'm considering calling her father about this but I'm scared as fuck.

This is why I don't have a girlfriend.
Women today are impossible to deal with, unless you actually understand them.

Good, fuck 'em, they're not worth the time or energy.

Do good females even exist today?

The only "good ones" are the smart, go-getter med school girls with intellect and actual power but they're stuck up and annoying in their own way.

its weird, when I was growing up people did a lot more role playing online, these people give out contact info/nudes/dox freely, its like they never learn to judge how safe a situation might be

I was born in the late 80's and I copy this.
Modern girls just give out their fucking home address and nude pics to anyone who asks.

>>they stay up till 4am talking to adult men online
Hang on really, they do that? Do they want to be taken advantage of?

Yes, this is a real thing and it's a problem.

this guy is right, OP is just looking at a very thin slice of the whole population and generalizing

That was literally me when I was a teen. Being surrounded by those adult men fucks you up way more than people think. But you are posting this in a place that has a lot of these predators. I don't think they even understand the effect it has on a young girl.

>Being surrounded by those adult men fucks you up way more than people think

Why'd you talk to them?

Women have adopted mental illness as a trend, accessory, status symbol, etc. They all love talking about how much they have anxiety, bpd, depression, and preach about how much they care about mental health and how everyone should speak up about it but literally none of their actions reflect that. Your so called anxiety really shows when you're going to night clubs every week.

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I would agree, at least where I live.
I remember I used to talk to a girl that was exactly like what you described and when I confronted her about it after knowing her for like a year she started arguing with me and then blocked me.

You know it's the Jews, right? Thus has happened before. Wake up.

Just do it you coward, you'll be saving her from herself. Sacrifice is necessary.

>That was literally me when I was a teen.

Can you tell me why all women go through a phase of being mentally fucked up?

I'm a guy and I've been stable and reasonable my whole life.
Never even had a wild phase.

>hundreds of girls wanna talk with senpai
>have to deal with insane yandere bitches trying to win my heart by manipulating everyone and cutting themselves
>help them only when they ask for help
>then stuff as many redpills into their mouths as possible
>teach them how to draw and market their work
>they go from 12 mentally to 25
>some start doing camshows and charging creeps for their time as soon as they hit 18
>even sell their panties at 1000% markup
>they're drawing so much porn and making 10-50x more money than me
>they eventually find great bfs and i still have to reprimand them for trying to seduce me
>kinda terrified by their lack of shame but glad they're not as naive as other girls, poor or depressed
>feel like a father with dozens of adopted daughters and they're all whores
>they're slowly growing out of it and using the money to pursue higher goals
Families are broken beyond repair. Their parents don't care or outright abuse them so girls search for a father figure to protect them. It speaks volumes about society the best one they could find was some 29-year-old virgin drawing chinese cartoons online. I'm just trash that had to raise myself without any clue what I was doing. I've thought of ignoring girls since they shouldn't be talking to anyone my age but when I don't they end up talking to predators who want them to be codependent and then I have to scare these pedos away because the site moderation does absolutely nothing about it.

If you wanna do something you gotta do it without enabling their attention seeking or feeding their sickness. If you tell them what not to do, they will only do that, so just gently tell them how life is so they make more conscious decisions. If you can keep them confused they'll seek the truth and learn how to use their own intelligence. They might not turn out like virtuous traditional women but you can make a difference. They're gonna kick, bite and scream too. Raising children is hell and a thankless job.

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this new technology exposed to young people is a straight psychological attack to the brain its all a plan from the jews to max exterminate a large population and to remain less in order to keep the earth balanced from overpopulation and resources
Consumerism is the jew plan to which human take it because it fullfills them but soon they will realize earth is fucked most of population is gone by mass suicide /shooting/std/starvation/polution

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althought it has always been a thing i'm surprised at how young girls are in clubs
last time i chatted with a girl that was high on molly and she was 17, told me she came here since she's 15

Based, Checked, and redpilled

>Do they want to be taken advantage of?

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not just girls, boys too. social media and the shit they show in regular media has people comparing themselves to literal 9s and 10s, absolutely shattering their confidence. besides, overstimulation with computers, phones and TV makes us more fine with being bored which lets us socialize and work/do chores less and that messes with the way the evolutionary brain reward system causing low energy.

Didn't get attention from guys my age in real life. Imagine it yourself, getting ignored by girls then going online and women are suddenly begging for your attention. Good looking ones, even, better than you could ever pull in real life. You know they've got lives and are busy with their jobs yet they give you their time. They could talk to another cool, interesting adult but they choose you. I used to think about how the guys could get hot adult women yet they talked to me, a stupid boring kid. Grooming a teenager into doing things or talking about things they are uncomfortable with is incredibly easy.

This post made me realize I'm a teenage girl, thank you OP

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Right.. You're one of them. You enjoy the ''daddy'' role. This is deep denial.

I warned you but you didn't listen.
You could've prevented this.

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