
*vapes in your face* edition

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currently vaping strawberry mixed with blueberry and some apple i had left over

Definitely think this and some Halloween OPs are my favourites

Have you tried not being a fucking queerboi?

Why can't you answer my questions Stephen?

*squeaky voice* I don't know

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yea but it was too much like hard work

the reason men prefer non roastie (innie) fannies is because we're all secretly nonces

I like the new years ones
Put Apu there

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currently vaping whatever it is I have a massive bargain box of to absorb nicotine

I only went electric because I'm too weak to quit and wanted to save money. I don't understand the weirdos

Is pokemon badgirl user about?
have a nice footfag apu Mayuri

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>tfw cant afford to turn down any vagina

Phwoar, source on that foot lad?

Stop wanking to basic Pornhub trash.

Dual dash cam fitted frens; hard-wired no less.

Time to do a bit of running frens.


I do what I fucking want mate

Can't remember found it on /tv/, she's got big dirty man feet though

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ive now gone down the YouTube rabbit-hole of watching these 'which race do you prefer' videos


Anyone else into eggless travel? We're a dying breed these days.

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I wank to doujins and too lewd thoughts my imagination conjures up

tier 1 looks like moni lol

>eggless travel?
no, but the great mud flood is looking quite compelling these days

This video gives me anxiety.

Should have known, will investigate further

More a pancreas denial man myself. I love these lists though

let me guess, most prefer non-whites because its trendy even though statistics say whites are the most preferred race.

I used to vape. Now I smoke.

Name as many US states larger than Florida as you can lads

Lads if one more bus comes past me with an Out of Service sign then I may have to do something drastic like learning to drive

Lucy or Em, lads?
For me, it's Lucy

just google image search it, her name is Anya something.
she's not of this world

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>old school friend is on holidays in Spain with a bunch of guys and girls
Normie cunt


lmao what statistics are these then?

texas and alaska are the only two i can think are bigger, might not be though to be fair

Thats the opposite of how its supposed to work you silly lad


Mum's got a curry been cooking in the slow cooker all day

I added some cayenne pepper into it

Wonder if it'll be too hot for them now

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nice one dazza lad

Vaping will turn out to be no better than smoking lads.

Stop while you have the chance.

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Not him lad, but I just asked me sister if she would shag a black fella and she laughed and shook her head. Said something about preferring blokes without a criminal record

haha nice one lad, I did a similar thing once but it was with my own cum

I find it a little odd that they have never released the first pokemon season in sub. I know we all grew up with the dub but it would be Interesting seeing the original version

you added cayenne pepper to your cum?

smoking isnt that bad for you though in the grand scheme of things

Now that curry smell is gonna get into your curtains and other furnishings. Enjoy smelling like a paki

Ones from dating apps
>whites males are the most sought after males
>east asian females are the most sought after females
according to the sites on analytics (that the right word?)

>he has never given a woman the ol spicy sausage
For shame lad.

no mate dont be silly lol, i meant that i added my own cum to the family meal

Never thought of this lad, thanks for giving me food for thought

I don't care if I die

your sister is a bigoted racist mate. Is she overweight by any chance?

Texas and alaska were the highest scorers you would have lost
Lads are you even trying to get pointless answers


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On the contrary, in terms of things you can do to negatively affect all aspects of your health, it is one of the single most harmful things you can do along with getting obese and being an alcoholic.

No shes a healthy weight, didnt mean to upset you blackbot, why not cheer yourself up by listening to some Stormzy?

anything and everything kills you to death, seen the latest thing on sky news? having a bad sense of smell will now send you to an early grave

>meme words

It's common knowledge that only the worst trash fucks black men and I've yet to see one assuming responsibility as a father. Just worthless banshee chavoids with croydon facelifts surrounded by goblin faced screaming little mutts.


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lucy a cute
mai pointlessfu

doubt they'll win the 6750 jackpot tho

Anya more like Ayyyynya haha

how do you resize images without making them all pixelated

>tfw no girlfriend to surprise cumshot

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>I want to _____ Davina McCall

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>got trips
>they got 3 wrong answers

i would have won with leftfield for trainspotting tho

If you're trying to make an image larger, it's going to become pixelated no matter what.

Use percentage reduction via resize.

based milf choice lid
I used to fap to her

sorry lad I'm not into footsies

>Is she overweight by any chance?
Other two replies werent me and shes not overweight because I made her up to bait yers. Dont cry lad, I know it was believable lie but even so.

Replied in the last thread like a tit, i'm wanting to do my test this year. Hope your journey back home goes smoothly m8

Can't decide which yid team I'd rather win tonight

spurs or ajax lads?

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>she's not of this world
A truly heavenly beauty, I agree

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If I was to have a guess, i think it's because a lot of the consumers of the original pokemon anime are happy with the dub. Lads that want to watch it in sub are vastly in the minority, so there isn't exactly a demand. Or it's some regional issue

got no ab pics of her

yea let's do it mate

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she looks literally retarded tbf, in a cute way though


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what on earth is this creature?

ajax for sure

no need to shout pal, but yeah I would demolish her jewish arse

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sorry lad i get excited at lewd rachel posting, i have some more of her looking at joe wilkinsons dick if youre interested

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thats you.

*holds a gun to the thread*
Just keeping posting Rachels and no one gets hurt.

shame. for me the most underrated features of a woman are the midriff and the small of their back

take it back

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What is original these days?

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is she finnish? she looks like a fintismo

very nice desu. how do you think she is in bed?


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i think she likes going on top desu, just strikes me as that sort

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I can see what you mean, bit of Icelandic Bjork in her too. But no, I think she's part British-Argentinian

I've had one of those sainsburys olive baked rolls and two chicken pakoras (about 40g each) to eat today lads. Feeling a bit peckish.

although maybe she doesnt like going ontop after all

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hmm to me she seems more submissive, but in a slutty way

Honestly she looks like she's pretty terrible in bed, but realises and makes up for it by letting the guy do anything: BDSM, hard spanking, face slapping, spitting, anal, a2m, swallowing etc.

>tfw no rachel standing next to bumhole gf

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Any good Rachel feeties

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great this fas skank posting incel is back

>mum says they're too tired to cook and will treat us to eating out
>Dad goes out and gets chicken and noodles

i think its obvious that our rachel has a fetish for lazy neets

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Going to go bros for weed now already getting nervous farts

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>Be slow
>Only just learned about the spergy retard calling himself a white supremacist who said he was gonna drive a van into the local Uppies and Downies event
Workington is prime local for crazy loons. Derrick Bird a few years ago shooting up the place and then this guy. Although I think nine-years jail is a little steep for saying you were going to do something without the means of actually doing it. Guy had no cash or anything.

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God I miss him so much, why