Go to eastern Europe user. The girls there are a lot more hot, not feminists and they all want western cock...

Go to eastern Europe user. The girls there are a lot more hot, not feminists and they all want western cock. They're not satisfied with their own men.

Why spend all your time in the west fighting harder for shitter women?

Can you actually prove me wrong?

Attached: Russian QT.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

They just want to leave their respective shitholes. They don't want you. Don't be a retard.

Not even true, burgers are looked down upon in eastern europe
t. slav

Who cares? Fuck them and leave them.

your western culture spoiled and changed them
t. slav

what do they think of britbongs user just curious

Why would I act like the people I despise?

>girls there are a lot more hot,
>not feminists
nope, many younger ones are
>nd they all want western cock.
only if you're rich
>They're not satisfied with their own men.
and you think beta s*y westerners would satisfy them instead? lmao

You'll probably be seen as an outsider but you might be able to pull some pussy. Much better than a burger as they're considered to be very unintelligent
It might be kind of difficult though as only a handful of people here are fluent in english

Okay. If you're literally choosing to not fuck girls when you could then that's your call but other people will do it anyway. I guess, good luck finding that cutie virgin who loves you for who you are?

There's something in between acting like some black dude and an incel

which particular country are you in?


>Go to eastern Europe user.
Maybe visit once. Dont move here.
>The girls there are a lot more hot, not feminists and they all want western cock.
Majority is more attractive and indeed most would prefer 1st world men. However, they are only interested in money. They will leave you the second somebody more interesting appears.
>They're not satisfied with their own men.
True, most men here are poor and aggressive.

serbia is a smelly disgusting shithole. Nato should have finished you off for good

westies and their delusional fantasies never cease to amuse me

It's mostly an american thing, really.

That would've maybe triggered me if I didn't share your opinion

Ne seri nego se potrudi, krele.

Learning for the first time how many eastern europe robots there are lurking this board.

>they all want western money