You guys ever stop and think that we should put all of our differences aside and unite so we can overthrow the government?
You guys ever stop and think that we should put all of our differences aside and unite so we can overthrow the...
If we all rode horses and shot things down with assault rifles, I'd join any cause 2bh.
Nah, knowing that the governement provides misery to some people i dont like is reason enough for it to exist.
Yea, we overthrone the government, and then what?
>letter N
>next to a black clown
I can't solve the puzzle aaaaaaah
I dunno, I just want chaos
Its not really the government thats the problem, its the shitty people around you every day. The beta uprising was the right thing all along.
Kill fags. Kill trannies. Kill the progressive left. Kill the social media giants.
>Kill fags.
>Kill trannies.
sounds good
>Kill the progressive
eh, maybe
>kill the left
stop right there
The only people that will look out for the downtrodden are the left. The right has nothing to offer you if you arent rich or powerful in some way to begin with. Assuming you are a robot, our fight isnt a political. Our enemies are the people around us that have wronged us throughout the years. We have no reason to go fight for right wing chads when its usually those people who are involved the most heavily in the bullying and abuse of robots and other social outcasts.
>inb4 hurr u r sjw cuck tranny nigger xd
if this is your response than the answer to the question of wether you're a robot is no, in that case, move on, this isnt directed towards you
Killing nonwhites is okay though.
>he still hasn't realized that the only reason the vast vast majority of robots exist is because of the left and progressives promoting hypergamy in women, feminism in general, teaching helplessness, and a myriad of societal eroding issues
Completely wrong, and this is a good example of the deceptive propaganda tactics the alt right employs to trick robots into doing their fighting. Were you alive to see the 80s? Because if you were, you would have known that back then ostracism and bullying of robots was far far more severe. The stereotypes of kids getting physically bullied, beaten up and shoved into lockers all came from back then.
In reality leftism has made society a less judgmental of those who don't fit into the mainstream and in addition made the mainstream more welcoming to people that before would have been considered weird and would be outcasted.
There is no reason for a robot to be a right winger. These people seek to bring back the harsh and judgmental masculinist culture of back in the day where if you were weak or odd in any way you would be ruthlessly bullied and ostracized until you killed yourself or just never showed your face in public anymore. Although the left doesnt care about us either, at least their ideology is not actively hostile to us.
>tolerate others
Not a bad idea
the left wing gave us feminism and the women's liberation movement, which empowered women to move away from monogamy, denying 80% of the male population a wife. That right there is enough of a reason to hate the left
No, feminists gave us feminism. Regardless, we dont have to like the right just because we dislike the left. Neither of them care about us, neither of them fight our fight.
I like to hurt people too much
Shut up edgy whore
>The only people that will look out for the downtrodden are the left.
No, they're the only ones that like to go on and on and helping them, and then do fuck all, or worse, make things even more detrimental. They just want to play us, they don't actually give a damn.
But liberal ideology IS hostile to a modern robot. The culture has shifted away from physical torment and bullying maybe, but the new goal of liberals and social justice pushers is to artificially inflate the value of some people at the expense of others. Affirmative action type programs, """representation""" in every single facet of the media, 24/7 news cycles about how white people and white men in particular are all toxic, stupid, hateful cretins who don't deserve any of what they have and only exist to steal opportunities from other more deserving """"""people of color"""""". That is why modern liberalism is so unappealing to me and people like me, because it's hostile to me and my desire for everyone to be treated fairly and equally.
They obviously dont care about us but their policies indirectly end up helping us, i'll take that over right wing ideologies which just make everything worse for the downtrodden.
>the new goal of liberals and social justice pushers is to artificially inflate the value of some people at the expense of others.
I mean, couldnt we use that? In the end we are losers because we failed. I dont see why loser robot NEETs would be opposed to having the value of losers artificially inflated.
It's pretty obvious you're not one of us dude, just fuck off.
every asshole chad i've known is a right wing douche (and often military).
okay then how about this Friday as many of you robots storm the white house as possible. Then when you get shot to pieces and tortured you'll become martyrs for other robots, thus starting the beta revolution.
I really dislike the government, but I'd rather have the existing one than girlfriend-socialism supporting neckbeards
Im not one of you indeed, but neither are you one of us.
guessing game, is this an assblasted tranny or just a regular normalfag?
That sounds like a good idea, count me in
good luck with that buddy. They keep people divided on purpose.
Cool, you overthrow the government (somehow). Now what?
why would you want to overthrow the goverment, are you a retard?
not OP
you overthrow the governement and
(((((((you don't know what to do after that))))))
thats what the system makes us think see?they want to cut all the possibilities with brainwashing
Holy fuck uber based post
killing racists is okay