Buying a new dakki and pillow.
>anime merch thread
Post all your merch
Buying a new dakki and pillow
all my merch got seized by customs lmao
>all my merch got seized by customs lmao
I had 6 of my wall scrolls seized man, such cunts.
There is some faggot boomer in customs in aus who thinks megu is a kid or something.
just fuck off you gray haired cunt
only posting this one. my baby Kokoro..
why do all your pictures of your room have such a third world vibe to them? its not the camera quality only. .
bump. wanna see more anime merch ):
>why do all your pictures of your room have such a third world vibe to them? its not the camera quality only. .
IDK man, my rooms fine
>wanna see more anime merch ):
more room pics, give us more!
i see what you mean, it's just cuz it's so dirty and messy
>more room pics, give us more!
here I have merch all around my room
>i see what you mean, it's just cuz it's so dirty and messy
i cleaned but have no camera to post new pics
Why not a waifu doll instead of a daki and figurines?
>Why not a waifu doll instead of a daki and figurines?
here is why
>I am not a sexual degenerate and a dakki si so comfy
>I do not lewd waifu
>why would I want a doll that is like 3DPD
has your mom ever peeked into your room and seen your megumerch? does it upset or or has she given up?
>has your mom ever peeked into your room and seen your megumerch?
my mum laminated all of my stuff including loli poster.
>does it upset or or has she given up?
she has given up on me a long time ago.
She even asked me if I liked kids after I explained 3DPD females look like trannies to me.
She practically asked if I was a pedo, idk maybe I got drunk once and talked to her about lolis.
I got drunk before and told her I talk to anime girls in my head.
Not really much further I can fall.
She tried to tell me I threatened to kill her one time when I was on drugs and she tried to get me commited but my mum psychologically fucks with me and she cannot be trusted.
could be quite a lot worse desu, most parents would probably try to report you to (((them))) or just kick you out
>most parents would probably try to report you to (((them))) or just kick you out
my mum needs me more than I need her, I get free housing and shit soon and she talked about moving in with me or some gay shit.
Says she will pay me back 20k when she sells house
Pressing X
Just bought a expensive dakki pillow, best there is, dope.
Hey arnt you the one who took the foil pill ?
>my mum laminated my loli posters
Wish i was thatvclose with my mommy
I'm genuinely interested to know what the mommy is thinking.
>Hey arnt you the one who took the foil pill ?
yeah I am.
>I'm genuinely interested to know what the mommy is thinking.
probably that her son is a pedo
Are these A3 pictures?
>Are these A3 pictures?
I got all diff sizes.
>forgot the pic originally man
There is nothing more degenerate than anime, god it makes me cringe.
Get out
What if....his mom was megumeme
>There is nothing more degenerate than anime, god it makes me cringe.
I just bought more anime shit, it is not cringe it is cute
How do you even find enough space to glue all these pictures? Like, is this only a single room? How many walls do you have?
I used to have a ton of love live stuff on my wall but then I realized how idiotic i would look so i removed them all and my mom thought i was a lesbo. i still have my husbando figurines up though.
Oh they actually target your child porn that is so good to hear. Hope you are on a list you sick sick fuck
Prison will be amazing you cant even go outside
>my mum laminated all of my stuff including loli poster.
I'm having a failure of imagination. How did this come about? What was the conversational path taken? Please, I'm dying of curiosity over here.
I live with my mom so I don't have any figures or anything. I do have a daki I hide tho
how do you hide the daki?
I tuck it behind the clothes in my closet during the day.
I bought some hormones today for gunjy!
>How do you even find enough space to glue all these pictures?
all four walls.
Do not care what people think user.
Normalfags came into my room to clean carpet.
They asked about my anime shit, who cares.
>Prison will be amazing you cant even go outside
I have gotten out of prison for selling drugs to kids when tehy had all the evidence they needed.
I always find a way to escape justice user.
15 years min and I walk out with a smirk on my face and went back to doing what they tried to get me for HA
>What was the conversational path taken? Please, I'm dying of curiosity over here.
well I just asked my mum to laminate all my posters.
I paid of course, well it came out of money she owed me.
sucks you have to hide stuff user
I just bought literally 3 new dakkis and told my mum I was lel.
>I bought some hormones today for gunjy!
post your mone tiddys user