If you aren't a vegan, you are a worse person than if you were a vegan

If you aren't a vegan, you are a worse person than if you were a vegan.

Every excuse any of you have for not being vegan is bullshit, you are all lying to yourselves, destroying your health, the planet and countless innocent lives.

Why do you people choose to be so worthless? You could just not, like starting today, really easily.

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These posts seem to be non vegans pretending to be vegans to make vegans seem more unlikable. It's the disingenuous tone you're using. Wouldn't be surprised if you're the same guy who keeps making these threads. I don't honestly think vegans need your help with being unlikable. lol

>Why do you people choose to be so worthless?

Because it bothers you, and thats worth killing innocent animals.

You sound like this chick I used
to work with who constantly
spouts about veganism on social
media. Annoying cunt

I'm not pretending. I genuinely believe that the choice not to be vegan makes you a worse, and potentially an overall bad person.

She might be annoying, but she's probably a better person than you, and there's no reason you needn't just choose to be better.

Because I genuinely enjoy the hell out of being a bad person and I revel in causing tiny bits of suffering here and there.

Why shouldn't I then revel in your suffering too?

Well, you're wasting your time here. What's your MO? You're not going to change any minds here.

a vegan rapist is a better person than a omnivore
but if i rape animals and don't eat them after, then I'm still better than all you meat eaters ha

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I enjoy arguing, I find the stupidity of arguments against veganism pretty entertaining. The more inflammatory I am generally the more absurd the arguments get.

>t. someone that never interracts with animals
they are a meme, vegans assume they're worth more than they are due to a lack of exposure

You're welcome to, and I will not give a shit.

>a vegan rapist is a better person than a omnivore

In a consequential way, yes, but I'm much less comfortable with the existence of people who can directly, personally bring pain than I am with people who choose to ignore the pain they indirectly cause.

>but if i rape animals and don't eat them after, then I'm still better than all you meat eaters ha

Again, consequentially yes, but someone that can stomach raping an animal is much more dangerous than someone who ignores the fact that they pay for animals to raped and murdered. Both have no place in society though.

I only rape to deliberately bring pain. A human is an animal after all. Your argument is invalid. It's not even for the sexual thrill. I only get that when daddy hits me with the jumper cables and tells me I'm a failure.

Mom always said I should eat my veggies. But an animal is emotionally destroyed after the rape, so eating it is merciful.

If anything, as a vegan, you should be thanking me for caring about animals this much.

I'm inside them, then they're inside me. It's the circle of life that Disney intended.

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That's a dull way of living, but since you're a vegan, I guess it fits.

I've plenty exposure to animals. You literally just invented a fictional story to invalidate my position and justify your garbage one.

>you are a worse person
What are you gonna do about it?

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what's with the false flag veganism posts lately?
something's fishy

imagine actually thinking fucking veganism is a good idea kek

that's your opinion and this is a troll thread.
you post this at least once a week trying to bait everyone and sadly people fall for it.
2/10 cuz it's a tired trolling attempt and yet you keep pushing this /b/tard humor

I eat meat because it tastes good and I don't care if you think it's right or wrong or valid. I do what I want and you can't stop me.
Now let me eat this chicken

What i don't get is where are the raging haters in these threads?

If someone makes a thread about pedophilia there's always at least 3 or 4 people calling for all pedos to be hanged/beaten to death etc.

How come animals receiving worse treatment isn't cause for the same concern?

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i don't want to genocide farm animals desu

Why should I go vegan? What's wrong with killing animals?

I've never posted about veganism on Jow Forums before

I'm not even vegan and I unironically agree with this guy

it's not an unpopular opinion among vegans, they just don't publicize it because calling out people's moral failings doesn't make many friends
the vegans who say "it's my choice but idgaf what you do, no judging" are fake and gay; if it's immoral for them to contribute to the torture and mass murder of animals it's immoral for anyone to do it

>Every excuse any of you have for not being vegan is bullshit
I like meat

>, you are all lying to yourselves
Im lying to myself about liking meat?

>destroying your health, the planet and countless innocent lives.
I give no fucks about literally anything listed.

>Why do you people choose to be so worthless?
Bc steaks taste good

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I don't eat meat for health reasons but I don't want to have to read labels to find out if there are eggs in random products.

Why should I stop having sex with my dog? What's wrong with raping animals?

>Im lying to myself about liking meat?
You're lying to yourself about it being morally acceptable because you "don't care."

Morality is subjective you fucking obtuse cuckold.

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>>destroying your health, the planet and countless innocent lives.
>I give no fucks about literally anything listed.
Why shouldn't you then be killed in defence of innocent lives?

Also I dunno if its morally acceptable or not.
Ill keep doing it because it pisses basedniggers like you off.

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Aight bitchboy, pull up, i'll be strapped. Do your worst, faggot.

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Why then, shouldn't someone engage in a subjectively moral act to bring you personal harm? Would you not have a problem with that?

If you think you can, do it.

Big tough guy here

>Morality is subjective you fucking obtuse cuckold.
"In my subjective morality, all dogs deserve to be killed. This makes it okay for me to adopt all the local shelter dogs, slaughter them, and fry them up in burgers."
It's not hard to understand that killing sapient beings is objectively wrong. Perhaps this comparison makes it more clear.

Shit if dogs tasted like a porterhouse I'd be all about that.

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>If you think you can, do it.
That's not a response. What would you do if that user decided to kill you and take your money because "morality is subjective"? What if everyone did?
Morality is part of the social contract; if you can't understand that, you should be removed from society.

It would be felony animal abuse if you did that to a dog. The same actions are legal and socially acceptable to do to pigs and cows despite them showing higher intelligence than dogs.

>what would you do if that user decided to kill you and take your money because "morality is subjective"
I'd probably kick his ass and then take that niggas money desu.

I aint sign no bullshit contract, I'd also be able to take 5 of you incel faggots on any day of the week, like I said, put up or shut up, bitchboys.

>What if everyone did?
Including the police and military. Morality is subjective, so they can just go around killing people and taking their shit. You're their next target.

Morality is subjective, but the laws of man are not, you spastic fucking tard.

The laws of man dictate that I can eat a cow and not worry about being shot at by cops.

Killing cops would be mad fun though desu senpai

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Fuck you, eco-terrorist. You have zero clue how Mother Nature works. Even the African people laugh at you.

>Morality is subjective, but the laws of man are not
The laws of man are BASED in morality. That's why it's illegal to kill people and illegal to torture and kill animals --but only the ones that don't taste good, the others can get fucked.

Morality is something that does not harm society. And that's based on objective and tangible results, rather than some eco-fascist's biased interpretations on what they think is true.

your pet cat doesn't count

I'm vegetarian, does that count
I genuinely would go vegan but my body literally withers away without the protein dairy and eggs provide so I'm in a tight spot.

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>but my body literally withers away without the protein dairy and eggs provide so I'm in a tight spot.
thats how it is for everyone. humans arent fucking herbivores.

as long as you're trying, you're a good person
animal welfare > human pleasure, but human welfare > animal welfare
some medical conditions make a vegan diet untenable. you do you if that's your situation

Consumption of animal products objectively harms society.

No, obviously not.

Tell me what exposure to animals you have, seeing as you're so blessed with knowledge and experience that you post in this degenerate shithole.

Vegetarians are bigger idiots than meat eaters. You're literally doing effectively the same evil thing meat eaters do but you pretend not to. Your body won't fucking wither away without animal protein, there's been no documented case of protein deficiency in human history that wasn't caused by a lack of access to food at all. Try again dweeb, you're literally the worst person in this thread.

>get linked to vegan documentary from a thread here
>feel curious, watch it
>go to the grocery store
>about to pick up some ground beef
>have flashback from the documentary in my head of a cow gasping for air and shaking frantically as it gets gassed with CO2
I'm almost converted, I must say.

Biggest yikes in the thread

Just don't buy animal products again and like learn a new vegan recipe every week or so.

Why is the truth a "yikes"?

Are you forgetting about the development of anemia from iron deficiency, hair loss and degradation of immune function from zinc deficiency, or injury to the nervous system from B12? Vitamin deficiency is hardly an access to food thing, it could also be a result of poor dietary planning. What that user says does have some merit, without the naturally occuring vitamins in these products the body can get fucked up very easily.

>Are you forgetting about the development of anemia from iron deficiency, hair loss and degradation of immune function from zinc deficiency, or injury to the nervous system from B12?

None of these nutrients are hard to fulfill in a vegan diet. The only one that doesn't occur naturally in plants is B12, which also doesn't occur in animals naturally, because it only occurs in bacteria.

Most vegans aren't deficient in shit, while meat eaters generally are and have a greater risk of a tonne of deadly diseases.

Also, you fucking moron, I was talking about protein, not other vitamins or nutrients.

>Vitamin deficiency is hardly an access to food thing, it could also be a result of poor dietary planning. What that user says does have some merit, without the naturally occuring vitamins in these products the body can get fucked up very easily.

You do know that zinc and iron aren't vitamins, right? And that the only reliable source of all essential vitamins (except B12, which is naturally in the dirt on your vegetables and natural water sources) are plant foods?

Christ you people are dumb as shit.

Do you really think I haven't fucking checked if my diet is feasible? Because I know for sure you haven't, Mr "Zinc is a vitamin" lmao