What's the highest number of times you asked the same girl out?
For me it was 2 then she went to HR and got me fired
What's the highest number of times you asked the same girl out?
>Bothering people while they slave
Fuck you!
Go kill yourself!
You should have asked again on your way out. What would they do? Fire you again? If it's the kind of job where you have to deal with customers, you should go back as a customer and ask her again.
3 gave up eventually and stopped talking to her
I'd like to ask as well, what's the cringiest way you asked someone out?
I remember I was close to asking out this emo girl out on facebook in the cringiest way possible.
She showed interest in me first m8
If the first response is no, the 2nd response is no.
Why show interest if you're not actually interested then?
It was like a month ago and I'm still mad
No clue. They may just want attention.
But if they say no the first time, the answer will always be no. See Elliot Rodger, etc.
only asked one girl out one time, she said yes then changed her mind and said no the next day
I went on a date with this one girl and after the date, I asked her twice if she wanted to do something again, and both times she said was busy.
She acted like she was interested during the date, and when it ended, she kept saying she had a good time and that we would see each other again.
I haven't texted her in 10 days so I think it's too late to do anything with her without seeming desperate.
I asked once, she said no but she's coming to my place to hang out this week and I'm gonna ask again
need sauce on the gril
After I get rejected once i never talk to that girl again, so just once.
Grand total of 0. I ain't playing a rigged game that I already lost.
Never ask out a girl from work, its always gonna end bad
Asked a girl to be my gf once solely because she wanted me to make it feel official or something. Never asked a girl out other than that even though i've had two gf's.
2, stopped talking to her afterwards.
They say 3rd times the charm but I felt like I was wasting my time. It sucks really.
3 and now she has been my gf for a few years.
She actually said no 3 times. We never went on an official date.
Why would you want to be with someone that doesn't find you attractive and didn't actually want you? Cuck.
>Men are supposed to humiliate them selves to dozens of women until one maybe says yes. Risk losing our jobs, and reputation, our lives. I want out of this game
My record so far is 0. I'd try for 1, but I'd probably end up like OP.
A few people I know got married to someone from work.
>in before that means it ended badly
Or you just talk with them casually like you would another boy, and you can tell whether they're interested before you pivot or gracefully exit.
I turned down 3 girls, once each
>tfw more than everyone in this thread added up
It was her fault. She was a succubus and I was very attracted to her. I should have left it alone but I wanted to keep trying. And she wasnt saying straight up "no". Everytime I said "fuck it" and started ignoring her, she came back with her succubus powers.
>I beat you up after you ask me out for the 16th time
Fucking hot, why can't this happen to me.
maybe because she was friendly, or she was interested til she got to know you better and realized how toxic you are.
once, i respect m'ladies.
i tried to establish a relationship with a girl 2 times, didnt work
i didnt ask girls to go out more than once, I hate being annoying, in fact i try less and less things with girls to avoid disgusting them or make them feel akward, I had many negative experiences
>Grand total of 0. I ain't playing a rigged game that I already lost.
You're doing it wrong:
Just talk to them sporadically for a while so it doesn't look like you just wanted them for a relationship, making yourself seem less like a beta cuck.
How the hell are you supposed to find a gf then? kek
>Never ask out a girl
2 Times
In the first one i was really drunk and my co-workers forced me, she said yes but then she cancelled on the day of the date.
The second one was kinda weird, i invited her out while on our break at work, she said yes and 2 days before the date she told me she was having some health issues, we cancelled the date and she did not go to work for about 2 weeks and later i found out she started dating her ex again.
It's ok though, last year i had a really bad on-off relationship that taught me that maybe i'm not ready to be in a relationship yet, i don't have the time or energy for it.
can u elaborate on succubus power
define interest. what did she show, really?
0. I have too much pride to humiliate myself by opening up the possibility of rejection. Fuck that.
Maybe two or three, spread out over the course of several years.
I'm still friends with that girl today. She doesn't see me as sexual but she does somehow have fond memories of me back from HS, even though she knew I was tryna bang. Considered me part of her group.
why the fuck y'all asking a girl out more than once??? ask once then move onto the next girl, dumb betas.
>asking girls out
if she's into you, she'll invite you to her place for "Netflix and chill"
that's how it works these days
you deserved to get fired. most workplaces have a policy where asking someone out once is okay if it's not done weirdly, but if they say no you can't do it again. it's a totally logical policy.
if a girl is really interested, she'll say yes and it will usually be a very clear and unambiguous yes, where you can tell they're serious and motivated to spend more time with you. anything less than that means you should move on and only act platonically in the future.
you said she seemed interested. you probably just misread her being nice and friendly.
There's a bunch of people where I work who got to know each other on the job and married
OP here, I exaggerated a bit.
I didn't get fired but she did go to HR and they told me I needed to stop pursuing her because another complaint meant termination.
And she was more than friendly, she wanted to take our breaks together every day, and she always greeted me ecstatically whenever I came in and did it to nobody else.
Coworkers urged me to ask her out.
1. And she just ignored me. But I've fucked others, for money. It's all good now.
No he didn't deserve to get fired, she needs thicker skin. This me too culture is an over reaction to the point men become afraid of women.
Don't do it. Have a good time with her and let her ask you out.
You're still a retarded for doing it twice and for asking someone at work
My mom knows a guy who got fired, some immigrant Italian manager who worked for 10 years at a department store that sells cosmetics and perfumes, for telling some fat black bitch she "looked pretty today". It was considered sexual harassment
that's a testament to how shitty it is being a white male in western society if you can get fired over being polite like that
>minding my own business at work, working
>smile user, she says
>give me a reason to
>she says, I only dress up when I know Im working with you. I always look forward to it
>nicest thing anyone said to me in a while
>ask her to hang out with me
>I dont get solid answer is all I remember.
>starts acting skiddish toward me
>I ask her if the age difference bothers her (was like 25-19 I think)
>yes a little bit
>okay game over then
>continue minding my own business
>she continues to text me
>you looked so cute today, Im sorry, I was wrong about the age thing. Can you forgive me?
>okay sure. Ask her out again.
>same skiddish attitude
>go silent again. Do whatever you want
>she continues to text. Sends me photos of her trying on bikinis, all angles.
>wtf are you doing to me. Keep in mind I am extremely attracted to her.
>ask out again
>same bullshit
>next shift together. I dont say a word to her.
>as soon as she clocks out and gets to her car, she texts me.
I cant remember much more detail other than I tried a few more times by confronting her at work and it just got awkward. I ended up quitting my job. And the worst part is, it ended with her fucking dad texting me telling me to leave her alone.
>shes now married
>Im shit posting on r9k
This is one that haunts my dreams.
Succubus powers. Selfish bitch
Checked porno not real
If she was interested in you she would have said yes you dumb fuck. Your ability to read normal friendly behavior is off
ahhhhh this isnt a real video kill me
Wut about me T^T
Im a dumb fuck too