Wage stories thread

>working wageslave job at theater
>vacuuming carpet at the end of the night
>while vacuuming, a crying baby gets beaten senseless
>woman walks out of mens restroom and into womens, fellow employees kek
>different employee starts a fight with a customer
>hear moaning from sex outside
>think i heard a gunshot, but probably not
god bless america

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I don't even have the energy to formulate them into stories. People are so fucking stupid. I've seen police called. I've been called racist a lot. I've been given hand made notes from people saying I can never redeem my sins. so many people can't speak English and somehow survive on EBT. So many people have no critical thinking ability to work out how the alphabet works on a self checkout produce screen. Customers mocking you and saying you're stealing jobs with them.


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jesus user, thats horrible. where do you work?

Not a large enough chain I'm comfortable saying.

yeah okay, i can understand that. feel free to dump any stories here if you gain the energy, but otherwise im just gonna let it die.

>work at an indie movie theater
>currently showing a trailer for a doc on Satanism
>old fucks keep coming out expecting us to have any control over the movies we get

Don't even get me started on the niggas walking out of High Life. Old white boomers should be rounded up and shot.

fuck man i know that. upside fucking sucked dick
>2 for upside
>do you have a senior discount?
>senior discount?
fucking hell, as if you should be treated like kings or queens for being senile

I worked security at a hotel for two weeks and it sucked.
>every mexican staying had to throw a party at night with outdoor drinking and shitty polka music, was in charge of telling them to not drink outside and they always put up a fight
>shady as fuck guy asks for some guests from a strip club and spends a few hours hiding from me on the hotel grounds, said strip club gets shot up during the same time
>had to deal with junkies and niggers
Also the doors to empty rooms would just open randomly for some reason which would creep me out.

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>just got a job with the uni
>co-worker has the best ass and tits I have ever seen
>she is a complete feminazi commie.

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I worked at a cinema for 3 months as a ticket checker and had to clean the rooms from all those retards that spill popcorn and juicy over the floor every fucking day
atleast I could eat how much popcorn I wanted
at the end of the day because they throw all the made popcorn into the trash or you could take some home also I could watch movies for free which was nice and had to wear those fucking black suits like fucking hell dude also the manager was a fucking midget but he had his cousin same as my age working with me and he got promoted cuz yea fuck relations
the wage was bellow minimum since it was a parttime i guess job for students i didnt know it was my first job
fuck this shit i swear better live in moms basement than do this shit

>he doesn't have a comfy warehouse job

elaborate user. how is a warehouse job comfy?

> work in office job next door to pediatric dentist
> about occasionally hear screaming
> not typical little kid screaming
> the screaming that goes through the wall and makes you feel a pit in your stomach
> never in my life have heard screaming that loudly in a dentist office
> screams even pierce through my earphones
> one day decide to ask the dentist about the screams
> she just laughs
> mfw

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not OP
if you don't have backproblems ur all set for that place or else u'll feel tired all the time, been there lasted 10 months also there was teamwork with random people which it fucking sucked most of them there where old 30 mommies and old men and only 1 or 2 hot bitches of my age but they are in relationship with the boss even though she works in the same position as me and fuck hell I'm glad I got out of there too full of retards only

Worked a Job where my Boss should have been labeled clinically insane.
The guy who scream at the top of his lungs and eyes bulge out of his skulls at every little thing.
I've seen the guy throw things at people
threaten assault
and just degrade people
People tried reporting him tot he higher ups and all we'd get was a
>we will look into it
nothing would ever come of it.
He would just hold a meeting and yell at every one saying
>I dont know whos trying to fuck with my job but if I find out your ass will be kicked to the curb
People tried recording him as proof with there phone but they couldn't except it as evidence
Finally I just didn't care and wanted to get fired
So I went in intentionally fucked some thing up so he would yell at me
had a few witnesses close by because I knew trouble was coming
He started yelling at me like a maniac and I just started to fuck with him
He'd yell I'd just start laughing
and he'd get even more insanely mad
Threatens to kci my ass
I laugh and say
>your to much of a faggot to kick any ones ass you little midget bitch
He throws a book at me hits me and the gut I over sell it and storm out towards the witness playing it up
>oh my god hes trying to kill me call the cops
he freaks out and flees
cops show up I got witness who even heard him say hes gonna kick my ass
I then get a lawyer and sue the company
I made those faggots pay for making me deal with that faggot for 4 years
now I dont have to do shit till the day I die.

>>woman walks out of mens restroom and into womens, fellow employees kek

>there phone
>except it as evidence
I'm guesssing it was a McWagie's job

yup but it McPaid me
Now I live the NEET life in style
I'll never have to wageslave again

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I fucking hate those cunts. The worst part is, you literally can't get around them being shitty cunts.

>ask if they need a senior discount if they don't tell me
>don't ask when they tell me
>ask when they tell me
>don't ask when they don't tell me

>Be me
>Found out about this Uber-like app but for goalkeepers
>Join them
>First match, not too far from me
>First match seems to be going fine
>Guy gets fouled and over react like he was neymar or some shit
>They end up fighting
>One guy pulls out a gun and shoot the guy who got fouled on the knee.
>I stick around otherwise I wouldn't get paid
>Match is over, I get paid and got the fuck out of there as fast as I could.
>Got rated five stars and a 15% tip
A tip and a possible trauma. Seems worth it, anons.

What industry do you work in user?

This feels fake but if it isn't good fucking lord

based south american

You got that shit right.

Come to brezil :)))

Warehouse wagie/driver here

I work for a company similar to O'Reilly's, Autozone, etc. It's warehouse work with auto parts and we deliver to body shops and service stations etc. Most of the mechanics are chill but holy fuck you get a few that are just turbo fuckers and you wanna just clock em with a fuckin brake rotor (bigass metal disc that stops your car. heavy. would hurt a lot. dont drop it on your foot)

or the assholes who are cash/check on delivery who sit on the fuckin phone while you're waiting for ten minutes with your thumb up your ass and theres 15 more stops to make in less than an hour and instead of saying "hang on a second, brb" on the phone they just jaw on and on to some boomer fuck who doesnt get why replacing half his engine is expensive

or the fucking mouthbreathers who consistently pull the wrong fuckin parts in the warehouse because they cant be assed to actually look at the item they pulled to confirm it is right

boss is okay, bit of a stress case but i gotta work along side him and if I were him I'd have throttled someone by now. people are fucking morons. Can't read, cant into basic logic, don't get basic instructions re: staging merchandise so its not a clusterfuck for the drivers to load into the trucks, etc

fuckin ton of overtime though, thank god. banking a shitload of cash. while being a lazy NEET is chill and comfy, wagecucking for a decentish wage + overtime takes the sting of having no life, no friends, no gf, etc.

I was at the dentist a month ago and some kid was getitng his teeth unfucked after his dipshit brother smacked him with a rock. good lord the screaming was unreal, and mom was super pissed. made the wait in the lobby as awkward as humanly possible

>people are fucking morons.
I feel the pain in your post, user. I work at a record store which is an entirely different pace than what you do but jesus christ no matter where you go you get retards. It's made me so cold hearted and cynical. I just want a job where nobody talks to me.

depends on the warehouse and what you do. if all you're doing is pulling orders or staging merchandise, its chill. depending on sales/size/busyness you might be able to take it easy or you might bust your ass...but at least you wont have to deal with john Q public.

night shifts are quiet and you will likely work alone, but graveyard is tough on the body and soul. you have no life outside of work and sleeping during the day is bullshit even with blackout curtains.

normal daytime hours are good, and if its a bunch of dudes theres bantz and it can be chill. hopefully you arent super autistic and can bullshit a little bit with what in all likelihood are going to be 100% normalfags but just keep the 'tism to a minimum and try and keep it jovial and it works out ok. or just never, ever talk to anyone and do your shit and go home.

>morons everywhere

I mean, shit, I got my headass moments and I'd be lying if I claimed to never fuck something up. But I own it and try and learn from it, and even when I'm at my worst its maybe 1 mistake a day when some of these chucklefucks are botching 1/5 orders and its just...HOW? Read the fucking order slip, it tells you where to go, what to pic, the brand, the item type, the part number and how many to pull! just...LOOK at it, ffs

>Used to do security at a theater
>I was to never go inside and expected to stand outside eleven hours a day five days a week
>No immediate bathroom, had to bring my own cooler to hydrate, it was essentially being paid to be homeless. Half the time I didn't even shower before work because I was so fucking sick of my entire life revolving around sitting outside all day
>I'd just hide in their shed and smoke.
>Same cunt manager who cared nothing about my well being or even following basic labor laws waits until one of my few days off to change the lock on the shed so I can't even hide in there because boomers feed off our misery like vampires

>I just sit on the pavement, I set up my hookah, and am just close enough to the cameras so they can see me and flip them off while I smoke.

That Joker kid was a God damn hero

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>I want a job where no one talks to me

This is some monkeys paw shit and you DO NOT WANT THIS unless you got some serious antisocial schizoid shit going on

>where do you think we are.jpg

Yeah, I get that but if you can at least get people to like you kinda sorta it helps a lot. you dont have to be best friends, but be willing to roll with bantz and make fun of dumb shit. when I forget to sign off on something I checked my boss signs it DA for dumbass, girl temp said, "oh user its not dumbass, its darling angel" so guess what my new nickname is? It's okay though, everyone has to get totally fucking owned sometime. it builds character or some faggy shit like that

one of the guys i work with is almost ALWAYS alone, the other guy he's usually paired with is the totally silent unless directly spoken to type, but hes late gen X normie but good people and can appreciate dark/cynical humor so naturally I fuck with him a bit anytime I'm workin with him. he appreciates the break in routine, stacking shit on shelves for 10 hours with no meaningful contact gets depressing as fuck


No one even offered you water or a sunshade or a chair or anything? I'd have taken bribes to let people in the back. fuck that shithole. you cant treat people like that and not expect them to fuck with you back or at least do the bare fucking minimum

I wouldn't need to mingle at work if I had my girlfriend

Which I don't

Because normies are fucking stupid and won't consider state provided waifus a real political position

Or at the very least make Stacy lives a living hell. Tax the shit out of functional adults and me and you can die alone but covered in our own neet piss playing monster hunter not having to half ass the Normie life being wagies but none of the love and tenderness

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doesnt have to be normgroid sportsball shit man

talk about cooking, or make fun of bad television, or bitch about traffic, anything. yeah, small talk is meaningless and trite but you can feel people out with it and it lets people know you're an actual person

if you go 100% balls deep on the JQ or discuss drive ratios on a '72 stingray or w/e the fuck you'll get weird ass looks. just talk about nostalgic shit like old ass vidya or movies, or some metal band you like or w/e the fuck. be moderately sarcastic (but not condescending/asshole tier) and always say please and thank you

it worked for me, anyway

also you can 100% push the state provided gf position, just make it sound super ironic or w/e. just double and triple down on it and people will just assume you're takin the piss.

>all women need a formal rating scale designator
>men will be matched with women based on said scale, regardless of established personal bonds, marriages, relationships, etc
>this is a flawless system with no downsides and will cure many social ills
>nothing could possibly go wrong here

when people go "man, wtf" you just feign incredulity. "its LITERALLY a perfect system, guys, I'm an unsung genius okay" and hopefully your coworkers realize you're just bullshitting and roll with it. otherwise idk man

>working at a vet clinic, kennel/asst tech
>people have us kill their dog because its old and sick
>"we dont want a paw print"
>put fido in the freezer. bagged n tagged.
>2 days later
>"oh, we just cant go on without SOME reminder of our precious baby!"
>ffs, the pawprint needs to be done with a thawed out paw
>fido is curled up and frozen solid. literal dogsicle
>cut open the bag, put dog on table
>dogsicle wobbles form side to side
>me and tech poorly suppress a nervous/exasperated chuckle
>dog is left out for 24+ hours like you would defrost a hunk of frozen meat so we could pull the paw out and make a proper impression

fuck those people. thats one of the more undignified things I've had to do to an animal. I'm sorry fido (not his real name)

or the time someone's hyperobese and diabetic cat's skin literally just degloved off the body when we attempted to move it, that was really cool and good

that one I do remember. RIP sammie. your owners fucking sucked and im sorry they let you get that fat. she'd literally just worm over to the food bowl, lay her head in it and graze. super fucked up.

Same guy here and you're completely right about the double down thing and about the casual conversation thing too. If nothing else it keeps normies from hating you.

I'm mostly just bitching just to vent lol. Like it's to the point everyone knows WHY I'm mad. Whether or not they care is on them. Like as an example mom could be like take out the trash, and I just toss it against the side of the road. Because I'm bitter and don't even need to hide it anymore because it's not like there's anything left to take from me or alienate me from. I'm not even mad at my mom and she knows that, I'm just like fuck everything.

should just used a similar sized live dog
not like it's going to be used for forensic testimony

>fuck everything

Depression's a real shitter, m80

Sadbrains dont have to manifest as mopey emo shit, the male brain just KNOWS that shit's fucked and lashes out without even really knowing what, why or how.

at the very least, tell your ma you love her, and try and do things to help her out when you can. shits kinda getting raw as of late and theres no sign its gonna dial back. make her breakfast or something

>it's not like there's anything left to take from me or alienate me from

you're posting online, aren't you?

true, but what if it was your dog and someone pulled that kind of shit? empathy is a curse and a blessing. always gotta be putting yourself in someone else's place