>I reflexively say "nigger" whenever something bad occurs
How do I stop doing this?
>I reflexively say "nigger" whenever something bad occurs
How do I stop doing this?
My go-to is to say "I'm so fucking stupid fuck I should kill myself" under my breath, unironically. Sometimes it slips out before I can stop myself and people give me weird looks
Just shut up nigger.
Mine is Jesus Fucking Shitcock.
Scream at yourself.
Just scream "NOOOOOO" in your head.
The fuck?
You alright bro?
Holy shit I do the same thing wtf
I originally did that too and it's dangerous because you might say it to a nigger. Me and my friend have a new phrase when something bad happens: "fuck my ass", also in abbreviations to keep it alive, like; "fuck my dumb jewish ass". At least people will think I am just gay in case I say it in public
>taking my break at work alone
>sitting down smoking my cig enjoying a coffee
>drop my phone on the floor as I'm fumbling around to relight me cig
>drop my phone thinking it's gonna smash
>work mate pisses himself watching everything unfold
I love this place sometimes.
>I'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
>oh my fucking god im gonna kill myself
No, not really. Whenever something stresses me out I pace and clench my fists and just chant to myself that I'm a stupid fucking retard and I want to die. Other people witnessing it nust makes it more embarrassing and I feel a compulsion to just beat my head into a table
Be half black. Worked for me until I got over it.
My go to is "ohh ya fucker", the other day I "said" it in my internal monologue, really threw me off.
I know the npc meme was awhile ago but I never really got the clear cut answer: Are there actually people that don't have internal monologues? They just think in general feelings?
Here's mine:
>At a supermarket
>see something I want to buy; look to see how much cash I have
>not enough
>shout "You fucking nigger" to myself for not bringing enough
>realize immediately what I did
>turned around to see some spic lady looking at me in shock; motioning her children to get away from me
what wrong with the word nigger? I can say it all day in my country and nobody gives a shit
uuuhh can I fuck your dumb jewish ass?
Yeah, there are. Know what's even worse? There are people who can only think in internal monologues and aren't capable of thinking about abstract concepts using visual or spatial metaphors.
get help, user. I imagine it would only get worse
The United states has a bad history it wants to forget. It's just a long history of fucking over other groups of people for profit
Wait how do you NOT have an internal monologue? Wtf. How does that even work? Do you just like not think? Or talk to yourself? Wait am I crazy for talking to myself in my head? Sometimes I pretend like people are watching me and I'm like in a TV show or something. Is this a sign of aspbergers or autism? I am confused
wow that sucks man from east europe so i idk i can talk shit all day and nobody gives a fuck since west europe stereotype us as subhumans
>tfw people can't feel the weight of their own soul or the presence of spirits around them
I know that feel OP. The other day I was getting my shit pushed in at Smash Bros and I said "This game is for black people".
Thank god all my friends are white and no one gave a fuck.
I think you should go to the nearest most dangerous nigger infested area you can find then try to sing the alphabet backwards
I don't say it out loud, but I started thinking the nonsense word "shnelf" whenever I am feeling manic which can be quite often. It gradually evolved into "elf" and then into "elves" which I repeat over and over. It seems to have corresponded with my medication being lowered.
The bullshit they teach kids these days is just repulsive
I snap my fingers a lot at random times if I get annoyed. People probably think it's weird
Just pretend you have Tourette syndrome.
Electroshock therapy collar that triggers it when it hears that word.
get you ass beat by a nigger lmao
same but niggers. I've done it at concerts before, sometimes with actual huge niggers around me, but it was so loud no one heard. I say it because I get anxious being around that many people especially before it starts and everyone's talking it's very overwhelming.
user, whenever I go anywhere and I see a random billboard of some business I always feel the need to say "For me it's *enter specific business here* I also feel the need to spout dumb knock knock jokes every few minutes where I panic and always respond with me
Based as fuck
>For me it's Chuck's Fuck and Suck
>tfw people like this actually exist
i think I just found my new home away from Jow Forums
I say "niggers tongue my anus" loudly whenever i exert a lot of energy like when lifting weights and I'm on my last rep.
I almost say that verbatim. I also sometimes just say MURDER KILL FUCK MURDER KILL. I'm scared that will get me put on a watchlist idk how I let it get this habitual
Sometimes I even flip people off behind their back, like I don't even mean it it's just something I do :(
>stub toe
>Imitate rayquaza cry and yell FUUUUUUUUUUG!
>Be me
>Drive thru at Burger King
>Get into argument with asian female working the drive thru cause she fucked up my order
>Call her a dumb nigger porch monkey
>She looks at me in complete shock and confusion
At least the nuggies I got were good
>Can't even get his racial slurs right
>Used to say "I want to die" in my head in response to any kind of negative happening
>Then countered it with "please don't kill me"
>Then "I want to live" but it didn't stick
>Now it's "I want fuck" or just "I want"
>Instinctively put up the ok hand symbol in response to pretty much 90% of things that require simple responses or negative or overly positive emotional words
>Ok hand symbol in my room alone
>Ok hand symbol my brother
>Ok hand symbol my mother
>Ok hand symbol my teacher
>Ok hand symbol my therapist
>Almost ok hand symbol while on my very first date in my life but they didn't notice
>Say nigger in my head a lot, at least 3 times a day
>Accidentally throw in the word nigger in real life conversations, mostly with brother, hard r and all
>Have to stop myself from talking in greentext format for a few weeks after I isolate myself, feels like translating a language you speak in your head into english
This is the ideal time to make that mistake, because an Asian working at McDwayne's will be less offended at that than anyone else
I'm actually relieved that other people do this autistic shit.
Cope dnzuneh
my go-tos are normally shit to do with plants. like, "just put me in the fucking dirt" or "just toss me in a lake"
I'm on recording all day at work and I got asked by my boss if I was okay, because I kept saying "kill myself kill myself" over and over under my breath...
>drive up to KFC with a friend of mine after a card tournament
>don't pull all the way up, just up to the menu to see what I can order
>while trying to decide my friend mention "good ol NYIGGUH food" referring to the KFC
>I reply "uh yeah gimme some uh dat chickun some oh dat NYIGGUH food"
>turns out the ordering speaker was in the menu and hidden under part of the food items
>"Um. Okay sir give me a moment."
>realize what happened and leave post haste laughing but also feeling like an absolute autismo
I do that too. Luckily my 2 friends don't give a shit and do it aswell.
Something autistic I do is use the
Format during normal conversations with random normies. Some times it just comes out without me relalizing it and it makes me feel like a retarded NIGGER.
>Be me at random bar
>Some lady is complaining about the barista making her coffee to "long" when she asked for a "ristretto" (I don't know ow the translations sorry)
>Say "imagine being this mad about a coffee" out loud
>Both barista and woman look at me
I wanted to die so fucking bad, holy shit.
I have some stories too, mostly with the ok hand symbol, it's the one people notice the most
>Walk into class after being gone a few days after a mental break
>"Hey user how are you doing"
>Make I don't know mouth sound while holding up ok hand
>"Ah uhhh well that's good"
>Really out of it from little sleep, sit down
>"So I have some papers for you to sign"
>Fucking ok hand with raised eyebrows and squinty eyes
>"Ah okay, just fill these out"
>Get done and bring them to her desk
>Set them down and ok hand symbol
>"Are you okay?"
>"Mmmmmh" okay hand symbol
>Fall asleep on desk
>Nobody wakes me until last few minutes of class
Shit, I do this too
Like I'm not even calling somebody the word, it's just another expletive like 'shit' or 'fuck'
Where are you from? I'm from Italy and the ok sign is widely used, I use it a lot too but it's considered normal.
>Smoking some DANK weed like the DANK teen I was with a DANK friend
>He doesn't give me the joint
The Midwest of the United States, great lakes.
I have only ever seen people use the ok sign online, usually as a meme or """"white supremacy""""", I don't know why I continue to do it. Nobody besides my brother and random people online know that I am even capable of joking around, yet I use the ok symbol almost every day. Probably think I'm secretly a Nazi or some shit.
sometimes I repeatedly say "omegalol" with an african accent for no reason
>says the word
>his reaction
I have a lot of pain because for some reason my mind curses me by forcibly making me remind myself of every single cringy thing I've made in my life. It's like being forced to watch a cringe compilation of your life and it fucking kills me. I have Pure OCD, how do I stop this???
Whenever I need to block out bad memories I just say "Polish" (like the country not the nail product). You could try that.
>whenever I go anywhere and I see a random billboard of some business I always feel the need to say "For me it's *enter specific business here*
Lmao I fucking love this one.
>I have only ever seen people use the ok sign online, usually as a meme or """"white supremacy""""",
The ok hand sign is way older than your little Pepe memes and internet shit, bud.
scream hit and run
Same, I used to joke with my friends about killing myself everytime i did something wrong in school,
I was just kidding but one day they took me to the principal office to make sure that I was good and called my mom, I explained that everything was a joke but still, that didn't persuate people from staring weirdly at me
I do the same thing and it's really bad and I can't stop. It started as a funny little thing because I'd do a Keemstar voice, but now i don't even bother and im really worried it will slip out in public.
"son of a nigger" "nigger fuck" "nigger dicks"
is any of this a problem?