I love schoolgirls wearing slutty stuff like this. Am I the only one?

I love schoolgirls wearing slutty stuff like this. Am I the only one?

Attached: DP9kASq_d.jpg (311x557, 24K)

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wait is that slutty? I had some girl come up and tell me she was wearing fishnet while I was back in high school

Here OP

Yes OP. You are literally the only human in history to enjoy slutty schoolgirls. How lonely it must be.

You fucking retard.

Fishnets are code for wants anal

You're a guy, what's wrong with you?

thats a sissy user

Jokes on her I am gay

Attached: 1555344343541.png (618x500, 253K)

Why do you think that? It's a girl

Not so into the fake shit but I miss when it was ok to look at my sisters friends in their private school uniforms, creep pictures of them on social media and share them on /b/ (not so ok i admit that) and the drunk ones in my extended friend circle too.. and how they all did slutty alterations to uniforms on the last day of school. fucking hate being old

The fake shit? How do you mean?

The fake sexy schoolgirl uniforms. The real ones are way hotter

I've busted many nuts to this girl

sauce op?


I shouldn't say, she goes to my university, it's from her Instagram. I have a few more pics if interested

I'm torn because it arouses me but at the same time I'm disgusted at these roasties' lack of shame.

Attached: jar jar becomes an hero.jpg (173x215, 12K)

Yes please OP post more.

Another, bit older

Attached: 1Rh2dLr_d.jpg (640x640, 37K)

more pls


Why do you like her user?
I'll post a better face pic next, this is dark

Attached: qyVaeas_d.jpg (308x554, 12K)

i like feet and would fuck her

Might be the last I post, just wanted to talk about my school girl fetish a little.

Whoops You'd fuck her? I kinda think she's painfully average, why would you go that far?

Attached: nnhnjbj_d.jpg (598x595, 25K)

cuz i have no jf user

Okay, if you'd like to see more her instagram is emily.urquhart most of what I saved is her stories though, I don't think her account is private.

Attached: WhKXEoO_d.jpg (640x640, 63K)

thx u user I will have good wank now love you

she looks like my fucking granny

user.... She is your granny.. I'm sorry to tell you this

Any time user, I'm sure she'd love to know you're thinking of her