Can you imagine how much better the world would be if everyone in the red states on this map just disappeared?
Can you imagine how much better the world would be if everyone in the red states on this map just disappeared?
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quit being such a mutt op
Lol because those states have such influence. You're just assblasted because we think you're faggots
what the fuck is wrong with maryland
did the person who drew this never looked at the map
and whats that blob under Connecticut
>not removing Florida
no but i can imagine how much better the world would be if you offed yourself
I see you made a typo. Yes, the world would be a lot better if everyone in the blue states just disappeared.
Dude its le simplistic style art is subjective you just dont get it
You guys don't even live in the same states so it wouldn't change anything at all in your lives.
I'd rather get rid of California with its average iq of 95.5.
>Not removing California
Wtf is wrong with you
fixed your map bro
Yet another bait thread. Is it summer already?
What's so bad about Iowa?
>massive loss of population and farmland
>infrastructure links west-east fucked
Yes do it, I just want to see what happens
>Let's remove most of our food producing population
Why do lefties like starving so much?
>boomers argue on Jow Forums
keep this shit on facebook ya shit fucks
>poor old colorado gets lumped in with the shit states but florida gets off free
who is the person who made this map?
most food is produced in california dumbass
a buttmad dRump voter
who else
None of this shit even matters.
>America collapses and the world is thrown into disarray as 75% of U.S. military personnel disappear
>America's breadbasket stops producing food and wheat prices skyrocket
>Factories shut down as there isn't nearly as much raw ore being produced
>World is thrown into chaos as the Pax Americium falls and seas fill with pirates
Great job OP
The midwest produces a third of the world's wheat
>most food is produced in california
There is a big difference between being the highest food producing state in the U.S and producing the most food in the entire U.S. California produces about 11% of all the food in the U.S, that's hardly "most food" now is it?
There actually are so few people in the midwest, they all live near the lakes, Colorado, Albuquerque or New Orleans
How are Virginia and Florida blue? Really? This can't be an accurate image.
I just want LA and NYC to get nuked, those cities have bred so many degenerates it's disgusting
What about San francisco and Houston?