Oh, I get it now! I don't deserve happiness or good things in my life because I'm unattractive! Cool.
Oh, I get it now! I don't deserve happiness or good things in my life because I'm unattractive! Cool
Other urls found in this thread:
That does seem to be the message society gives ugly people, doesn't it? And people who AREN'T ugly and therefore experience a completely different reality are either unable or refuse to accept how things are from our point of view. They're so desparate to maintain their just-world fallacy, and honestly I don't blame them. It sucks knowing how the world really is.
The worst part is not about being an incel.
But having any kind of human relation denied
Just how ugly are you, a little weird looking or totally deformed?
Yes. As a fellow ugly person I can tell you that we aren't meant to be happy, at least not in the traditional sense. Find happiness in solitude and don't allow people to put you down for something that you can't help.
Well that combined with also being ugly on the inside, and because you are a passive agressive faggot with no real life goals
No you retard, you don't deserve someone who's attractive and you've based your entire pathetic life on a gf from a porno.
I know a few good looking people of mine who are good friends and honestly do understand how shit life could be for an ogre looking motherfucker such as myself. Maybe its just my cyborg showing but i think chads genuinely do care about us, they just don't have any solutions to give us. This is why they give us meme advice like bee yourself, because they actually want us to be happy but understand that there is no secret tip or trick to becoming a chad. Thus they offer onto us another path, the choice to embrace our fate as an autismo supreme and try to live our very best lives within those perimeters. They believe that with enough patience and genuineness, even we could find love and contentment. Call them naive or inconsiderate all you want but i genuinely just see it as a optimistic positive view on the potential of all those willing to try, which in my opinion is a breath of fresh air in this nihilistic shithole of a world seemingly festering with those who seek nothing more to hold you down for as long as they possibly can.
TLDR: We are all going to make it bros.
Such is the case in this corrupted rock.
We are born different than others which gives them a reason to mistreat us but the moment we strike back they lack the self reflection to see what they did wrong and impulsively blame us for simply standing up to this degenerate society .
The normalcattle truly are pathetic.
Ugly + smart is the worst combination, cause then you are acutely aware of how unfair life is. Ugly + stupid is where it's at
That picture seems like something a 14 year old girl would post on her instagram after dying her hair black
>Be an ugly sad person
"Its probably your own fault you pathetic, passive aggressive faggot"
>Be attractive sad person
"OMG why are you sad? How can we help you to feel happy?" - Proceed to bathe in attention and warmth.
You don't deserve anything in this life user. You deserve what you put the effort into to earn. That's the only thing in this life you have control of, effort not the out come. So strive to earn the life you want it's not an anime or movie it will not just drop into your lap.
>those repeating numerals
this shit is sad but true
The people who were born with better looks get positive reinforcment and have to work only 20 times less hard than the average robot. Your philosophy would only make sense if every human was born identical with the exact same circumstances.
That's tough you ugly faggot, what are you going to do? Whine about like there aren't children starving in this world while you cry about being ugly? Stop being a whiny little bitch and get your priorities in order, there are women who will date you no matter what you look like you just LIKE whining.
I have been around your kind so much i can instantly tell, you all phrase stuff the same way, you faggots are even more like each other than normies are... you're all so tiresome
>says that
>posts Sartre
>a literal cross eyed midget who fucked hundreds of 18-22 year old girls
Are you retarded?
No one said life is fair you fucking idiot, literally one of the most repeated phrases of all time is that life is unfair
It does make sense, no-one ever said it was fair, only that there's only one way forward, and it isn't whining.
>Ugly + smart is the worst combination, cause then you are acutely aware of how unfair life is.
You realize Sartre literally had his wife vet students from their classes for them to have weird sex with and to rape together, right? Sartre fucked more women than 99% of Chads despite being a disgusting short frog with a lazy eye.
Thats fucking bullshit. I get told im good looking even though I have a big jew nose. Im 1st gen. immigrant and work shit fast food jobs and I do many times the work as ugly fucking midget girls and guys cause they're too weak. "Good looks" have done fuck all for me,but at most disarm that I might be violent or make an awkward girl laugh at nothing.
Do you enjoy being stoic? Is it actually enjoyable to be a manly man?
>Life is unfair
Thats the whole fucking point. Thats what OP was trying to say. If you normalniggers admit that life is unfair then why do you always get massively asshurt when someone points this out.
No one wants to talk to a whiny faggot who only complains life is unfair and wobble in self pity constantly and not even try. Stoic men get all pussy cause they realise whining does nothing other than make you look weak and unwantable. At least they try despite knowing lifes shit
>there are women who will date you no matter what you look like
yeah, im gonna press (X) to doubt on that one chief
Life is not fair I even mention that you have no control over this life. The only control you have is the effort you put in to remedy it. If you sit around crying all day nothing will ever change. Still, with the attitude you have I doubt you will ever try to come to grips with what I am telling you it's easier to curl up and play the victim then to attempt to remedy it.
Did you have friends growing up? Did your parents care about you? Did teachers think you were an ok student?
If you answered yes to any of these then your looks have helped you massively but you have taken it completely for granted because you are a filthy normalcunt.
>Oh, I get it now! I don't deserve happiness or good things in my life because I'm unattractive! Cool.
Don't forget missing out on basic shit like affection, love, belonging, being able to breed and / or raise a family, etc...
But my question is, is it enjoyable, or rather, does it bring you (as in actually you, not just anybody) happiness? I'm not trying to say it doesn't, I'm actually curious.
You're the only one that's asshurt here, lol.
>thinks people without a victim complex must be normalfags
27 and a KHV, live with my mom, 30k in debt from student loans, never graduated, unemployed. I ruined my life, I do know that though.
attractive stoic men get pussy because they are attractive. The unattractive ones just soldier on until they die alone. Best case scenario is becoming a cuck provider.
Your idea of fairness is truly shit. Attractive people will always have to work less and will always be better humans.
japs are ugly on the inside. Just look at their society
see Take your perpetual victim attitude and shove it. I know plenty of ugly fucks that have good lives with children and a wife. You are too much of a pussy to put in the work
Japs are ugly on the outside too, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.
Right on cue, you can always count on some philosophy 101 neckbeards to have no sense of humor
>I know plenty of ugly fucks that have good lives with children and a wife
Bet they're not that many. But you know these guys are the ones getting cucked left and right. more than half of marriages end in failure
>but they are getting cucked
see how you throw your flawed ideology into everything. Anything to tell yourself that they are failures and that you are wiser than therm for not acting at all. You really need to step off this website and see the real world. Jow Forums is the tumblr of Jow Forums you sit in your own echo chamber and use that as a reason to perpetuate your flawed world view.
>friends growing up
Moved constantly stinted social devel, no friends and ate lunch alone, was bullied until HS when hit growth spurt and became quiet autist
>Parents care about you
I suppose they fed me? Never really had a family connection as youngest child of 4 in this senpai and father has other children I dont know of. Mother beat me in adolescent as she was going through meno. Father spent money on failed ventures
>Teachers think you were an OK student?
no teacher ever really talked to me now that I think back on it..
No it's because of your personality
the real world is what taught me that ugly men don't have "happy loving wives". The few ugly ones that I met always had these cold, distant wives or gfs who obviously were with them only because the got money or status in return.
>the real world has taught me
If you are on this site defending that attitude you have no idea about the real world. You are most likely a late teen that has not lived in this world long enough to truly understand how it works. You might be "ugly" but unless you could join a 1930's freak show you have a chance, but you have to put in work. Hell you might even meet a girl and fail, but that's part of the game, get up and keep putting in work. It's all statistics user you might strike out 1000 times but eventually the dice will roll to your favor, but you have to keep trying.
Not my words, but everyone is so quick to get on their moral high horse to say "bullying is bad"...until they get the green light from society that it is okay to bully this specific type of person. The message seems to be that all humans are inherently valuable. Unless you are really ugly, then fuck you.
you're just admitting that you live a sheltered life where people get what they deserve.
I remember the nigger that would always post that bait a few months back, people always took it. Anyways, peoples personalities are near-completely determined by the environment they're brought up in. If they're brought up in an environment where they are constantly ostracized for their looks, or something similar, they naturally become bitter. On the flip side, if they're brought up in an environment that puts them on a pedestal because of their looks, and they're constantly given opportunities, they naturally become confident. Basically, fuck off retard.
same for me brohullio. except they threw in the old
"bad personality" excuse so they can hide the true reason for their hatred
our ugliness and "creepiness"
>sheltered life
Ok user sure, what ever you have to tell yourself to make you feel better about your shit world view.
Why has this post got no replies? It's unironically the best piece of writing on this board right now
>peoples personalities are near-completely determined by the environment they're brought up in
I'm not in this conversation but big nope, that is not true, look up big five:
>Genetically informative research, including twin studies, suggest that heritability and environmental factors both influence all five factors to the same degree.[79] Among four recent twin studies, the mean percentage for heritability was calculated for each personality and it was concluded that heritability influenced the five factors broadly. The self-report measures were as follows: openness to experience was estimated to have a 57% genetic influence, extraversion 54%, conscientiousness 49%, neuroticism 48%, and agreeableness 42%.[80]
I was happier when I was naive like you. I wish I could go back
lets hear the story user why are you so wise in the ways of this world?
you learn a lot when you actually pay attention to how people behave and what they say. Of course some people never get this ability
so nothing then? so let me ask you again what story made you so wise?
>best scenario
>cuck provider
Pick one
that doesn't happen. You don't get wise from a single experience.
try again
It's literally got footnotes with references right there, tons and tons of them
>just get friends
Oh ok
Exactly just be attractive bruh, just transplant your face dude. Read big brain books and earn a million dollars because everyone with a gf definitely all did those things.
It's also because you are stupid, seeing how long it took you to realize.
Its just a lucky chance when it comes finding gf.
>can't explain their ideals when called out
alright what ever you have to pretend to be loser.
The normans will pay.... You made me, but I'll end you. Your create me, I destroy you. You gave me life... I give you death... I'm not joking, I'm about to buy a clown suit, perhaps create my own style with colourful clothing and just use makeup to appear more professional but I'm gonna be there. I'm.... the Jester
Ugly people get laid every day. You people would just rather make excuses than have to try hard. The only person denying you anything is you.
Because it's unfair for everyone. Acting like a victim for this is fucking pathetic.
welcome to the self-aware club,pall
user, thanks for posting this.
When somebody tries to argue against you just tell them about the halo effect, look it up if you have to.
They can't refute it because it's the truth. Any damage control is merely cope
Right you deserve it because u made this thread
Because you never bothered trying to understand. All you do is hate us for being weak when you won't even try to understand what it's like to live life as a subhuman.
That's not how unfairness works, brainlet. Some people have it way more unfair.
Not whining isn't going to make our lives any better. It will only make it easier for you to ignore us and thus feel better about yourselves. So go fuck yourselves, I'll stop whining when the world becomes fair. Otherwise, your stuck with my annoying ass just as much as I'm stuck with an unfair life.
Ignore all the normalfag replies. you've finally come to understand the way this world works for men.
Based and facepilled
I know what its like to be genuinely ugly. My face is why I have lived a life of rejection. My solution is to compose music. I know it sounds corny, but composing music is really the only way I am able to find some kind of purpose in this mediocre life. I suffer from crippling depression and I also harbor misanthropic views. I do not like people very much.