Whats the max number of past partners a potential wife can have had?

Whats the max number of past partners a potential wife can have had?

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touchdown for the home team

its cool if these dudes have fat fetishes but other than that sleeping with a tub o lard out of desperation is... im sorry for them

it depends if she is 20 its wierd she had more than 2. But if she is like 40 like 6-7 is fine. Not like i plannig to marry old whamen.

0 men, less than half a dozen women

1, and only if they are a widow and they can verify that. Any other circumstance is 0.

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How can you tell how many partners they've had?

>body count of 29
what an unhealthy BMI

>potential wife
0 and I'm not exaggerating.

I know it's unfair for me to demand women being pure now after I've dated so I just swore I would never get married.

>taking care of someone elses children
ok cuck

Without any divorces down the line?

>implying all widows have children

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It pisses me off that women can post this shit and not realize they are living on easy mode

Greater than -1
There are no women fit to be wives

no its not unfair stop falling for the women and men are equal meme
women and men should not be held to the similar sexual standards the same way women and men should not be held to the same financial standards
men should be able to financially provide for a family and wife and women should remain pure

0 is the only correct answer for wife potential sub 10 for gf/fuck buddy

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Asking you dumbass

>not giving her another child and instigating pure sibling love between them
It's okay because their only half brother and sister.

Correct answer. All women are whores.

>body count is 29
Why would you brag about killing so many people?

>My body count is 29 FYI

Yeah and all of them have been desperate fucking losers with fat fetishes and low standards. If I was this landwhale i'd be more worried about my clogged arteries than telling reddit orbiters how many desperate "men" have resorted to fucking her.

I wouldn't want a partner whos had more sexual partners than myself, so I stop at 2. I feel it would be wrong to have higher expectations for a partner than I do for myself.
Probably also explains why I'm attracted to "Plain Girls" as my friends and even my father have put it.

>My body count is 29
BMI or sex partners?

>how many partners have you had?
>"why do you want to know, nerd?"

29 is fairly celibate for females. typical 19 year olds have at least 50 partners

1 sexual partner only if it were a long-term relationship. I might possibly accept 2 if I get much older. I wouldn't take anyone with more than that. I would not take a girl who has had sex with short-term partners at all.

Cut them in half and count the rings like a tree

At least if it's with a short term partner there's the possibility that she's only had sex once and hasn't done anything like had another man's cum all over her face, whereas if it was a long term relationship she's probably done it hundreds of times.

I met my wife when we were both 29, she had 15 previous (of which 4 were long term boyfriends) and I had 10 previous (of which 2 were GFs)

I was the 2nd biggest cock she had, biggest was thick like a coke-can and she couldn't take it, beat him off instead and called it a day

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If you actually think chubsters dont fuck Brad when they get dumped by Becky youre deep in copes

How fucking oblivious are you? Do you think real life is a shitty tween movie?

2 or 3 is probably the most people they would've had for sex and shit. Otherwise for dating, don't go past 8 partners.

Ignorance is bliss. Since you said potential wife that makes it way more difficult but honestly I would really hate to know because it would only cause a fight. If she said like 1 or 2 I wouldn't believe her and if she said the truth and it was a really high number I would probably kms

>if she said the truth and it was a really high number id probably kms

Imagine being this fucking deep in incel pol memes

zero. anything more is making me a cuck

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If you are looking for wife material that is

Being deep into the incel pol memes are all the people itt specifically saying it has to be 1 or 2 and nothing higher. It would just completely change the relationship if I knew she had an insane amount of partners because it would make me super insecure because it means there's 0% chance i'm the best one and she's obviously just settling

as long as she isn't a slut I couldn't care. It only bugs you when you're insecure because you use them to complete your self worth. If you have a grain of self confidence it wouldn't matter.

Thats fair man. Sorry I pigeonholed you. Cheers


If she has a slutty past I want her to do freaky shit with me whenever I want and be my submissive little toy. Basically I'd date a hooker who fucked 500 men but not if we're only gonna have boring vanilla sex with no anal I hate that kind of hypocrisy.

0 or 1 if previously married/widowed.
>Half a dozen women
>Marrying a bishit whore
Why would you do this to yourself user

I'm such a sperg I can't even get a morbidly obese woman to fuck me. Crush my skull, for the love of God.

I have been wondering, but I think people here expect silly standards for women
Imagine being a grill who is lonely and gets to a relationship out of loneliness. But the relationship is shitty so there goes that. Now no one will love her anymore because she has had sex.
Is kinda silly. What are you supposed to do in that situation? No one here would want to date a girl who has had a partner out of loneliness and now wants actual loving relationship. Is kinda depressing actually

If she is human and alive and has free will of her own then she is going to cuck you, simple as that. All paths with woman lead to dead ends.

I'd say 4-5 idk
I have done 4-5 myself, and I am a little bit older.

All of you dudes saying 0 are probably 16-19 ,
my brother said fucking a girl who had 3 dudes was alot.
You better get your's now while the number is low
in this day and age women aren't playing fair, so you can't either.

Sure I could go abroad and get a girl from the homeland with no previous dudes, but that would be quite the hassle.

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The people that actually think that are idiots and a small minority. But there's a huge difference for me in how I see the girl if she actually dated the guys she's had sex with versus just having a bunch of one night stands.

I never said anything about her being bi. I want a full on dyke wife that's just tired of putting up with women's bullshit so she finds a boy (me) that's okay with their sex life just being pussy eating and pegging.

Ideal is 0.
Realistically, 1-2 may be fine if they were both serious relationships that for whatever reason could not work out. Higher than that, and the question has to be raised whether a person is capable of a long term relationship given that they have repeatedly failed to do so in the past.

zero but sadly I've settled. idk how many partners she's had before, but I've fucked other girls before so I guess it's fine.

I always seek this humour from r9k, it strangely has a philosophical appeal

holy fuck! she ate 29 people?

>saying a fat girl has a high BMI is philosophical humor

This is a new level of brainlet

Unlimited, a woman's past doesn't matter, even if she was a prostitute she could still be a wife worthy material

Have sex incels

29 stone by the looks of it, lads

This but unironically. Pic related is wife tier

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10 is probably my limit but that also depends on age.
>1-26: 8 is soft cap but I'd accept up till 10
>27: 15-20

If the standard is truly 0 then that would leave a huge proportion of women as spoild goods and thus unwifeable. As the population is 50/50 this would leave a huge part of man unmarried aswell. Not just incels but actual competent husband material men aswell

When you post bullshit exaggerations no one believes it. The truth is still terrible, it is around 3-6

Chad here. Broke up with my last gf after becoming red pilled because she had slept with 5 guys before me. She hated me and even her mom got mad lmao. Now dating a girl who has only slept with me. She is hotter although maybe not quite as fun in bed

>black pilled
Sure thing.

Depends, obviously. Why did she date them? How was their relationship, and why did they break up?

There's only so many pure girls. Them dating decreased that number. Pure girls deserve pure guys which will only happen if you stay to your own group

What's a pure girl?

i'm a female and my body count is 0 feels good man

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Dressing as a girl doesn't make you one, you faggot

Faggots cannot be virgins, moron.

Anal penetration isn't real sex so that doesn't count


The memes are true

0, in an original way you fagot filter.

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infinite and I wouldn't know. that is one of many reasons I won't get married except maybe to a woman who is extremely rich.

i hereby declare that i regret the number of low quality women that i've fucked. it's not worth it bros
also i ate the asses of 3 prostitutes

It's always the slighty chubby 5/10s that get the most dick

yep. every man thinks he has a shot and it turns out he does.

stop fucking children


orig postig

DOG holy shit I didn't even realize that until you pointed it out but i definitely fucked up that formatting hahahah

my wife is a virgin

nice coverup

orig postig 2

i'm a female though user, i got a vagina

So why does it feel good to have a 0 body count?

(different 0 body count fembot here)
i like not feeling like a slut and saving myself for someone i love instead of being a roastie

The Kama Sutra says that a woman should be discarded if she has had sex with 5 men or more. I got through the whole sutra which is actually quite prude and more of a history book aboud midieval indian harems than any sex instruction. It tells you to avoid this kind of females though.

Less than a handful. Sluts btfo

But what if you become a crazy cat lady and die without ever having had a man?

>implying the cat lady life isn't comfy

>But the relationship is shitty so there goes that. Now no one will love her anymore because she has had sex.
Because it is so difficult to go a couple of months or even a year without sex.

Well it's not difficult because you chose to abstain. If you don't want to go for a year without sex you don't choose that path, simple.

>If the standard is truly 0 then that would leave a huge proportion of women as spoild goods and thus unwifeable

That is indeed the case, user

The absolute maximum is 1 and even then I require a good excuse as to why she thought sex was acceptable.

0 is ideal
But as long as they haven't had more than one partner for each year over 18 it's fine. For example a 25-y/o woman can have 7 previous partners max.

>I was the 2nd biggest cock she had,
unless your 9''+ i would doubt it
i'm always amazed at how men fall for this line every time its truly baffling

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As long as she fucked less people than me I'm down

5 or less most likely. It depends on their age. This dumb bitch here is retarded, imagine letting 29 people use you as nothing more than fuckmeat by the age of 19. I know a pretty fucking slaggy single mother with kids from 2 different dudes, she's like early mid 30s and is only at a count of 30 odd. As I said, that's very fucking slag tier, imagine being that much of a slag at 19. How do these dumb cunts think they'll ever not be alone when they're old? How can they not think 5 minutes into the future about how their choices will impact them beyond the here and now. jesus

I have a question for people on Jow Forums related to this. What counts as 'sex' to you lot? Just penis in bagina or literally anything sexual, like a handjob? And if women have had sex/fiddled around with other women, does that count towards their total? I genuinely want to know where people stand on this.

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>Imagine being a grill who is lonely and gets to a relationship out of loneliness. But the relationship is shitty so there goes that.
The solution is to not date strangers, and date people you know well. Then you won't have shitty relationships, because all the people you date were already your best friends to begin with.
But foids don't work like that, they lose attraction to people the more they know them because females are a meme gender.

Other stuff counts, a handjob doesn't count the same as penetration, but it counts enough that it has to be mentioned separately in your total. Sucking dick counts as much as penetration does.
Other women don't count as much, still should be mentioned, but guys don't really care unless you're letting dozens of dykes sit on your face constantly

Any number less than me

>believing anything a woman says
ooh boy
>no man should trust the words of a girl, nor anything a woman says. Women's hearts are molded on a wobbly wheel, deception lurks om their words
ancient norse proverb

I would say three for a relationship and 0 if it is supposed to be for life

guess why marriage rates are so low. most women have become unwifeable in the eyes of most men. the mainstream won't acknowledge any problem with women so in the media all you'll hear is how men are slacking off and not good enough for women, or how men are "commitmentphobes", but the truth is virtuous, feminine women are getting proposals while most chicks put out the vibe that they want to stay single and fuck around forever even while they have "boyfriends" so no wonder nobody even tries to marry them. by the time they realize it ain't going to happen for them they're no longer attractive enough to make the rules in the game so of course nobody "commits" to them at that point.