Hey everyone! OP from last week is back! On mobile right now but I have to keep my promise!!!
SelfLove Thread 2
Other urls found in this thread:
OP here. In this thread I want everyone to think of your fondest memory! It can be anything!!
I only found the memory of that time when a girl told me she liked me just for all of her friends and the rest of the class to laugh at me.
Why would you use this question to cheer me up. I have none. I have never been particularly excited.
I appreciate the idea behind this thread but it backfired.
I don't think I deserve love... I'm a loser...
i ... really like your image, OP
... (i think i may save it to my HDD)
When the Cavs won in 2016...
I don't think that's true at all! I know there has to be some good time! Like I said it can be anything!
I'm sorry that she did that user that's horrible. But don't let that hold you back from being happy! You can be happy and you deserve to be happy! I like you!!!
You absolutely deserve love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone gets to a low-point sometimes but that can't stop use from going up!! I love you user!! Don't ever think you don't deserve love!!
That's nice user I bet that was really exciting! To see the team you're rooting for win! That's the best! Now just imagine what's in store in the future! It could be even better!!!
Go ahead! Everything of mine is yours!
Do you even know where you are?
My life is shit. It has been so since I can recall. If I ever have fun, its because I read something funny on here or because I enjoyed a video game, but it's so trivial and uncommon that I can't even pinpoint the exact moment or context.
Even if I could, the fact that my fondest memories are greentexts and video games is already depressing in itself.
That's not true!! Happiness is happiness no matter where it comes from!!! I know it may seem bad and I can't possibly know what you've gone through. But don't let the beginning of your story dictate the ending!! I know you can be happy and I think deep down you know it too!!! I believe in you!
i commonly have dreams about cuddling with girls, so probably one of those, although when i wake up it makes me feel terrible for the next few days so its bittersweet
That sounds like a nice dream to have user. If I may ask why do you feel bad afterwards?
You're a good person op. It makes me feel better to someone out there trying to inspire hope and love. Thanks.
Thank you user!! I appreciate that more than you know!! But you can't forget about you!! You are a good person even if you don't think so!! There is always some good in people!!
because i know that i will never have it
That's not true user!! You never know what the future holds! You might meet the love of your life tomorrow!! Have Hope!! I know things will turn out great for you!!
Alrighty everyone! Feeling pretty sleepy so I'm gonna hit the hay! Goodnight everyone! And just know that I love and believe in you always!! Check back next week around the same time! I'll think really hard about a topic to make everyone happy!!!
You're all gonna make it bros.
wtf algernon cadwallader based
Blessed thread again, OP. Shame I saw it right as I was preparing to sleep. Next time I'll catch it earlier for sure ;^)
bump for wholesome thread
Happiest memory was almost winning a tournament against the best team in the game. Still got a fat wad tho.
I have several smaller ones and can't think of anything particularly overamazing. I remember all the times I went to the zoo either with friends or with family, that one time no one but my mother went to aqua zoo with me on my birthday is particularly good. I remember the times I drew pictures and the class admired me for one small moment, I remember my flight to Ireland and the trip, I remember my first time on the big swing with the class.
The ironic thing is for every memory I have I can remember a shitty thing directly related to that
last Thursday was one of the best days of the year for me but now I'm back to being sad
Summarized memory:
When I was little I use to catch animals/bugs and things when I would visit my grandparents in the summer. They had this big 5 acre property with a creak nearby and woods for miles. I remember showing off my catches to my dad and he would always give me a nice validation bit for it. Of course, I would re-release everything afterward. Favorite things to catch were toads and lizards(mostly salamanders.) The most dangerous thing I ever caught was a copperhead snake which I used a stick/bucket combination to basically put it in and covered. Named it Bucket like a smart boy. Never forget how white my dad's face turned when I showed him. Surprisingly didn't get punished for it and both laughed it off some years later.
Short bits I remember:
>turned an art farm into a pill bug farm
>caught a bee using a cup with a plucked daisy put into it, flew straight into the cup.
>caught a mole
>fed a fawn
>found a rare eastern spotted skunk one early morning
I think thats why I came to like Pokemon so much growing up.
This isn't my fondest memory, it's kinda odd actually
>Be me
>Morning of my 10th birthday
Just a bit of a quick setup, my mother and father divorced when I was like 4 or 5 or something
>My dad drops me off at the place my birthday party was being set up
My grandmother, grandfather, and mother are behind it
>Dad pats me on the head, says he has to go now and wishes me a happy birthday
>I was sad to see him go since I enjoyed spending time with him and only saw him every weekend
That's really it lol
It's just a time I remember wanting my father to stay for my 10th birthday party
Just for contrast, I am currently 20, I haven't spoken to him since 2016
How do I love myself more, OP?
Try to improve yourself
Physically and mentally
Just start with small things
Go out for walks, sign up to a gym and try to get in shape
Eat healthier, go to bed and wake up at good times
The more you improve yourself, the better you'll feel about yourself