Do women seek perfection in their male partner?...

Do women seek perfection in their male partner?. Because i feel that if you reveal something negative about yourself to a girl that likes you, she will inmediately lose her interest in you. Where as i feel that if i like a girl i would be able to look past many of her negative traits because i wouldn't fall in love with someone i didn't know in the first place.

pic related kinda goes against the point i was trying to make. Butt hay, a pretty woman

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not perfection, just a strong and successful male. weakness is a big turn off

everybody has some sort of weakness though. Also, what do women consider to be "weak" anyway

yea, but youre not supposed to admit. admitting weakness or fault is a turn off.
weak is a male that isnt strong, ambitious and successful. its open to interpretation

I just want someone who loves me more than I love him to feel in control and not weak

Perfection in a partner means different things to different people. For instance, I just want a bf who finds me attractive and doesn't fap to loli. But that's too much to ask, apparently.

sounds like there's a greentext in there user. Spit it out

if it makes you feel any better i have zero standards and i don't fap to loli. And there's anons like me by the bucket load right here on this board

that's hypergamy bro, base female nature. in the end it creates stronger generations of people, but at the expense of tremendous amounts of suffering experienced by the vast majority of men who can't measure up. best thing to do is to not treat women like friends or think you can have deep intimate relationships with them, tis why islamic cultures typically keep men and women in separate spaces as much as possible. doesn't give as much opportunity for women to get to know their man and get bored when they realize he's a regular human being with flaws. why do u think women like mysterious men so much

>why do you think women like mysterious men so much
Fuck. I really wanted to disagree with your post but this got me

This is now a pretty women thread

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dude try harder than that

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What do you consider loli?

>what do you consider loli
>what do you consider yuri
>what do you consider hentai

very oringanio comment

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if you're gonna post braps you might aswell post a deceant one while you're at it

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>Are they loli for being flat chested?
>Are they loli for being canonically underaged?
>Are they loli for having a large head in proportion to the body?
It's not all black and white user.

fapping to cartoons is pretty degenerate user, whatever way you look at it

>It's degenerate to fap to something that hurts far less real people than the 3DPD industry.
I don't understand normies.

It's not about perfection or success. You just can't be depressed fag with zero confidence.
>30 and forever alone

on a scale of 1 to 10 it's a three or a four if you compare it to cp. But it's still degenerate