When will you grow up, know up, and show up, manchildren?

When will you grow up, know up, and show up, manchildren?

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we dont live in a patriarchy anymore.

probably never

they don't want my fat ass anyway so who cares

men marry for love. women marry for a provider.

Look how dead that guys eyes are, let the 'men' keep their children and jobs.

he looks fine. dont knock on men that are married

No, he's knocking on us.
If tell him straight to his face to fuck off.

>tells you to grow up, be a man
>crosses his legs while he sits

Around the time women grow up and think beyond their feels.

>When men thought it was better to remain independent
Hmm, I'd say a little bit after women started thinking that way.

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only happens to chad

So why not be a provider, manbaby?

Wtf does this even mean? He just has asymmetrical eyes, brainlet

>A real alpha male manspreads, just like I do in my gamer chair for 12 hours a day

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Yes, clearly the reason the manchildren here wont man up and get a women is that women rape them and demand sex, and robots cant deal with that behavior.

>just be a provider

seems like charity.

So I'm guessing those children aren't his? That's the main motivation I can presume for writing a facebook screed about how you're actually a real man and other men are not.

>establish career
>throw everything at family
>woman throws nothing
>no fault divorce
OOPS half you world gone forever, but preach more about men being men when the destruction of the family unit is legislated, not personal
High horse niggers laugh so much about how manly they are until it happens to them

You're getting causes and effects mixed up.

>women who want men while being whores
Sorry ladys but good men don't want women who've had miles of dick in them.

I refuse to sign the social contract. No one has anything I want. You can't make me participate in a world that offers nothing but disappointment.

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if i was him i'd had be sure to not spend a single day without destroying her pussy at least once

When I find someone to do it with, of course

not sure if i want to fuck up, knock up, and suck up tbqhh