Some poor user gets accused of being me again

>some poor user gets accused of being me again

Attached: Authentic Tea.png (600x600, 590K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It was a necessary sacrifice, its good fun.

mods are quick tonight
I tried.

You know, you've actually grown on me.

OP is a dedicated tranny trying to posit xemselves as in an attempt to steal my clout

What are you anyway? Are you really a Christian? Or just another victim of the psychiatric system?

thats pretty shitty of you gunjy, maybe you should get a trip to avoid this at this rate posting schizo cats will be banned thanks to you

Post more cute pictures faggot.

You forgot to mention how you masturbate to my avatars.

Attached: Chilled Tea.png (600x600, 314K)

Oh fuck it's GUNJY!? Dude I remember you! I didn't have a bad opinion of you from that little bit of time we were on the same Discord server.

>thats pretty shitty of you gunjy
wait what?

Sure. Come join my Discord server so I can scam and dox you.

Attached: Vanilla Tea.png (600x600, 118K)

i cant help it, that voice of yours...

I'm waiting to see an invite dude.

did you delete this? I can't even begin to fathom why a mod would delete this thread.

My lisp is very cute, isn't it?
Sorry, forgot the link. Maybe later.
Because it's me. And my threads are literally worse than all the fembot, tranny, r9gay threads combined, of course.

yes its veeeery cute! i heard you were e-dating a tranny can you confirm it or is it all a misunderstanding of your persona falling apart?

It's true! I love trannies, as you can hear in the vocaroo! They're just so lovely and cuddly.

what an original fag lol

>Because it's me. And my threads are literally worse than all the fembot, tranny, r9gay threads combined, of course.
In all seriousness how does that happen? Consider this, nobody reports your regular avatarfag threads and sure as fuck nobody reports a nightwalk thread. It's like some powerful entity wants you to keep avatarfagging.

Only if you were stupid enough to use the same IP can I see it happening, I know Jow Forums uses a cookie based system for short bans maybe it was that. You should learn about proper secure browsing practices, turn off javascript for a start.

Yep! That's me, Gunjy! Hahaha.
I try to avoid discussing how exactly it all works here. I think they can't know for sure that it is me, but they're familiar with me enough that they can be sure with 95% accuracy. This thread would likely be gone too, had I not taken some extra measures.

Attached: Cherry Tea.png (600x600, 335K)

>tranny pretends it is me the thread
I do not really care what you do OP, although do you not find the attention boring?

Attached: megu react 2.png (800x1000, 1003K)

take your meds gunjy

Yeah the image threw me off, I thought it was Horo on first sight then saw the eye color.

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mods get to know you and will ban you for posting style if it is you eventually.
>take your meds gunjy
idk, I need something as im seriously fucked atm.

It's such an obvious bait, I'm pretty sure everyone else is in on the joke. Though I know that these things tick you off.

Attached: Salty Tea.png (600x600, 165K)

it really doesnt bother me man.
I do not care about online BS, you should know that.

remember when that other megumin poster got constantly banned thanks to you so much he switched animu girls? you fucking fag

yeah that was funny.
He could not ban evade either and would msg the mods and appeal ban everytime kek

People should know not to post Megu unless to praise her.

Attached: meguface.jpg (658x583, 52K)

Right... I forgot how much you value your image as an unfeeling "sociopath".

Attached: Bubble Tea.png (600x600, 147K)

>appeal ban everytime kek
lol, aiste why dont you do the same? just say youre suicidal or something if only to stop giving money to hiroshigook

I doubt they care. They'd prefer I died. I did send them my manifesto, but got no reply.

Attached: Honey.png (600x600, 148K)

You are too nice dude

>Right... I forgot how much you value your image as an unfeeling "sociopath".

Attached: megu bed 8.jpg (1546x1250, 1018K)

Oh, hey, guys. How are you all doing?
I just got home. I'm about to start working on my project again.

Attached: Kururu_Tepes.png (334x429, 125K)

If I was a girl, it'd be acceptable.
What project?

I made a thread in which I talked with a few Anons. I mentioned that I have been working on a project.

Attached: Krul_Tepes_(Manga).png (542x640, 453K)

What's the project? I think you've mistaken me for someone else.

Attached: Sun.png (600x600, 181K)

>If I was a girl, it'd be acceptable.
True but don't complain about people replying to you again. Then again you only do that to get replies so whatever

It doesn't matter, don't worry about it.

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I don't know who are any of you? Keep your tranny discord dramas out of this board you freaks

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what's going on in this thread. is this that tranny shit I hear about

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I don't like when people are mean to me, so why would I be mean myself? There's no greater feeling than finding something in common with an user who hated you at first.
Alright. I have a project of my own that I'm putting on hold until I maybe feel better.

Then why did you mention it? Dumb fucking attentionwhore

>There's no greater feeling than finding something in common with an user who hated you at first.
Does that apply to Gunjy too? :^)
>I don't like when people are mean to me, so why would I be mean myself?
If normalshits don't bother you there is no reason I guess. Actually I always end up regreting it. It bothers me much more than if anons are mean to me.




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>Does that apply to Gunjy too? :^)
I don't go out of my way to hurt him, but I try to keep my distance. He's very manipulative.
>If normalshits don't bother you there is no reason I guess. Actually I always end up regreting it. It bothers me much more than if anons are mean to me.
I just don't like confrontation. I'm pretty weak and anxious anyway. So I try not to interact with people irl, since I know they'll always be able to take advantage of me. I can be a bit more free here. I hate being this way.

Attached: Have A Heart.png (600x600, 99K)

>There's no greater feeling than finding something in common with an user who hated you at first.
What happens after that? You find common ground, then.......?

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I don't know. Maybe we talk more, maybe they ghost me.

post server gunjy, cv said she loved me so you should too