Tfw no white bf with high standards

>tfw no white bf with high standards

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You called, originally of course?

>tfw no handsome KHV white bf to gently comfort me after I've cried over fear of him leaving me and to

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I don't think you're the specific man I'm looking for, I just want to have children and a happy life.

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So you want a providing Chad? Why post here then?

Why only a white bf?

do we go into your threads wondering why you guys want an ____ gf? no, so leave me alone.

Because why would anyone want to date a subhuman?

Sorry, but having high standards excludes them from ever being with you

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What sort of race are you fembot?

>tfw no white bf in my age range with low standards

No, I have the ability to take care of myself but choose not to because that's better for the children and it's my biological destiny to be in the home. Also, I have someone in mind who posts here.

Nonwhite men are disgusting insects. Why would I date the inferior? White men are the most romantic, attractive, compassionate. And they have better personalities. It would be completely degrading to date someone so inferior when I know the best exists.

get some of the latter

t. subhuman beta male

I will get my happiness and you won't. I'm sorry you have to live with that.

Good thread to be honest

Yes you do. I always ask why _______ whether it refers to a bf or gf

Seems like it hurt a soft spot of yours

Lol thats pretty funny
The two nonwhite dudes (Ive only dated 3 people in 22 years, 2nd was white) were way more of the qualities you described than my white bf.

rap is cringe, precisely why i want a white bf to stay away from this culture.

Nah you wont roastie/shitposting dude

Disgusting virtue-signalling white slut who hates her own race.


LARPing non-white male.

I'll be your bf

y'all say this shit and then be like "ew he ugly" everytime

Your fault for having low standards for yourself. I am what you're asking for.
How many?

Eww girl

probably because the good white boys have high standards. all of the ones on here are fairly low tier white bots since the good ones dont need to come here...

Non whites and whites have been degraded over the years, there's alays a dostribution.

>dating 3 people
men don't like used up sluts :) you were dating low quality men
>The two nonwhite dudes were way more of the qualities you described
Maybe because they fawned over you only because you're white and the white guy didn't find you special because he's the same race? You're probably not interesting outside of the novelty of an inferior race dating a white.

t. ugly femanon failed slut who thinks her race is anything to be proud of
Only a bootlicker holds such stupid racial loyalty. youre unable to judge people whollistically, hon

He wasnt a bad boy by any means, but the whole chad thing is a meme. Most white dudes are uninteresting normies and fairly shallow, even the ones on good career paths

Only a weakling has no loyalties.
Perceived this way because most people are steeped in stimuli and so expect lots of action from their oartners.

not them but its hard for me to ever look at someone whollistically or without judging them off their apperance. my friend was raped by a black dude, sister robbed at gun point by another black guy, and I was stalked by a cringey indian guy for a month until he got arrested.

It has nothing to do with "racial loyalty" or "racial purity". 99% of people are just more compatible with the average person of their own race than the average person of another race.

>Shared holidays
>Shared family background (usually)
>Shared ethics/morals
>Shared outlook on life
>Won't have to deal with having mixed kids (not that there's anything wrong with this per se, it's just harder to deal with)

She's either a weeaboo from lolcow who likes "AzN guys ^_^" (i.e. low quality by default) or a LARPing dude. Trust me on this. I caught this chink pretending to be a white girl on here the other day. He even admitted it.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I have the highest standards of anyone because I will only date a certain specific man who exists in this world.

>used up
See the more virgin, Im as frigid as they come and I still fuck more than you

Nah, the white dude was as plain as they come. Turns out your idealization of chad is the most uninteresting dude out there. In the end, I broke up with him

LMAO yikes, emotionally clingy and wants to start a family.

I'm not interested dawg

Yes, she wants Alpha Bucks. That Chad isn't real however as since Chad has a buffet of pussy he doesn't commit to non-models.

I don't want you, repulsive beta male. Who said I was advertising myself? Learn how to read please. I've said multiple times, I only want one person and I have them in mind.
You are disgusting and you are being used.

>but the whole chad thing is a meme
i mean it is a meme, but there's definitely alpha, beta and omega males.

>Most white dudes are uninteresting normies and fairly shallow
this is how i know you're some LARPing individual.

have you even been off r9k the types of guys who even post elsewhere on Jow Forums are a drastic increase in quality and mental health than the ones here and once you get off the internet the amount of quality white guys who are already taken starts to show.

I do share most holidays with my current bf. We have the same moral compass and ethical process.
My loyalties are to individuals, not collectives
Im sorry to hear that. That being said, harboring your hate for an entire group removed from your personal circumstances is immature at best and dangerous at worst

Also my boyfriend is a hot physics PhD in a top 10 school in the US. He is Indian American but definitely as American as they come

why do you care what other people want? im not even a nazi or lmao white supremacist i want my kids to look like me i like white men im attracted to them i dont like non-white men stay mad i dont care

>My loyalties are to individuals, not collectives
lmao, but your boyfriend is Indian, one of the most racist countries on earth. Might want to ask him if he feels he has just as much in common with a huwhite american as he does a Hindu.

>High stanards
So they're not touching a retard on r9k lol

Whatever you say kiddo, if only you knew what I was up to.

I know what you're up to though, being an attention whore for the loser homebodies on this website. LMAO

He was stable. He wasnt like guys here. But he was really uninteresting despite being the spitting image of what most families ask for in a son in law. He didnt really want to try new things either, had some weird hangups in bed, and didnt seem to have any interesting opinions/convictions.

Almost certainly a LARPer, he got caught out last time because of the chink thing, so now he's pretending to be a white girl with an Indian boyfriend.

Indians are literally the most undesirable men on earth.

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Is there anything more disgusting than trannies talking about 'starting a family'. You're a man in a dress, freak.

>not a white supremacist
>my kids have to look like me in skin color
>I dont like nonwhite men

I can understand the kids but the third one is a little shallow hon. Sounds like you have some stuff you might want to unpack. I dont care if you like white dudes, but only like a certain race is a huge red flag because it signals a pretty boring / close minded person

nothing is more pathetic then a self hating white girl in 2019, the amount of virtue signaling is insane.

Not even Indian women want Indian men if they have the choice of something else.

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You sound insecure. Take your retardation out of my thread, please and thanks. :)

He isnt racist/xenophobic? His loyalties lie with his high school friends (2 white, 1 other Indian, 1 Asian, 1 black) and his theory lab. We had this discussion

Also, hes Indian American.

>"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well: we also have a custom: when a man burns a woman alive, we tie a rope around their neck and hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."

Daily reminder it was the Brits who ended this disgusting practice.

Good luck with your love quest

This isnt me lol
It sounds like youre salty that curry boi gets more than you

Why do your people bathe in liquid filth Pajeet?

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>g-girls can't use the internet! there are no girls online!
>e-everyone here is a tranny!
Please get an education, mouth breathing retard. :)

I understand you never go outside so you can't fathom concepts that are outside your delusions. I will forgive your stupidity and lack of education.

Indian Americans and Indian dudes are two different kinds of people lol. All the SF Indian dudes I knew back when I lived in cali were taken by girls of all races

Imagine being delusional enough to think any healthy white woman wants to become Mrs. Patel

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Im not Indian, and my boyfriend is Indian American, born in the US.

No Pajeet, you're exactly the same genetically. It's just that you've been marginally civilized by proximity to whites.

How's the weather in the Ganges this time of year anyway?

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Imagine thinking poor rural Indians and the most well educated minority group in the US are one and the same

>Im not Indian

This is your country Pajeet.

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>poor rural Indians

You mean 99% of your country's population?

Imagine bragging about Satya Nadella and a tiny, unrepresentative sample of your race's population while 99% of your people literally shit where they eat, and consume street food laced with feces for dinner.

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Sounds like somebody is mad
Sorry boy, Im not into you. Theres brown physicist dick to be sucked, so im yeeting away from this thread
see ya virgin

I agree with the poster saying there is someone larping as a girl in an interracial relationship. Why would they come in my thread then ask "why does it have to be a white guy?" Only an insecure nonwhite guy would do that. Not only that, they are continuously and obsessively trying to defend themselves and their imaginary relationship.

Welp the other day I felt incredibly sad because this girl from work asked me for my number, but my text game is so bad that she stopped responding... what I want to know why do girls put up land mines and if a guy does one or two social slip ups its pretty much GG

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>so im yeeting away from this thread


>I can feel the bowel movements pulsing through me.
>I have to find a street corner ASAP

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Nah im just curious what other girls are thinking when they say that. It always seemed like a meme here but I see femanons talk about it, like its this big deal. When I talk to my friends, we talk about other criteria, but skin color was by far the loosest category. What is the r9k obsession over skin color?

Alright, this one actually made me lol, and I'm South Asian.

Correct. Notice how "she" said she was leaving to "suck brown physicist dick", but then reappeared to reply to your post immediately?

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She didn't like you very much in the first place, user.
You don't type like a woman at all. I think you're a very insecure asian man. This is one of the reasons why I would never date them, they are unbelievably pathetic and lack self awareness.

Quit coping dude, you know no girls actually like us currycels. Cope is bad for your heart.

Honestly it's really hilarious to me to what end people will LARP as someone to try and bend their agenda.

Here's what you should do, stop fetishizing white women and look around for women who have things in common with you. Maybe your life will be better, because of course you're on r9k, there's very little if not a 0% chance that you have a stable well off life and relationship with a man. I definitely see that you're some seething non-white dude just dressing up trying to be smart and influence people's tastes or something. Yeah very high IQ.

No one talks about Ex boyfriends like that. Like seriously, listing general problems with a "Yeah you know he's kinda bad in bed uhhh uninteresting ya know, PLEASE DATE ME INSTEAD OF WHITE MEN"

This is why I'm never coming back to Jow Forums, it's full of pathetic race baiting retards who want nothing better to do than to fulfill any racial preference and desire with a bunch of validations to help themselves sleep better. The second as a white girl I go and express any interest in my own race it degrades into the same shit. Even if you're a white girl it's hilarious to me the amount of agenda pushing people try to do here against other people.

Every day it's the same fucking threads of "WISH I HAD A ____ GF" and the thread is full of LARPing retards or false flags or maybe people who are just mad and looking for an excuse in life so they blame their own race of women or men for whatever problems come up into their life. I hate being a fucking white woman, it's like I'm looked down upon for even wanting a boyfriend of my own race because all the other fucking races literally LUST after us, and if I don't do my part in giving all the other races attention then I'm a filthy dog racist white supremacist.

Fuck I have lost it.

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Ewwwww, an asian male. Someone please escort this loser out of my thread.

This is so fucking true btw. Nonwhite guys see white girls as a prize. They will hit on them nonstop to just fuck them basically, nonwhite guys are obsessed with white women

I meant you're fucking trash, Ms. Illiterate.

>you know no girls actually like us currycels.

Correction. Girls don't like disgusting shit skinned Dravidian Indians like you. Atheistic Pakistanis with pale skin and Caucasian features like me do fine.


>You dont type like a woman at all
how would I type?
>Quit coping dude, you know no girls actually like us currycels. Cope is bad for your heart.
Im not a curry lol, my boyfriend is. Look dude I know theres a lot of nerdy brown dudes in high school and college who are awkward, but among those social groups are people who are legit socially adjusted and follow their dreams. The ones in engineering are usually doing what mummy and daddy want, but the ones in math/science grad are passionate and passion is hot

I thought you were leaving the thread, Dravidian Hindu slave.

You're a red flag, fag.

Im not larping. Idk what to tell you

>Shoot down Hinpoo Mirages
>Hinpoos chimp out
>Fecal matter concentration reaches critical mass
>Hinpoos don't actually do anything beyond shit themselves in pure rage and continue to smell of BO


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Please leave my thread, imbecile. I'm not going to waste my time with someone who is even dumber than a nigger.
A nonwhite man will think literally any white woman is a prize even though he had to convince her using money and being a spineless beta who does anything she says.

>there are people who dont get this is a larping guy

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Yeah, iktf. Superiority breeds jealousy, user.
Marry me lol

What exactly went wrong here.

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ITT: OP accusing others of larping to distract from the fact that he is a larping man himself

>I think you're a very insecure asian man.

I'm surprised other people ITT have picked up on this guy, it's either one guy, or a group of them, from the asian incel subreddits who basically come into every thread about race and interracial dating pretending to be a white girl who loves asian dudes and hates white guys.

Same typing style, same narrative, every single time.

If they had high standards they wouldn't choose you, so that only makes sense.

You are a complete and utter retard. I want the attention of one particular person who I know will recognize that image, I don't want you in my thread, ugly beta male.

nope, they both smelly poos and white people do not care. A pajeet is a pajeet.

fucking ask him out and stop playing dumb games on my fuckng board you dumb slut jesus chirtst you whores are unbearable what the fuck is wrong with you. fuck ou fuck your guy and fuck your anime picture. rope yourself.

lel get a load of this attention whore

>all that work for some used up post-wall roastie with a kid
wew fucking lads

If you came into my thread, which wasn't for you to enjoy and read, then you are an utter retard. Get out, thirsty, pathetic moron.

Yeah bro i know who you are. You are that one cuck who spams i deserve a gf thread. You gotta ask yourself, if you spend your time pretending to be a girl online so you can attack other men with "womanly scorn", do you really want a gf or is it a boyfriend you need?

I want a white bf but I'm literal garbage so that won't ever happen haha

This is bait desu but I'm famished.

Describe yourself, and I might take you out if necessity.

I'm not thirsty, I'm envious on your roastie powers. Take your thread shove it up your arse and leave this board now.