>the majority of people had a good childhood
>the majority of people have fun with their friends in their free time
>the majority of people are in a loving relationship
>the majority of people lost their virginity in their early teens
>the majority of people spent their childhood going to parties, doing drugs, and having sex
>the majority of people are not depressed
>the majority of people are happy with their lives and experiences
>the majority of people are loved
>you are the outlier
>you are the unusual
>you were supposed to be like the majority
>but you're not
The majority of people had a good childhood
>and its all your fault
>you thought about things the majority of people never thought about
>you let the bulling affect you instead of making you stronger
>you chose to seclude yourself on your computer
>you chose to wallow in pity instead of trying to change things when there was still time.
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
>you will die having lived an empty, unfulfilled life
>your only time here on earth wasted, forever
>Thats more of a teen/young adult thing
>A disproportionately large segment are
>First one no, second one yes.
>In one form or the other
>Yes you are, just flawed like everyone else.
>>and its all your fault
not really though
the older I get the more I realize the impact of family on your life. I just got unlucky in some ways. I can't say I'm trying my hardest right now but I'm tired of trying hard.
In my childhood I didn't talk to anyone and was anxious all the time.
I have one "friend" that talk to me like twice a month and he only sends me 3 or 4 messages
I've never been on a relationship
As a teen, I used to do drugs, mostly weed and coke, but alone, I have prescription for benzos tho, but don't take any bc of the cognitive decline
Not happy with any
I think my mom loves me
Yes, I'm the outlier
And the unusual, of course, I've always been...
I don't think it was supposed to me be like the majority, I lived in a big city, so mom didn't let me go out as child, this is one of the many factors that makes me socially retarded
other people had shitty childhoods and grew up perfectly normal. In fact most normal people grow up with familial dysfunction now. It may have been a handicap but didn't make things impossible.
You forgot that having autism fucks your entire life up.
People on r9k love to post pictures of fat, short, ugly, or disfigured people with gfs and ask "what's your excuse?" but NOBODY posts socially incompetent and isolated autists
>Raised in violence
>No friends for 10 years
>In my 20s
>Never been hugged or kissed, a virgin
>Look atypical, ugly
autism isn't real and just an excuse. Its simply a negative feedback loop.
>you have bad experience socializing at a young age
>instead of trying again, you accotiate socializing in general with the bad experince and avoid them.
>you don't socially develop at a normal pace from lack of practice
>as time goes on you get farther and farther behind.
you have no idea how many broken people live amongst us.
At least god does not trap you in a small town. It is worse than anything anyone has experienced on here
damn I almost forgot about you today.
Read pic related and try having the same opinion afterwards
something reinforced those behaviors at a young age. He could have worked through them if he was strong enough.
But i'm on probation for being autistic
Duck you my rural racist life rape is not funny
The majority of people are born with a silver spoon. Not me, never was. But their wealth is built on the suffering of others, and does not always guarantee long term stability. I've stopped caring about that, though. Because my time in the gutter taught me empathy and expedient improvisation. They can't live without their material luxuries, but I know that if I'm able to pull through, my success is guaranteed because of my developed life skills and genuine support from other comrades in my situation.
Pic related
Are you me?
Go into detail
At 16 I became psychotic from extreme depression and now I am a schizo.
>might have had drug and alcohol using parents
>possible 'physical'abuse
>mentallly abused
>witnessed some pretty fucked up shit
>definitely dd not develop like othwers
That's as much as im going to put out there
At least you got to experience higher forms of reality and cool hallucinations, right?
according to op its your fault letting your past drag you down.
>all your fault
it was totally my fault that parents have beaten/shouting me everyday
its definitely my fault that my father is a refugee
its totally my fault that my family is dirt poor
Source for any of those?
How do you define perfectly normal? Is someone who does robot job at a factory for 40 hours a week and hates every minute of it normal? He
Attain status
Aquire wealth
Disregard social norms
Rape and kill young women as a revenge for all the years of pain during youth
Also kill shitskins
living in a small town is death
I really wish someday I have the capacity to go on a murdering spree and make it noticable, whenever someone dies here its talked all week, so if I get a couple of people or even a couple of dozens it would be really big. Its my one and only dream right now
for those of you robots living on the city, you HAVE NO IDEA what its like
you could literally just, start hanging out with other people, other places, other groups and make a new persona every time you fail, here youre doomed
don't worry bro everyone dies in the end and nothing matters after that about how much fun or work or learn or sex or playing games or drugs you did
why worry you know the fact that nobody lives forever we are born here randomly and we get to decide what to do or not its not like you will remember everything you did in the afterlife or all that science fiction shit
forgot to add its just ur ''instincts'' that makes you feel this way yes they suck I killed my emotions with lots of pills and barelly feel anything at all
Not OP but yeah I know it's my fault but still don't know what I can do about it. I wasn't always this resigned, I used to think that I would succeed in self-improvement but one person can only fail for so long. Basically the only reason I haven't an heroed is because my mom would be sad.
>Rape and kill young women as a revenge for all the years of pain during youth
Unironically doing God's work. Fuck up as many normie femoids as possible, every one is just making the world around them a worse place. Kill them all if you can.
You're stupid. You are overestimating how much control a person has over their own neural makeup.
I feel exactly the same. Once you failed, youre dead
>went to dad's place to help him with some chores
>going back home
>meet some classmates from uni
>they ask if i want to hang out
>say yes cause i'm retarded
>we eat and they ask uncomfortable questions about me since i don't know them very well
>it sucks the whole time
>people start to split
>kissing people on the cheeks is normal when greeting people of the opposite sex here
>shake the guys' hands
>there is a girl
>feeling confident, lean forward to kiss her on the cheek
>she instantly leans backwards
>awkward silence
>she slowly leans forward
>kiss her on the cheeks
>no one says anything
>i say bye and bolt
>get back home, kick a trashcan and start screaming
I don't think I'm that repulsive though. People told me things would get better when I got to uni. They haven't.
Listening to people's conversations in public
imagine being a cuck who puts the blame on themselves for things out of their control. Not a single person who's actually been bullied (bullying != friends bantering you every once in a while) has come out of it "stronger".
>you chose to seclude yourself on your computer
i didn't choose that, it was either the computer or staring at a wall in my house.
>you chose to wallow in pity instead of trying to change things when there was still time
i did try to change things, i tried really hard, the only thing left to do now is pouring the frustration out every once in a while.
the majority of people are chinese