>be me
>sister takes me to baseball game
>not a fan of baseball, crowd is too loud and everything's over-priced
>after we get back home, sister asks if I had a good time
>Decide to be honest, tell her "No."
>She says "Next time it'll be better."
>months pass
>sister convinces me to go to county fair
>go, stay couple hours,
>all games are over-priced, food would've made me sick if I ate it
>convince her to leave early since she drove me down
>car ride back
>sis asks if I had fun
>tell her "No."
>she says "That's okay, we'll do something cooler next time."
>months pass
>sister takes me to theater with her boyfriend
>she tells me that the movie is a surprise
>it's star wars episode 8
>after the film she says "I know you're a big star wars fan, user. I wanted it to be a surprise."
>tell her that I'm no longer a fan of star wars and wasn't since I was 15
>sister again asks "Did you at least have fun?"
>Tell her "No."
>months pass
>sister asks me to go to music concert
>go even though I don't want to
>music is really loud, can't go anywhere near the stages because it hurts my ears
>have to cover my ears during most of it
>afraid of touching my ears because my hands were dirty
>wash hands in restroom
>people are doing drugs in there
>get freaked out, request sister that we leave
>sister planned on staying longer but I no longer want to be here
>she's upset but decides to take me home
>again she asks me if I had fun
>tell her again "No."
>suddenly I'm the bad guy because I'm "Such a bummer."
>Sister hasn't asked to take me anywhere since
>it's been years
Is it my fault for constantly being disappointed? I really do try to have low expectations. Being around people is just another thing I'm bad at.
Be me
>>it's been years
Actually, it was just one year since. Sorry for the typo.
Well why do you keep doing things you know you won't enjoy? Also how did you not know to bring earplugs to a concert?
op you're a dick, your sister is trying to be nice to you
the least you could do is show some appreciation, otherwise your sister will abandon you (like she already has)
You dont deserve such a nice sister, and I hope when she moves out of your town and marries Brad she will go no contact with you and leave you to die alone.
You are antisocial af, that's ok
But you are a bug fag geez, I would not be surprised if your life was limited to this site, loser
Why dont you just an hero? Youre clearly a useless cunt. Grow the fuck up faggot
I thought that I would enjoy them. Except for the baseball game, that was obviously not for me.
I tried paying her the money she spent on my tickets for the events but she always refused for some reason. She kept saying it was a gift. I kept telling her that's stupid and that's how people lose their money. How else am I supposed to show appreciation?
I wouldn't want to lie and say I had a good time like I used to do.
She already moved out of my town. It has been a while since we talked to each other. I'll likely die alone but it's better then dying while being bothered by others.
Bug fag? What? Everybody compares me to insects, I don't get it. My high school "friends" would even call me "Bugman" bet never offered an explanation why except for "You act like a bug, dude."
ahahah, have you been tested for autism or severe mental retardation user?
>ill likely die alone but its better than being bothered by others
Jow Forumsim19andthisisdeep
Le edgy misanthrope man
Die faggot die
Having fun is a choice. You can have fun licking envelopes if you choose.
It's your choice to be a stick in the mud. Yes, it's good to have some convictions like not condoning open drug use, but you should just pray for those people.
Yes I've been diagnosed with Autism.
I'm sorry user. I know my thoughts aren't exactly groundbreaking. I've resigned myself to dying alone because it just seems most likely. Should I keep trying to force my awful personality on others? I wouldn't hang out with a person like myself.
Really, what should I do? Improve myself? I've been trying to get Jow Forums and /lit/ but I still just have a lot of hate and resentment for no reason in particular.
I tried getting friends but it's a really long process.
You should be thankful your sister is trying to connect with you and for a bond with you. I grew up with an older sister who would physically abuse me and lie to my parents about it who would always take her word over mine. This has led to us growing up with a very fractured relationship and while we're both adults now and put it in the past, we'll never be able to rebuild the friendship we should have built together growing up. At least your sister is trying to be a proper sister to you, the least you can do is pretend to be happy to spend time with her.
Not memeing but have you been diagnosed with Autism?
me can be in reddit screenshot????
You're an insufferable little prick and your sister is a saint.
Come around my place user, I'll show you a good time
looks like you took her for granted. she took you to those things because all she wanted was to just smile with her brother
I thanked my sister verbally multiple times. It wasn't always the most honest thanking and I'm not good at lying.
Why even bring up that site? There's no reason for it.
Yes, I've been told I'm bad and no good enough times to understand. This is no longer new information to me.
I don't want to go to your place. Please instead give me advice on this board, particularly this thread.
I didn't mean too. Why does she need me to smile? We have family pictures depicting me smiling. I'll ask her if she needs access to the family photo album. Do normies really just like seeing people smile? Do they need to know the person smiling or could it be anyone?
Ask your sister to have sex with you, that would be fun
god you are a thick retard... you're sister keeps opening up to you and trying to make you part of her life and you're crying and whining about it on this board. I WISH my sister acknowledged my life and existance but she doesnt and we havent spoke in 2 yrs.... so quit being all hurr life sucks I wanna pout in my room like a depressed lil faggot even tho my life actually isnt shit to be depressed about..
yeah keep on taking your sister for granted and one day you'll retard ass will wake up and she wont extend her hand in friendship anymore. pathetic faggot I wanna punch you in your dumb ruining what you have with your sister face
and dont reply with your gay ass excuses and bullshit hurr im depressed im sad life sucks I dont wanna do anything I just wanna pout like a weak broken bitch.... goto therapy if you cant function like a normal non faggot
Yes, I've been told I'm bad and no good enough times to understand. This is no longer new information to me.
Actually I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you a retard
I do go to therapy user. I've been in therapy, on meds, threatened with hospitalization, been through that. What was it supposed to do?
Also., what was being around my sister supposed to do? What did she expect to happen? What should've I acted like? Should I have acted happier then I was?
I never claimed to be depressed, either.
But ma and sister always said lying was bad. First it's years of saying "user, lying is wrong, lying is bad." Then when I say I hate this stupid shit it's "user, don't curse. Don't think that way. Don't talk like that. What's wrong with you?"
I just don't get it, I guess.
>he unironically ever thought onions wars is a good movie
You need to go back where you came from moron.
I think your biggest mistake is lack of initiative. It's always her suggesting activities. Sid you ever take her somewhere? It sounds like she tried again and again but you did absolutely nothing.
I'm no longer a fan of Star Wars. I just enjoyed the original trilogy as a kid. I don't know how to use many sites other then Jow Forums.
Where would I take her? Why should I take her anywhere? She sets up enough activities for herself from what little I know of her.
You sound like an ungrateful piece of shit with low functioning autism. I'm autistic too (diagnosed) and even I know to cover up and be grateful for people going out of their way for you and I hate people.
how old are you? do you have any other siblings?
i have the same issue , people in my class always invite me to concerts and shows but it way too much mental work
you are a bit of a bummer, but it doesn't seem like you're trying to be. apologize to your sister, explain yourself, and maybe consider therapy; you're far more likely to get good help from a professional than a bunch of shitposters.
I think his biggest mistake was literally being autistic. That's all that can be boiled down to for OP. He was born actually autistic and now he can only be a sperg about something normalfags enjoy. No amount of advice can help him. He will never overcome his own hurtle that is himself
Therapy is utterly worthless cash leeching.
t. Someone with an actual mental illness
read further; so you are going to therapy. that's good.
again, i'd apologize, and try and explain what's going on in your head. there's also something to be said for being honest: do you want to form relationships with other people? if yes, then keep putting up with her crappy outings: a huge part of dealing with people is accepting the parts of them you don't personally like. if you can do that, people might be willing to accept parts of you that they don't personally like, y'know?
It's good that your sister finally realized what a big faggot you are and dropped your loser ass. She should have done this much earlier on, it would have saved her so much energy, time and money.
ITT: OP is a massive fag, and his sister genuinely cared about his retarded ass
Well, have you ever tried not being an edgy faggot? Youre Holden Caulfield dude
I've been told I'm ungrateful before but again, no follow up explanation. Is it because I didn't have fun at the place where I was supposed to have fun? I tried paying my sister back but she refused. I didn't want to lie to her because they always say lying is wrong.
You're autistic, explain it to me. What do normies expect from me? At the county fair, my sister once told me to "Brighten up." I tried smiling for about half an hour but people kept looking at me funny. My sister said "Stop pretend smiling, just be happy." I still have no idea what she meant by this. What's a "Pretend smile?"
I tried looking it up and there wasn't an explanation.
I will not post my exact age, but early 20's. I have a fear of doxxing, sorry. I have many siblings, won't say how many. The ones older then me are busy with work and there families. The ones younger then me are also busy with school. We don't hang out or talk too often. I don't know them that well.
My therapist is a fucking fuck fuck FUCK. All he says is "That's because of your autism." and tries to get me to take pills again.
How am I my own hurtle? How does autism make someone different from others? I tried looking it up but the only logical explanation of autism was that the frontal lobe resembles closer the temporal lobe in autistic subjects.
I'm inclined to agree. My experience with therapy hasn't been great. I tried changing doctors a few times.
>Why should I take her anywhere?
Because you love your sister and want to show you appreciate her? Because you value your sister and spending time with her?
If not, why did you make this thread? If you don't give a shit, then fuck off and sulk alone somewhere else. What your sister thinks should mean nothing to you.
If you do, take the damn initiative and make your wishes clear. You claim you don't want to lie to your sister, yet you waste her time and fun by letting her take you to things you know you won't enjoy. Stop being a pussy and be straight with her. Then say what you'd like to do. As it stands, you're being a complete drain.
sorry to hear it. if possible, drop that therapist, and try to find someone who specializes in conversation based therapy. it's been working pretty well for me so far, but i certainly lucked out; you might have to search a while
fuck you I wish I had a therapist
You're somewhat of a faggot. At the very least you should appreciate your sister for loving you and trying so many times to get you to have a good time.
This is a top tier retard LARP
I know that feel.
It took a long time but eventually I figured out that 95% of the activities I genuinely enjoy are solitary.
You really do have autism, so there is absolutely no way to get you to understand this concept, but here goes nothing:
It's not about the fair. It's not about the venue, or the activities, or the services being rendered to you and the quality thereof. It is about being there with your friends, or your sister in this case. Whether the services are good or bad, it doesn't matter, you can enjoy it because you and your sister are there together, observing the world, talking to each other. You can talk to each other about how silly the whole carnival/concert/whatever is. You can talk about how the two of you could do a better job. You could discuss ways to beat the shitty games and make a mission out of it. And through it all, you appreciate EACH OTHER. Not your surroundings, not the activities, but EACH OTHER. At a minimum.
If you weren't such an autistic retard, you could also see beauty in a lot more things. For you, the entire world is black and white: Shit is either 100% good, or 100% bad in your eyes, because you are a worthless retard. Literally a defective-brained idiot. In reality, every product, service, and experience is on a spectrum (much like yourself). Even if the carnival is not perfect, there is bound to be some modicum of quality somewhere: The lights, the sounds, the smells, a decent booth here and there. And at the very least, you can ALWAYS revel in the fact that you're floating on a rock in space, and everything around you is put together by a race of primates. Laugh at it. Appreciate it. Or just lock yourself in a basement somewhere, because you don't deserve happiness. You don't deserve a sister who loves you so much. I hope you never manage to feel any happiness in your life, retard.
based /lit/ user this is spot on
grow up OP stop being a bitch
You viscerally fucking disgust me. This must be how normies feel toward me.
You really are a bummer. She keeps trying and you just throw it back in her face every time.
Okay I don't have time to read anything in this shit thread other than the OP, but here's my advice for you.
Apologize to her for being such bummer, then tell her you just don't like going out and doing normal "fun" stuff. After that tell her you really appreciate the effort she made in trying to include you.
She needs to understand that things you think are fun are not what she thinks is fun, and that it's a waste of effort from her part.
Good luck with the literal autism.
Sounds like you have a pretty nice sister.
In a sense you are in the wrong since you haven't learned to find enjoyment in anything you're doing and being positive. It's a hard lesson to learn and a hard thing to do for the depressed.
My older siblings and myself tried telling her this but she just wouldn't believe us. My older siblings tried hanging out with me many times but the stories all end the same way. Like the time I got woozy at the amusement park and made everyone leave early. Or the time they all tried taking me to the movies but it was too crowded so I hid in the bathroom. Or the time we were all at home playing a card game and I lost and cried in my room. Or the time I tried playing my sisters new guitar and broke the string.
Like I said, I warned her.
Catcher In The Rye is an okay book but I act nothing like the main character. The main character was a normie. The prose was MEDIOCRE.
I didn't want to be a drain. I didn't even want to be around others. My sister called me up, said it'd be fun and gave me her sales pitch again. Where I went wrong was accepting, I see that now.
Thank's user. I'll see what happens after next appointment.
What if a genie overheard you and that was the one actual wish of yours that got granted? Aren't you guys careful about wishing for things?
I've no idea what my sister wants from me. If she wants to hang out then why doesn't she find someone else to hang out with? There are plenty of people just like me. How do most people reciprocate love?
I'm not actually retarded, my IQ is Dull-Normal but not retarded.
Thank's user. I really don't want to be a jerk but I never found a proper instruction guide.
You're right.
Grow up how? Where do I start?
What did I do? Explain, please.
Well how do I stop being a bummer?
>You can have fun licking envelopes if you choose
Sure thing, Seymour.
See how many envelopes you can lick in an hour, and then try to beat that record.
OP pls immediately neck yourself, people like you is one of the reasons why I feel this world is unfair.
I wish i had a sibling like her ffs
all of the posts like this, why are you such retards. there's nothing wrong with op, he's going to the things and trying them and spending time with her, you can't fucking force yourself to have fun or enjoy it.
this is basically how depression goes with family interaction, people ask you to do stuff, you either say no or aren't overly enthusiastic about it afterwards, repeat a few times, they eventually stop asking you to do stuff.
it's peoples own fault for having expectations about how they want you to react.
as for op, you should tell your sister that you do appreciate her asking you to do stuff and you are thankful even if you end up not having that much fun. you should also tell her about like, people doing drugs in the toilets and stuff as reason for making you feel uncomfortable being there, cause if you just say you want to leave without giving her the real reasons she'll not understand as much and blame you more
Yes it's your fault. Lying and pretending to enjoy some time with your sister once in a while in order to mantain/improve your relantionship with her isn't such a big deal. It's about spending time with her, not enjoying the concert/movie/whatev. That's what you were supposed to focus on. She clearly wanted to spend time with you and she put the effort into it, you retard. Giving her the cold shower is absolutely a dick move.
You unironically need to get yourself checked, your behavior doesn't seem normal
Why? What did I do wrong? Should I have said I enjoyed the things? I guess I should've. I never meant to make anyone upset. But yet. people get upset by seemingly random things like not enjoying a concert. Do normies have an official study book or something?
I told her I was thankful a bunch a times, before and after.
>"Thank's for taking me to this event, sister."
>"No problem, did you have fun?"
>"No I did not have fun. Thank you for taking me"
>"That's okay. Next time will be better."
>"Thank's again for taking me."
This is an example of conversation from right after the music fest. I'd post other conversations but I forget them and never wrote them down because I'm a literal retard.
How do you just instinctively know when to lie and when not to lie?
user you are completely in the right here but you should have probably said straight away that you're most likely not going to enjoy going to these places if you knew beforehand.
It's not your fault she's a turbo normie, they're incapable of reasoning like us.
You've got the autism hard. Does she even know?
Explain to her why all of those experiences made you uncomfortable. Maybe she will understand at least a little more.
You need to word it a little better than that user, gotta soften it so it's not quite so direct. You can't say "no i did not have fun. thank you for taking me", that sounds super robotic and the two statements are at odds with one another. You'd have to say something like, "eh, not really, but thanks for taking me all the same it was nice to spend time with you".
I most often reply to people asking me if I had fun or if I liked something just with "eh, it was okay". You also can't say thanks 3 times in a row like that, it will sound much less sincere if you do that. You generally don't want someone to respond to you saying thank you with "okay", usually means you dun goofed
>Having fun is a choice
You're insanely retarded.
t. guy who never has fun
Lmaoing at judgemental normalfags.
You're in the right user, normies are lying scum, and complete hypocrites as well.
I do have fun, but it's not a choice, it's an involuntary state of mind to be entertained.
>not choosing your state of mind voluntarily in all situations
Goddamn, now I just feel bad for you
I should've just told her straight up. It's true, it would've saved a lot of hassle.
I told her I was diagnosed and she said "What even is autism? It doesn't mean anything. It's just a blanket disorder for people that they don't know what they have." and I said "Okay."
But that was a while ago. I don't know what her current opinions on autism are.
>"eh, not really, but thanks for taking me all the same it was nice to spend time with you".
But that's just like saying "No I didn't have fun. Thank's for taking me." Are you just supposed to use more words so people don't understand and think you mean something else? Seriously, it's like every time I get an explanation I get more confused.
>can't say thanks 3 times in a row like that,
NOBODY EVER TOLD ME THIS. How am I supposed to know? NEVER learned about this in school. What the fuck, seriously. What other words can't you say three times in a row? Why "Thank's" in particular?
>You generally don't want someone to respond to you saying thank you with "okay", usually means you dun goofed
Wait, I though "Okay" meant "All Clear." or whatever. Is it just when you're thanking them that "Okay" becomes a negative response? These rules make no sense.
I'm at a loss. Is this from a song?
>Catcher In The Rye is an okay book but I act nothing like the main character. The main character was a normie. The prose was MEDIOCRE.
That's something Holden Caulfield would say.
I'm afraid I haven't mastered the art of erasing my subconscious yet, maybe you should teach me.
So many normalfags in this thread. Anyone who doesn't at least somewhat relate with OP is a complete normalfag retard and needs to leave.
Be like Banner
Both you and your sister are a bit slow, and I'm not trying to say it in an insulting way. Your sister is really dumb for ignoring your autism and not trying to learn about it, and the fact that she isn't capable of understanding your lack of interest despite obvious signs multiple times shows she has very weak pattern recognition.
You have more of an excuse since you have actual autism, but even with autism you should be able to figure out what normies want you to do/say/act in order to appease them.
Things like figuring out how to make facial expressions that convey certain meaning without it looking fake are important skills for you to learn.
i mean i can relate to Op but at least i have an incling of self awareness to pretend to enjoy myself if someone goes out of the way to be nice to me
It's just that if you say a thing repeatedly all at once, it sounds weird. You see how in your example she responded differently after the third time? The first two replies she gave were kind sounding, the third just sounded exasperated cause you said the same thing too much too quickly together, it brings the conversation to an end where they've nothing else to respond to it with.
>Are you just supposed to use more words so people don't understand and think you mean something else?
Eh, kind of? It's not that you're using more words, it's that the phrasing is much less direct and sharp. If you just say no, chances are she'll feel bad. If you say it was okay or it wasn't that fun but it was nice to spend time with you, you're adding a qualifier on the end that even though the activity wasn't fun, you appreciate her and her efforts, and that will help to offset her feeling bad about you not enjoying the activity.
>Is it just when you're thanking them that "Okay" becomes a negative response? These rules make no sense.
There aren't really rules is the problem, difficult to approach language or a conversation that way. Okay can mean anything, it depends on the context and the tone. People will often use the word okay with a certain negative tone when they're annoyed or tired of the conversation. People say "okay." - and you can hear the full stop after it by how they say it - during arguments all the time for example. Maybe your sister didn't say it like that in your example, it just reads that way in your post
true, but you can voluntarily look for entertaining things. there can be joy even in menial shit like washing dishes.
Yeah, most of us are able to pretend to enjoy ourselves, but we can at least relate to OP in that we don't actually enjoy those situations.
Normalfags who clearly don't understand autism are the only one's who would insult OP, since they are too normal and retarded to understand that OP is legitimately unable to understand basic social cues and understanding.
the "heat the coil" thing refers to vaping, i think he's suggesting you get stoned.
weed can be helpful, but the people who tout it as some miraculous cure-all need to pipe down
I agree with not wanting to do this kind of shit but he treated his sister poorly.
I guess since he is autistic she overlooked it. Even if he is a prick we cant deny he is in the spectrum.
You so like you're literally autistic and your sister seems really nice and kind hearted but probably figures whats the point of trying to get you out of the house if you don't even enjoy it. Why don't you ask her to do something you enjoy just to spend time with her since anything that involves crowds of people triggers you?
But it isn't fair to consider him a prick when he legitimately doesn't understand why what he did would make him a prick. He clearly didn't mean to upset his sister, he was just following her rules she assigned to him, which he thought was the right thing to do. The fact he tried to follow those rules shows he cares as least in some way.
The problem is that his sister just doesn't understand him at all, and doesn't even try to understand him.
This situation is two ignorant, but well meaning people not being unable to understand each other, which is where the conflict comes from.
This post stinks of underage
>What even is autism? It doesn't mean anything. It's just a blanket disorder for people that they don't know what they have
She's right, for most cases. But you've got the proper stuff. There are some good tv shows where they make fun of weird autists. Might be worth suggesting she watches one.
Not the best of example, but consider looking into documentaries following autists and if you think one of them reflects you well enough then get her to watch it. Normals take things more seriously when it's a tv show.
Yea I think I agree with this user
Sounds like you're both block heads, except you're like realllly deep end autistic and she is like a fun loving care free normie. She accociates canivals and concerts and what not with having a good time from her perspective and has trouble seeing things from your point of view. But her INTENTION is to get you to have a good time.
And what people mean in terms of being grateful isn't talking in terms of paying her back you dumb ass. Being grateful means looking at your sister and telling her "Hey I know I have trouble communicating my emotions because of my autism but I appreciate you going out of your way to make time for me and make plans."
That's literally all you have to do. And if you don't appreciate it which it honestly sounds like you don't just sit in your room and play video games and isolate yourself like you've been doing.
>has trouble seeing things from your point of view
What if they're both autistic? As anyone should know, autism is much less of an issue for women than it is for men, due to social and cultural things. She could be completely, blissfully unaware.
Nah, she isn't autisitic, she is just an average well meaning but completely ignorant normie. You don't need autism to be incapable of understanding someone different from you.
She's right, you're a mopey little bitch. Your willfully focused so intently on the negatives you won't even let yourself try to have fun. You ignore that shit and put yourself in the moment with other people.
>facial expressions that convey certain meaning
What do you mean by this? I know actors do it but most real people don't actually watch for this sort of thing.
Alright that makes a bit more sense.
>okay with a certain negative tone when they're annoyed or tired of the conversation
Aright, this is starting to add up. thank's, Jow Forums, I knew I could count on you.
Oh. thank's user.
I tried offering her to play a tabletop RPG with me but she's kinda busy a lot.
That's a good idea, thank's user.
It's possible my sister has autism too, but she was never tested. She also passed high school / college pretty easily, from what she tells me. I don't know if my autism has to do with this but I flunked outta high school.
>What do you mean by this? I know actors do it but most real people don't actually watch for this sort of thing.
Most people don't watch for this because it comes to them naturally, but that isn't the case for those with autism. Basically you were born with a disadvantage you you'll have to learn yourself through rigorous analysis and observation.
Basically you'll need to learn what facial expressions convey which meaning, when to use them, and how to make them accurately.
>do X
>get clear negative response
>why did she stop doing X?
This made me so sad for your sister. She's just trying to create fun and happy memories with you user. You could at least appreciate or realize this.
>hurr durr I'm autistic I don't know better durr
You don't deserve people being nice to you you ungrateful shit, being autistic doesn't give you a free pass to he an asshole
OP. Speaking as someone who suffered rrom depression in the past, I would say it's half your fault, but you're not to blame entirely.
Where it is not your fault is depression itself and what it does to you. It's a hell 9f a condition and i understand how hard it is to find motivation and enjoyment in things, but where I could say the blame is on you is how you really don't have the mindset for these things to do good for you. I congratulate you on trying these things and being courageous enough to try them, but I'll criticize your lack of open-mindedness. Of course you don't have to FORCE yourself to enjoy things you don't enjoy, but how can you know if you go there with a defeatist attitude and complain to yoyrself all the time? If you expect to only find enjoyment if everything is set to make you comfortable then nothing ever will amuse you. Everytime you go out you focus on nothing but the things that bothered you. That's why it makes you look like an asshole who's not even trying.
But then again, despite being in depression, I've always been an optimistic and open minded person so even if all I wanted was to rot in my filth at home, going out always helped me a lot, but you have to go with an open mind and a form of detachment where seeing people do their own thing(those dudes doing drugs) shouldn't bother you. Then again it's understandable to be freaked out if you have 0 experience with either doing or seeing drugs.
That being said, maybe next time plan something with your sister that YOU choose. That's about all I can give you. If you feel like replying "but nothing is fun and I want to do nothing", then nobody can help you with that specific issue.
>be me
>antisocial autist
>sister invites me to the cinema to see some awful capeshit movie
>make an effort to enjoy myself, even though i'd prefer to spend my evening shitposting on Jow Forums and have lurking anxiety the whole time
>actually manage to have an ok evening
autism isn't an excuse for behaving like a dickhead to the people who care about you
OP, your post is oozing with nuclear autism
I can't fucking stand people. You don't get to have your own life, everyone wants a piece of you and you're the biggest asshole in the world for simply wanting to be alone. What the fuck is wrong with you selfish idiots? I didn't even ask to be born and now I owe the world everything, and fuck me if I try to be happy in a way that doesn't serve other people. I can't stand it. Even opting out of life through suicide, which should be my fucking choice and no one else's business, will just poss everyone off and potentially get me into all kinds of legal trouble if I fail. I wish I could just go back in time and prevent my birth, so that I wouldn't have to deal with all this nonsense.
I feel for you, OP. I hope things get better for you pal.
what pills did they give you or try to give you?
>haha im another npc and im proud of it xd
Here's a thing OP. I think you should apologize to your sis for being a bummer, and explain that you're just an introvert that enjoys your own company way more than being out with others... and if there's anything you'd want to do socially, you'd invite her next time.
Imagine someone blasting an air horn in your ear for an hour and if you try to turn away or cover your ears at all then everyone gets mad at you.
That's what it's like to be autistic and get dragged to some noisy public place or loud concert or whatever.
I thought Jow Forums of all places would understand that concept better...
Not anymore. Too many redditors and normies have infested this board over the years.
>be intentionally difficult
>whaa why don't people like me
i think the only solution is for you to become a trap op