you are being scammed robots
You are being scammed robots
okay great. what's you're solution faggot?
i mean i was free during school. so i've been free for 21 years. so add 21+11=33 free years
i retired when i was 16
Work isn't slavery you absolute moron.
im not, im not a wagecuck
Well life expectancy in my country is 82, however, all elderly people I know has lived until 90+
Retirement age is also lower.
So basically America just sucks at retiring.
are you really living at that age tho?
Not really lmao, you aren't living after 40 anyways though.
I'm going to lower our life expectancy in other words.
they hated him
You're right, user. We are being scammed....lets go back to killing each other with rocks and dying from a simple cut. Be glad that you can live so long because older generations died at 40-60.
I dunno if I'd consider school free.
But yeah OP, I'm aware. There's a reason I'm 25 and a NEET. Can't live this way forever though, and plan S isn't looking as appealing to me as it did when I was 14 or so.
Seeing my parents grow old, believing that taking a two week long cruise every year is "seeing the world" while my dad continues to spend all his time in an office or watching TV makes me so depressed. I asked him what he plans on doing when he retires, and more cruises is all that's on the menu I guess. I can't fucking imagine that kind of life.
Recently we had a talk about what I expect out of life, and I expressed my dissatisfaction with the idea that I'm supposed to give up such a huge chunk of it, and that if that's what I absolutely have to do, I feel like I need to find a way to do it with something that at least gives me some sort of fulfillment, and makes me at least a little bit happy.
He replied that realistically most people are content to make do with something that just "doesn't kill you" with a break to enjoy every so often, and I asked him how I'm supposed to perceive that as anything other than getting fucked in the ass, even if I only spend a quarter of my life or so doing it. He just looked sad and stared into the distance for a bit.
I really don't want to be a disappointment to my parents, and I genuinely want a job so my dad can retire relatively soon, but fuck this stupid fucking system and these bullshit busywork jobs.
If you stopped, would you starve or have an otherwise unbearable life? Do you determine the terms of your work? You're probably a slave.
But can I actually sell my ass for an earlier retirement?
>Be a productive member of society to live a souless life like a slave.
>Be a pan handling thieving homeless bum whom eventually will be a felon for breaking the law
>Be a working, homeless man living in his car, shower at the gym, and chilling at starbucks
Choose one.
I did 3
Take the Kaczynski pill brothers. it will set you free
The bigger scam is working 40+ hours in an office when you could do all your work at home, in 20 hours, at the same productivity as its 40 hour equivalent and enjoy more of your freetime desu.
Screw retirement, push for more freetime during your working years.
>Theodore John Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, is an American domestic terrorist, former mathematics professor, and anarchist author. A mathematics prodigy, he abandoned an academic career in 1969 to pursue a primitive lifestyle
How about no, faggot.
How about you read the manifesto first, faggot
27 here, never worked and can live however i want.
Inheritances and smart investments are based.
>Live for 78 years
>Have to eat food and drink water for 78 years
Wtf is this scam???
His manifest is LONG AS SHIT!
Let me guess what it says
>Hurr durr money is evil and we should reject technology because its bad. Religion is fake and blinds you from the truth. Muh minimalist, theism, traditionalism
blah blah blah. I have heard this bullshit before from psychos. Killing innocent people is inexcusable. Fuck that faggot and his manifesto.
I read the manifesto because I was curious after seeing a tv drama about him.
It isn't good; nobody would care about the essay if he hadn't killed anyone
So work for yourself.
3 all the fucking way
All i need is a car though, got my driving license and living with parents
Then allow me to explain further detail because I did it for 2 years. I drove from texas to washington state Seattle.
1. Have 3 or more parking spots to rotate to every day a different spot to sleep at.
2. First thing you do when you go to a new town is to find a gym to shower at, Library to use their computers to apply for jobs. Free wifi spots (starbucks perferably). And a P.O box for mail (just incase you need a new drivers license, social security car, car title, and other important documents to be mailed to you)
3When you get a phone call or message for a job interview.
Write down or memorize the nearest apartment complex address and room number (fake room number that doesn't exist). DO NOT TELL THEM you are homeless. Say you live alone at that apartment. Do not make friends at work who want to one day visit you at home etc...
4.Police are your friend. You will occasianaly have cops knock on your window to check on you making sure you arn't on drugs or anything. They will know who you are within 2 weeks of being around town.
5. Dollar Tree Store is your friend. Use microwaves at gas stations or the grocery store if they have them. If weed is legalized in your state. Smoke up a bit.
Lastly. If you ever get tired of this life of freedom and not many responsibilities. You can consider joining the military.
any other questions. I will be here.
does your car ever get hot/humid? I've always wanted to try this, but I've slept in my car before and there's nothing worse than car AC with the engine off.
In texas yeah. Hated it. So I moved up north to Washington state where it stayed cold for 10 months of the year. its nice sleeping through the nights there. Wouldn't recommend sleeping through the day if you had an overnight job.
And I slept in the driver seat with the seat down. I had a black blanket to cover me and I stayed low. I tried sleeping in the car like if it was a bed. But I got used to sleeping with the driver seat down. I didn't like it but you get used to it.
You will grow a sense of survival instincts and make smarter decisions.
>Inheritances and smart investments are based
You know pretty much anyone would make a smart investment, and you're basically just living off inheritance? How's it feel to be a worthless leech?
I'm cool with police too holy shit dude ur actually a God creation love you nohomo hope I'll meet ya in heaven and shake ur hand
>be me
>join army
>serve contract
>buy house
>do security contract
>100,000k for 6 months of work
>do it twice
>invest money
>live off of various investments
Vote Yang motherfuckers
Yep. Good luck. Just avoid talking to tweakers or telling anyone you live in your car. Keep your reputation in town low. You don't want to be the guy everyone in town knows you as the guy who sleeps in his car. Not because of social status... but for your safety. One day someone might want to break into your car without knowing you are inside sleeping. (which happened to me). Open the door, close, and lock the door again to let them know.
NEVER leave your keys hanging on the ignition slot. People will see that and will feel the need to steal your car because they see the keys in the ignition and think "Someone wasn't able to get into their car because they left the keys inside".
Without seeing you inside sleeping. I have seen my fair share of twaked out tweakers, homeless fucks, and other misfortunate souls.
I was the lucky one. I am in the Army now.
MOS, How long was your contract? What rank (if you don't mind me asking) did you get out of the military?
11b, 3 years, PFC
Tell that to animals
>work whole life to get food/avoid being food
>die whenever
>no retirement age at all
Lets have a class action lawsuit against god/s, that'll solve everything
LMAO! What you got demoted for?
And don't BS me because I know you turn specialist in 2 years.
Like i said, smart investments, i'm not just keeping my inheritance money in a bank account and spending from it, i put my money to work for me.
I am mainly living of a fraction of the profits while reinvesting the rest of it.
>worthless leech
Yea, no, i am buying products and spending money constantly, i buy a new phone every year, new car every 2 years and upgrade my other electronics on a regular basis, i am contributing more to society trough investments and consuming then any average wage cuck ever will in their life.
>i really dont want to be a disappointment to my parents
In gonna guess its a little late on that one
>be me
>join the army
>die of a heart attack during basic training
nah, fuck off Chad.
I ain't gonna die this young
Nigga. Army is easy as shit. Its Filled with fucking idiots who piggy back ride it for 3 years and ETC out of it lower than E4. PATHETIC!
>using consumer goods and having stocks means im not a leech
Imagine being such a brainlet. I cant even begin to imagine what obscure and impactful investments youve made with your mighty brain
Lmao kys brainlet
you don't know how capitalism works. i am not him btw.
I have an economics degree and almost certainly make more money than you, faggot. This faggot buys stocks he finds out about on Jow Forums and Jow Forumswallstreetbets and imagines himself to be an angel investor.
Buying stock off the market isnt an actual investment that creates anything new with the very rare exception of IPOs or new stock issuances.
>you shouldn't have to work man
>just sit at home man and work if you want
>what do you mean no one will work then
>dude who needs work anyway, let's just sit at home and get high
Nothing to see here, just a stoner promoting communism, move along folks
drop out and sell drugs
>How's it feel to be a worthless leech?
I'm not him, but I assume it feels pretty good compared to being a fucking slave with a boot on your neck
Yea, it's pretty grim. What's worse is that most properties belong to boomers and millennials are expected to work for their parents, their children (if they can even afford them) AND the fucking rent that goes into the boomers' pockets since they got a cheap ass house when there was still space to build them.
I'm not a commie fag, but capitalism is exponentially worse for the lower-middle class as time passes.
Not to mention the retirement age getting higher and higher so you can support Jamal's kids and fuck knows what else bullshit the government can think of. In a few generations, America is going to be in deep shit when they realize they haven't treated their working class quite fairly and gave every last bit to lazy people (niggers, immigrants mostly) that won't work a day in their lives.
Implying i only invest in stocks, i also invest in real-estate to rent places for wage cucks like yourself to live in.
Don't make me kick you out wage boy.
>This faggot buys stocks he finds out about on Jow Forums and Jow Forumswallstreetbets
Implying i spend my personal time looking at stock fluctuations or browsing Jow Forums.
What even are investment brokers/advisers/managers/professionals.
>I have an economics degree
>Buying stock off the market isnt an actual investment
Larping this hard.
>just do something less lucrative and more risky!
I am definitely better off than all of my friends that are struggling and dealing drugs to get by.
>buying houses that exist and then charging people to live in them makes me a producer, not a leech
Not how that works brainlet
>if I cut off his sentence less halfway through it looks dumb so Im right haha
Great argument brainlet
>I use personal investment managers
So youre not even smart enough to manage your alleged pile of money. Not surprising.
It makes prices go up witch incentivises people to build more but what would you know diploma larper.
I prioritize my free time, one meeting on mondays to discuss things is enough work for me, i prefer to do other stuff then work for money like some wage slave.
Btw you're iq complex is showing off.
Goyim exist to serve God's Chosen People. You were born to be a slave and you will die a slave. That is God's plan for you, goy.
Die original boomer
Not that guy, but my idea is to work until 45ish, saving and investing all the money that I can. Then bet it all on a game that gives even betting odds. Either I double my money and can retire or I seriously consider plan S at that point.
This type of plan only works for robots though. Doesn't really work if you have a wife or kids.
>doesn't even know the difference between your and you're
pretty sure he already dropped out of high school
Here's a better plan, do a random integer generation between 0 and 1 and if you get 0, commit suicide now, but if you get 1 work until 45 and be happy with the fruits of your labor.
Your dumbass plan would be incredibly bitter if you lost, my plan ensures that you don't need to experience the pain of labour if you lose the bet.
So what happens when you convert? Why would you let people convert?
>lol she has huge Khazar knockers and I didn't even convert
>no argument
Cope harder
>Depending on government to retire
Just don't spend money, faggot.
By the time you're 45 you'll realize how retarded your plan is, kiddo
>youre iq complex
Brainlet larper confirmed
They always fall for the your/you're, its like you're too stupid to understand the bait or maybe your iq isn't high enough too process it.
I don't know if you're that user but your newfag ways need more polishing.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
Creative comeback
back2leddit4u newfag
another destructive comeback! Bravo, brainlet
>unaware that corruption of the english language can be used intentionally
>calls other people brainlet
Why do democrats want you to live in cars/vans or tents in overcrowded cities?
Depends. If I still enjoy drugs and video games at age 75, assuming I'm not blind or senile, I'll probably have a blast with the new drugs that will be developed in the coming decades, university lab psychoactive research chems being far more available on darknet markets even now (see: /drugfeel/), and whatever virtual reality and sex toys (eg fleshlight) they'll have by then
>Get NEETbux
>Be retired for your whole life
Have fun working to 70
I'm 28 years old. Getting closer to 45 every day now.
OK go live in the wilderness. See how long you live. Think youll make it to 78?
>implying I work
I'm getting my last shipment of NEETbux before they get cut and spending it all on drugs before I top myself and exit this shitty world.
>le wilderness meme
There's no wilderness left
>you're only free if you don't have a job
kek. your life must suck ass
Reminder that US (and probably UK) life expectancy is actually falling
Keep this in mind next time you hear the argument "people are living longer so we need to up the retirement age"
And a huge bulk of boomers and other generations that are grossly obese and have already developed high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. and have been dealing with this for decades by popping pills every day aren't even near the current life expectancy age.
Think modern medicine is going to save them?
We make more and have the ability to save more. We're just too stupid and spend on the latest and greatest.
>be a NEET until 30
>forced to get a job
>will likely only be able to sustain it for 5 years before offing myself
>just lived as a free man for 30 years and a wagekek for only 5
I've rigged the system lads, and it's wonderful.
>random integer generation between 0 and 1
The fact that you're too good to say "coin flip" either makes me think you're an idiot or a genius. I can't decide which.
>NEETbuxing until anhero time
Based as fuuuuck
Coin is slightly biased one way if I recall correctly. I did consider saying a coin flip but frankly even if you don't care about having an exactly 50/50 chance it's easier to google a random number generator than to leave your computer to grab a coin.
So thanks for the compliment kouhai.
I will take that as sufficient explanation. Thank you for your time. For the record, I do not have a coin at my desk.
"retirement" age is just the day that the government starts giving you benefits for being old. If you earn a decent amount and manage your money correctly, you can retire much younger. Nobody is forcing you to work.
>lets go back to killing each other with rocks and dying from a simple cut.
At least we would be able to Rape stacys, so there's that...
I'm 28 and never had a real job, not even a paper round.
Kinda fucked me desu.
I mean the fact is that this is just the nature of reality. You need to work to survive. You can complain if you want, but in a state of nature you would work 10x as hard and still might starve to death because you cut your toe and it got infected.
You want to be free, but WHY the fuck do you want to be free? What exactly are you going to be doing that's so much better than adding productivity to society? Fucking around on the Internet? Relish the opportunity to work towards something greater than yourself, be that a nation, community, or family. It's more than most people get. Your selfish desires are lesser than these things.
Only 1 in 12 men reproduced, so you would probably not be fucking anything. In fact odds are you'd already be dead, and if you survived you'd be stunted physically and mentally from malnutrition. You'd be emotionally traumatized from watching people die constantly in front of you.
>You'd be emotionally traumatized from watching people die constantly in front of you.
I was in the army, already seen people die. Jarring initially, but you get over it. and that 1 out of 12 people shit you literally just pulled out of your ass tard, considering there are zero fucking statistics or any way to come up with that data for that time
*drop out and rob/kill drug dealers
Yeah, but you saw them die when you were 18+ already. In a state of nature, you watch people die from a very young age. In early civilization, you'd be forced to watch people get beheaded and crucified and shit.
>and that 1 out of 12 people shit you literally just pulled out of your ass tard, considering there are zero fucking statistics or any way to come up with that data for that time
So you're a brainlet AND an autist? We can use genetic data to examine how many ancestors people have had and the like. What we use are SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms, which are "mutations" in the DNA that have no effect as they fall on the third nucleotide in a codon (when that codon's third base doesn't matter, ie. wobble base). What happened was a constant bottleneck effect each generation up until about 50,000 years ago. About half of men died before 5. Of the remaining, only 1 in 6 had children who themselves successfully reproduced. So it's true that your odds of having a kid may have been a bit higher, maybe even 1 in 3 or so, but the odds those kids would have kids (and so on) are much lower.
Until you go to prison. Then you'll only wish you were dead.
wagecuck here and i'd rather be dead than live this life of mine
i've been working since i finished college and knowing that this is the rest of my life i see little to no reason to continue
except for my mom that couldn't handle my suicide
but you juct keep on doing what you doing if it makes you and your boss happy
There is no retirement age anymore
bootlickers are pathetic baka
>still proceeds to use pseudo stats
>implying all life is is just working