My fuck buddy won't fuck me while I'm on my period and I wanted to go swim too. Fembot life is hard

My fuck buddy won't fuck me while I'm on my period and I wanted to go swim too. Fembot life is hard
How you doing anons?

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Why can't you swim? Shark in the pool?

This is my first time on Jow Forums and I thought Random would be the perfect place to start. I'm good how are you?

I don't want to contaminate the pool that would be gross for everyone
I hope this goes away for next saturday

why are there so many women on here I thought this was the incel forum or something, first time posting here from Jow Forums since it's dead over there

Oh boy. Prepare to see some wild fucked up mindsets.
This place is filled with misoginy, homophobia, racism, misantrphy and general hatred
Specific hobby boards are good places to start

That's what the chlorine is for. The pool is already full of piss, I'm sure some blood won't change much.

I lurk this place because seeing their pathetic asses is interesting and entretaining in some way. Sometimes I try to help them but it doesn't work if they don't want to change. And sometimes I just laugh at them

You are proof that self-proclaimed "fembots" don't exist

Nah you see for most normal people the political board is the best place to start, bottom right Jow Forums. There you can find the largest quantity of political discussion and people willing to help you understand deep insight into complex sociological issues. also they once found a deranged celebrity's french flag in the middle of a field with nothing more but clouds, airplane trajectories, and autism.

Fucking in the shower is great for periods. Your boy toy is a pussy if he won't fuck you rn

It would be embarassing anyways

Sounds about like what I'll be lurking for, last time I came here it was basically the same thing people talking about wanting to kill themselves constantly or how hard it is to get pussy. But I digress I have never got pussy, I've never actively tried but still.

Just cut your thigh so people think the blood is coming from your large open wound instead of your vagina.

I admit I would probably still be a virgin if I was a guy but mostly because it's harder to find a non-normie girl that isn't an airhead who spends all day on instagram or netflix. My fuck buddy is nice and not a boring normie

I would make a terrible boyfriend anyway, I'm always spending my weekends going to look for rocks and doing my own thing. Sounds like fun at first but I can't help but feel no girl in her right mind would go freeze her ass off in the desert with me to go find some shiny rocks. I almost didn't make it out last time lmao

Imagine being a biological woman kek

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Lmao yeah that's not a nice effort/reward balance but good for you. But unless you're at that all day having a gf can be comfy for when you're indoors. But it's your choice if you want one anyways. Relationships require effort

D-don't laugh at me I can't defend myself

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Fair enough, how do most people find their theoretical girlfriend? Thought of speed dating once, like I said I've never actually bothered yet with any of it though. Finding women in bars sounds like a bad idea for actual relationships

>Relationships require effort on the man's part

Yeah I don't think bars are a good idea either. Idk. If you want a quick fuck you can go hookup but std's statistics are serious shit so take care
It requires effort from me to work on bettering myself, give emotional support, try to motivate my partner to be better and be honest and open about what bothers me

If I were into hookups I probably wouldn't be a kissless virgin (probably). Kind of sucks though, I don't want to get a GF that I need to hide my powerlevel from. Maybe I'll hold off for a couple years, it doesn't really bother me that much. I guess despite different circumstances we have similar problems, most normies disgust me and that includes many women. I don't really hate women and am not MGTOW but the normie mentality is a complete turnoff

I know you're memeing but how the fuck do you get a fwb? I really want a gf but I also feel like it would be better to have a friend to fuck around and experiment with before I get into a relationship with a girl and possibly be a disappointment in the sexual department.

Like how does the conversation come up. How do you not make it into a full relationship?

Idk he was a friend and I was openly complaining about being horny and I was so autistic I didn't think he would consider fucking me and he asked me to fuck lol. If you get a fwb be clear about your intentions, it's pretty important
Idk how to flirt with girls since I don't talk with them a lot

Yeah I get what you mean. It's useful to make some meaningful friendships meanwhile. If you're in uni get into some nerdy clubs or some shit like anime, chess or arts. Sports are more normish but I'll get into them anyways and people there seem more diciplined and supportive

Eh. I've been way too horny and jerking off 3-4 times a day lately, but I think it's partly just due to the boredom of being a shut-in NEET. The urge to get a job is rising (very) slowly, so hopefully I'll work up the motivation and courage to start fixing my fucking life before I'm 25. I'm hoping I can find something decent online that isn't a scam or something that effectively pays something shitty like $5 an hour since having to go outside and deal with people is just that much more stressful for me. I wish I was a normalfag, or at least closer to one.

Getting productive when you don't have responsabilities can be tricky. Set yourself a weekly goal and work on it every day or at least every 2 days. Sit down and FOCUS ON WORKING. Don't get distracted or you'll be exponentially worse and will end up having to waste more time than necessary

My time for university has probably passed lol, and since I know of a better way to get my B.A. with certs and almost no debt I'll go that route instead. Maybe I'll check out some meetups for stuff like that in my area that's some good advice. Also about your response to that other guy when I was a kid I had a similar situation. This really cute girl apparently liked me and her friends told me this but I was pretty autistic and nerdy back then, I assumed they were playing a prank on me or something and I told them something like "well I don't like her tell her that" god that was one of the cringiest memories I have. Chances are they WERE fucking with me but there's still that small chance...

Oh shit that sounds annoying. And good for you if you can study without going to jewish indoctrination centre I mean college. I love my career and uni life is ok but it could be better

Imma try to sleep. Remember to browse on the right posture and work to make yourself better tomorrow


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How do you even find someone compatible enough to be a fuck buddy? Can I get a ballpark ASL? So I know what the Hell I'm talking about

shit you got me I was leaning forward, gnight

Very true, but I can get stuff like housework done fine. My main issue is that I've always been a huge pussy who's very easily intimidated on top of being fairly anxious about stuff (especially just being around other people who I don't know well), so just actually looking for a job and getting myself to start applying to stuff is essentially this massive hurdle for me, when it really shouldn't be. That, and I don't really know what kind of work I can do online without having to talk to people much (or ever, ideally). But you're right, and I know I need to just man the fuck up and get started on it to sort of get used to it.

>I was openly complaining about being horny and I was so autistic I didn't think he would consider fucking me and he asked me to fuck lol.
I've had girls do this a good amount and I talk to them back about horny shit but nothing ever happens. I think too many people think it's slutty or not okay to fuck without being in a relationship which I understand but idk, I think a FWB would be really nice

Not OP but I'll tell you a fwb might not be a good idea if you never had romantic/sexual interaction with girls and/or get attached too easily (usually the former implies the latter) like me
I have been in love with my best friend for as long as I can remember. Eventually it turned into platonic love and it didnt affect me no more.
Years pass and we trip on lsd together. We cuddle and play with our hands for hours while looking straight into one another's eyes. Some weeks later she confesses she was horny as fuck with me that time. One week later she breaks up with her 3-year bf. One week later we become fwb
I though I could handle it but 3 months in this 'relationship' she started seeing other people. This was a month ago and I'm devastated. With sexual experience, yeah, but crying myself to sleep every night.
Couldnt follow advice from google that said not to get sentimental cause we already loved each other and said gay shit to each other before this started

If you can get someone you dont even know and wont get to know as a fuckbuddy it could be good. Personally I wouldnt want to fuck someone I dont care about

I used to be in your exact same spot like a year ago, I'm in a significantly better spot now and that's what I did. I just got any job that wasn't mcdonalds or retail or some shit like that. Working in of itself will give you at least a baseline of confidence and you get used to the job after a month or so. There was a point where I came back home from the military due to an injury in basic and basically cried myself to sleep a couple times because of how shit things turned out. I haven't done that since I was 13 and had a migraine that put me in the ER. Ever since then I've had these weird panic attacks just from the feeling of being a complete loser. I got a few temp jobs, left them, got new ones. Now I've worked for a company steadily for almost a year, I even get vacation days and company paid donuts, temp jobs never do that shit.

Basically just get a job so you're getting out and doing something. Anything you want to do can be done in your off time. I fell for that same shit and thought I had to do one or the other now I just do what needs to be done whenever I have time to, and everything feels much better. You're gonna make it user just have patience and put out resumes for jobs that are slightly above min wage to start

They realized lonely robots make for easy attention

I was actually working at the same place for roughly a year, but they either went under or just fired basically everyone there to start from scratch, and I haven't gotten a new one since. It's been like 3 or 4 years, I've sorta lost track. Anyway, I never really got used to being there. I warmed up to it as much as I was going to, but there's basically always a baseline discomfort whenever I leave the house that's been with me since at least middle school. Oh well. It doesn't really change anything. I think tomorrow I'm gonna poke around on LinkedIn or something where I can look for online stuff that doesn't seem sketchy as fuck. If I exhaust online stuff, I'll probably move on to overnight, backroom jobs at grocery stores or something where there'll hopefully only be another person or two. Thanks m8.

That's really sad user. I think it might not be for me. I might be able to handle everything but the part where they start seeing other people. It would probably fuck me up hard and I wouldn't even be able to be proper mad because we weren't actually dating

Oh, and I've never had any panic attacks, but I occasionally get this mixture of crushing guilt, shame, and loss for being such a retard who's fucked his life up. Glad you've gotten your shit sorted out, user.

Yer, check out indeed sometime they keep your resume on your account so most of the applications all you have to do is click apply. My jobs before this one were never stable and I hated them, good luck with your search bromium