If you could have any stand from JoJo, what would it be? I would take Red Hot Chili Pepper...

If you could have any stand from JoJo, what would it be? I would take Red Hot Chili Pepper. It's really powerful if you think about it and I could use it to go get food.

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Literally just use a sniper rifle

Akira is hardly the biggest robot in jojo, but i could definitely see him shitposting on Jow Forums and /mu/ while RHCP is out stealing gormet chicken tendies

I'd take the hand and use it on myself.

>picking anything outside of the world over heaven or gold experience requiem
Why limit yourself?

I'm an anime only. well technically I read part 1, but part 2 looks so long in book form.

I'd use the hand to slap people's buttcheeks together.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and just summon thousands of myself

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D4C would be my pick, it's too cool and useful imo.

The world over heaven is not shown in the anime or manga, but confirmed cannon (if dio would have lived). Gold experience requiem is shown in the manga and will be in the anime soon. Both of these stands can basically do anything and will things into or out of existence and time.

RHCP is definitely a good stand for a robot.

I think I would go for Cinderella so I don't have to be ugly anymore, however.

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King Crimson, i would never have to worry about the future again.

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>Both of these stands can basically do anything
GER's ability is a complete opposite of "doing everything".

Heaven door has a lot of potential

The world. Is there a stand that could beat dio's world?

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Star PIatinum!!!

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>Do anything
You haven't actually read the manga did you fuck boy?

Idk, the only reason the world seemed op as shit was because dio was more or less immortal, imagine him fighting shit like mettalica without being immortal

hey ya

i need self-esteem, not time powers

Isn't hey ya pseudo precongnition?

i would have harvest cuz free shit why not

oooh mow forget that

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heaven's door.I can do anything with it.I can use it to make somebody forget something.Or to make them love me or kill the bulgarian prime minister

I already invented my own stand. It's called Ocean Man, it makes water sticky.

completely fucking original

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Fuck off normies

Reminder that you are all normalfags larping as robots because if the media you consume

Scary Monsters because it's the closest I'd ever get to becoming a real life furry.

Heavens Door would be pretty nice

FUCK stands. Give me Hamon mastery instead

Heavens Door.

Araki himself even said in an interview that he'd pick that if he could have any stand

apparently it just encourages pocoloco to take advantage of the opportunities given to him. I'd want hey ya as a stand, even if I'm not lucky, it'd be a great friend to talk to desu

Khnum seems like it would be cool to have if just for novelty's sake.

Killer Queen because Bites the Dust alone is helpful for anytime you would want to redo any given situation.

Golden Experience [Requiem Preferably]

Star Platinum
The Hand
Heaven's Door
Golden Experience Requiem
The Sun (doesn't beat the world, but would just kill Dio)
Whitesnake probably
Metallica probably
King Crimson
Killer Queen (with Shear Heart Attack and Bites the Dust, without them Kira needs some setup)
The Rat (beat Star Platinum and the shots were corrosive so Dio shouldn't be able to regenerate them)
There's also a lot of stands that could beat the World if Dio wasn't a vampire, such as Sex Pistols (assuming Mista can outsmart Dio and fire from multiple directions while The World's time stop is on cooldown).

It's a tossup between a few options
>Killer Queen
Base stand, Stray Cat (does that count as Killer Queen?) and Shear Heart Attack aren't really useful for regular use, but you could use Bites the Dust to retry important moments in your life (but only if you know you need to set it up, but you could always just set it up at the start of the day).

>Crazy Diamond
Become the world's best doctor. Also can repair any of your stuff that breaks. Extremely useful ability, especially since I like helping people.

>Heaven's Door
Another extremely versatile stand. Being able to literally read people like a book is useful and you could use it to write your way to wherever you want to be in life.

>The World/Star Platinum
Stopping time is just cool. Also useful in a lot cases.

>King Crimson
Seeing the future (and being able to potentially change it) is beyond useful. Even more so than simply stopping time.

>Gold Experience (Requiem)
Similar healing properties as Crazy Diamond (except you can only really replace parts of living creatures). But it's a lot more versatile and Requiem lets you do whatever you want since you can just under any negative consequences.

In the end I think GER is by far the strongest, but Killer Queen is my favorite stand so I'd go with that (and Bites the Dust is strong enough in a world where no other stands exist, so I might as well have the reset ability of Requiem).

>Stick fingers
zip my self away to hide from responsibility and when I get bored zip the world in half to see what happens

>Killer Queen
Being able to make anything a bomb and reverse time can come in handy

King crimson and Epitaph are separate stands King crimsons the cut away time Epitaph is the look ahead 10 seconds

Heaven's door just so that I could cheat at life. I could use that to manipulate anyone into doing anything for me.

Crazy Diamond to a close second if I just wanna go and help people instead of helping myself. Not gonna lie, being the modern day jesus with this stand would be pretty neat.

>Not able to think outside the box
GER can render things to nothing and create life, used effectively you can engineer any outcome you want. How is that not practically being able to do anything?

Sure it isn't The World Over Heaven, which can rewrite reality completely to the user's whim and fuck with time. But it is the most absolute broken stand that appears in the manga when you think about what it could actually do if applied.

whats the one that retard had? i probably deserve that one

Obviously everyone wants the stands of the jojos/main villains because they're the most OP
Besides those I think sticky fingers would be very versatile

probably star platinum
i was thinking about it's potential recently and how jotaro had it use binoculars to see across the desert imagine if he gave star platinum a gun to use. insane accuracy, precision and speed, and its super strength would eliminate recoil.
also jotaro should've trained with the time stop more, in the 11 years between SC and DiU he probably could've gotten a few more secs

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I think it defeats the purpose if you can choose your stand. Stands are separated into two patterns

>Tarot cards in Stardust Crusaders
>Song albums and band names otherwise

If anything ask yourself what your favorite song is and that's probably what your stand would be and imagine it's end result

>KISS "journey of 1000 years"
>Stand knows someone's history and memories (I know just where you come from)
>Stand can also erase your memories (where all your yesterdays are gone, and now you're done, but you've only just begun)
>Stands weakness is the more he erases their memories the younger and more fit that victim becomes (and now its all very clear. It's journey of 1000 years)

Essentially a down grade to Sethan. Sethan didn't know shit about his victim and just made them way younger into toddlers and fetuses.

This has more utility to actually gather information, but at the cost of essentially making the victim less of a child and more of a vampire with dementia.

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weather report so people turn into snails

My stand would be Hells Bell. Its pretty simple, whoever hears the massive bell in the stands chest toll will be paralyzed by the concussive wave of sound. Ill be protected by a bell-shaped shield that surrounds me when I use my stands ability.

End of part 6 he can stop time up to 5 seconds as he said that's the limit the limit because he was human. Not like it helped much but there is some info for you.

Either Man In The Mirror or Cream so I could have a whole dimension to myself and still have an overpowered stand

Catch the Rainbow. I greatly enjoy the rain. Besides, it's nice to know that I can go back to being a normal human every once in a while.

My second pick would be Oh! Lonesome Me! I find that it can be quite handy.

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>if Dio wasn't a vampire
But it's because he's a vampire and can stop time for so long that I think its so op.
I think Dio could just time stop and MUDA the shit out of a lot of those opponents but It's also kinda who gets the first attack in, Heavens Door vs The World etc.