Did you go to prom anons?

Did you go to prom anons?

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nothing matters

wtf kind of hairline is that on the left

No, I remember the day that prom was happening all the seniors that were going got to leave school early, but I stayed because I wasn't going to go. Out of the 300 people in my grade, only maybe 10 or 20 ended up staying the full school day.

My calculus teacher who was a huge hard ass about paying attention during class saw that I was the only senior in his class and he knew I wasn't going. He just let me sit in the corner of the class going through my yearbook and kinda crying to myself instead of making me do whatever worksheet he passed out.

Nope. I bought a 3DSXL shortly after the last day of school and played Kid Icarus Uprising.

no, absolutely not
where I live it's tradition to get custom made jackets and shirts for your last high school year, I also didn't do that

OP here, I did not go to prom as well.
Why did you guys skip out?

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I went with my gf at the time, it sucked
I was too socially anxious to dance until the end when a slow dance song came on, then when we went to the school sponsored after party I basically ignored her the entire time while drinking free red bull and playing Rock Band lol
She was pissed

I never learned how to interact with people. A cute hippie chick asked me if I had anyone to go to prom with about 2 weeks before it was set to happen. I don't know why she asked me that.

Where do you think you are my basketball american brother?

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I remember it so well. Me and my two childhood friends all had girlfriends and we all took them to senior prom. For all of us it was our first highschool girlfriends which made it really significant. We'd been pretty much geeks through our highschool years so it was a big coming-of-age thing. It was a fun night, and I even saw my old crush and gave her a smug look, like--yeah, look at me now.

Then later that night making out in the back of my car, my naive 17 year old self told my 16 year old girlfriend that I loved her (in an affectionate way) and she freaked out and misinterpreted it (in a life-long romantic way). That memory of cringe is ingrained in my mind and I can replay it at will and I hate it and I've never told anyone I love them since that moment. We came to break up at the end of summer when I was off to college and I haven't talked to her since.

But overall I'm glad that I had a "normal" prom experience, because I wasted most of my highschool years on videogames.

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Yeah I asked my crush out and we went together. I was really nervous, but we slow-danced and held hands and had fun and kissed and even snuck off to break each other's virginity. She became my GF and 7 years later, we're still together and going to get married soon.
HAHAAAAA no of course not, I stayed home playing World of Warcraft. What kind of homosexual faggot do you think I am? Also all the shit you need to spend money on (tickets, clothing, etc) is fuckin rediculous, especially since even high-school females expect you to spend at least $200 on gifts/favors just for them.

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Yeah. Waste of time and money. Literally no point in it for robots don't bother underage lurkers

I seriously had no friends by the end of highschool. I went through all four years without talking to a girl once.

>Why did you guys skip out?

im very headstrong and i never go with the flow. so when everyone is going to do something i always think about it then usually decide to do my own thing. i could have gone maybe, didnt really care though. i dont really care about a lot of stuff in life that normies do

Yeah, it was fine. Everyone thought they were hot shit, but come Monday it was back to just being high schoolers and nobody really talked about it. It isn't the social event of the year like it used to be.

Prom was one of my biggest monetary regrets. I've bought loads of stupid shit but I never think back on it like I do prom. Every time I'm short on cash I remember I could be 160 dollars richer right now if I just hadn't gone to prom

How does this dude on the left have a hairline under his hairline?

>be me
>went to a school where you could skip if you were going to prom
>no girlfriend/friends so I wasn't going
>literally the only senior at school
>teachers give me pitying looks
>decide to leave at lunch
>go to a local sandwich shop for lunch
>go and see Thor the dark world
>drive into the city
>go to an art gallery
>spend an hour or so there
>leave and walk around the city for awhile
>buy a pizza
>go home and eat dinner with my family
>play mount and blade for a few hours
wasn't that bad desu

At my school you were not allowed to attend prom on your own
My mother's co-workers friends daughter went with me
I met her on prom night
Morbidly obese, to the point that she needed a mobility scooter
She was 23, a pansexual, pink hair, tattoos and facial piercings
Told me not to expect anything and not to humiliate her
Looked like she was wearing a dirty sheet with a hole cut in the middle for her head
She requested that i were a white tux with a pink tie, cumberbund and Converse high tops, I also agreed to wear pink nail polish, lipstick and eyeshadow
My dad took us in his truck, had boards for the scooter to get into the bed
We ate dinner at the Olive Garden
2 people, $180, had to borrow my dad's credit card, he waited in the car eating McDonald's
The camera guy had to move the tripod back to fit her scooter in the shot
She humiliated me at the prom by "dancing" and making out with a couple of black guy
I left early, my Dad asked me if I "wanted to talk about it", I cried, a lot, he hugged me and told me my mother thought it was really funny, he called my mom a whore, he took out a pony of Evan Williams and I got drunk for the first time
My mother put the prom picture on the front of her Facebook page, dad told her to take it down, she refused, he moved out
I'm moved into my dads apartment, getting my GED right now, will leave for Army Boot Camp in August
Still wish i had never gone to the prom

Wanted to ask someone but I pussied out. Heard from a friend a day later that she wanted me to ash her. I asked her if she wanted to go to a friends house for an afterparty and she said yes. Told her that I liked her and wanted to ask but thought she would say no. Our first date is Thursday night. Maybe there is hope

skipped. I get to here all the wild and wacky things that happened now. I'm kind of glad I didn't, my class is so stupid.

i skipped prom, got high for the first time, had a melt down while drving high at 80 mph, made my best friend genuinely terrified of me for a month.
Dont regert skipping prom.

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Yes and i went dressed as Hitler, fun times, managed to sell a lot of sodas with my catchy phrase. Sadly no one wanted to talk to me and i was left to manage the soda tend.

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I went to my junior and senior proms with friends. But I went to a hippie alternative school, so most people didn't dress up or go with dates. I was a painfully geeky, awkward kid, and I was really into punk music, so at junior prom I taught my friends how to slam dance. That was fun, because we were just lunging at each other through the air. Teachers got mad. The kind of retarded shit you don't have to feel self-conscious about when you're a 16 year old loser. At senior prom I went with my geekiest friends and we had a lot of fun.
Wow, thanks for reminding me, being a teenage geek was actually fun.

Yeah. Concert I was gonna go to instead fell through, or the dates got mixed up or some shit. Went with this quiet chick who was friends with a bunch of mutuals.

Prom was a fuckin bust tho. Most money I've ever payed to be bored out of my skull.

>Didn't go to prom because I thought no one would want to go with me
>Next day I was talking to someone about how it went
>Told her I didn't go (didn't telling her why)
>She said she would have went with me
She probably just felt bad for me anyways.

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What was the phrase user?

Yeah I went to prom my senior year.
>girl in my math class won't stop asking me if I want to go with her
>eventually give in and say yes after ignoring her for weeks
>fast forward to prom
>we take prom pics
>eat dinner
>after hours of silence, the silent lover vibe that i guess she thought i gave off is entirely gone
>get to prom
>she abandons me within 10 minutes of walking in to the actual dance.

I left immediately after and she didn't text me at all that night or ever again

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when you get off the bus at boot just leave your civilian life behind man. forget it all youll be fine kid

I wish your dad was my dad.

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fucking phenomenal food, entirely worth it for that reason

Yeah. I went alone with my other loser friends and got shitfaced. Alcohol was way overpriced but it was better than staying at home i guess.

No, only losers went to actual prom in my high school, all the cool kids just smoked weed at the park

Yeah, I went stag. Ended up dancing a lot with I girl I knew because she was friends with my sister. I didn't have any particular feelings for her (though she was pretty), I just was tired of sitting alone and she didn't have a date either. Apparently I made her night and she had become infatuated with me, annoying the hell out of my sister over it. I didn't learn of this until years later because my sister thought the idea of me dating one of her friends would be icky. This is the only time in my life that I am aware of where a girl was attracted to me.

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>Did you go to prom anons?
>people on Jow Forums going to prom

Blow yourselves up NormalFaggots

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>"Come, come and get the soda with uncle Adolf, double the gas half the price, german quality assured!"
This but with a comically forced german accent, after exchanging the money and the soda i would give them the nazi salute with hail and all

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Kek what a fucking idiot, what did you expect

Yes. It sucked. Want to know anything else?

why'd it suck? If you were chad enough to even go how could you have fucked it up?

didn't go to any of the dances. didn't matter though, none of the guys who did are still friends today.
i don't think any of my highschool friends actually remained friends.

with social media, people don't put effort into anything anymore. they know they're just gonna perpetually talk to these people over the internet, so what's the point.
hey, i liked one of your statuses you posted 7 months ago, that counts as keeping in touch right??

no i didnt finish school.
when the others were at prom i was at home fapping to prom pics of girls i used to know

thats how you learn bro, make a promise to yourself you will take the chance next time

I guess I could go (18 years old as of now, senior in HS), but what's the point? I don't see why I should spend hundreds of dollarydoos to go to a loud, crowded art museum (they're holding prom in a museum this year). I could go with friends, but I can spend time with my friends without paying that much. The only reason I would consider going is if I had a date, but I doubt I'll get one, so it's not happening.

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Was invited along with acquaintances. Met crush there. Couldnt dance. Felt out of place. Was invited to get food with the same acquaintances. Couldnt get back home until 4 am. I really didnt want to be there, but I felt that it was an opportunity that I could not pass up.

>be me
>Went to prom as goof with friends
>Rent a cheap motel room for party afterwards even though prom is at nice hotel hall
>Go to prom, is boring
>About to leave with friends, but run into 9/10 French exchange teacher's aide
>She invites me to hang with her at her nice hotel room upstairs
>I decline to go with friends
>Next day finally dawns on me
>MFW when I fucked myself out of getting fucked by teacher

I was about to tell you to fuck off

That's the funniest shit I've read in awhile.

Haven't, both because I didn't have a date, nor want to fork over 100-200 dollars to rent a tux. Seems like a waste of money.

Though I have one more year, so maybe..

Lmao you fucking loooooserrrrrrr

good post enjoyed reading based thank you user

No, and I was proud of it at the time. I'm still proud of it. As I recall, I was sitting quietly in my room a few blocks away, enjoying Final Fantasy Tactics or some other PS1 game.

I have plenty of regrets in life. Not going to fucking prom is not one of them.

Didnt go. Parents even offered to pay because they knew I was a fucking loser and didn't want me to be one. Still no point in going.

almost went to my junior prom, random girl date changed her mind right before I bought the tickets. was new there and didn't know anyone. didn't go senior year.

I went to a retard school (padded rooms and all) so there was no prom.

yes, it was awesome. everyone was dancing, except my gf. she ignored me the whole time but I had fun. good timEs.

I did not go to prom

too much of a loser in the eyes on my high school

Yes. It was lame and filled with a bunch of trash music and teenagers humping each other. I did lick a girl's clit before though, so good deal

went in my jr year single and it fucking suck balls, seriously one of the worse experiences in my life and i skip my senior year because i had no gf, and everyone had someone, i tried asking other people but it didn't worked out and i was too angry or upset during my highschool years so i didn't really have any friends or anyone to go with. so fuck hs and fuck prom and most of all fuck niggers, fuck normies and fuck jannies

yes it was very fun, got to dance with my hs friends. i was basically a loser but like the second lowest tier that could still get a date. thank goodness for that because senior prom was surprisingly fun.

>be a loser (obviously)
>no plans to go to prom
>girl asks me to go
>we've worked on group projects all year
>fuck it, why not?
>do all the prom stuff
>tux, dinner, flower, I buy tickets
>we get to event center
>she isnt really talking to me the way there
>on her phone
>get there one of the jacked dudes come
>"hey babe"
>"hey user, you don't mind, i'm gonna be with Aaron"
>i'm speechless
>try to say something but they start leaving
>one of his friends walks by and smacks me in the back sorta in jest
>i'm so dazed by being used as a free meal ticket I actually fall over from the smack
>hit my nose on outside wall
>its bleeding
>cover my nose and walk back to car
>go to park to wash blood
>wait for a bit and go home
>parents ask if I had a good time
>"y-yeah glad I went"
>go to bed staring at ceiling for hours
If I didn't bust my nose, I would have at least gone in and tried the chocolate fountain

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Yes, I literally starting talking to a random guy a few months before so I could go with a group of "friends". I said hardly anything to anyone all night, people seemed confused why I was there. It's when I realised I wasn't just unlucky to not have any real friends, it's just who I am.

for women it's easy to get a prom date though

Sounds comfy af desu. Although Thor 2 was a boring movie.

Girl on the left has got some nice tits.

Yes I did my man

Call me a newfag, underage or whatever, but I am 18.
It's in 2 weeks, I'm going with 2 friends, we're going to go sit in the corner and make fun of everyone while wishing we were them, then I'll borrow my brother's e30 and go do something fun

I did
I went with my crush. I never spoke with her much because of the usual insecurities everyone on this board keeps talking about. But it was a good evening, we both enjoyed it. It was a nice memory for me even if it was the only thing I ever did with her.

Yep, went alone too.

Small class girls and boys evenly split but there was like 1 actual couple i think, rest of the girls had dates and rest of the dudes all brought friends except me.

Turned out well though because some old bastard related to the school gave us some pre dinner speech, making us hold ourhands with our plus 1's talking about how his prom date turned out to be his wife. Whatever though atleast i didnt get old man magic cursed with the gay genes.

Why the hell would I have gone to prom? It's just a cesspit of normies who think they're going to cherish the night for the rest of their lives. If highschool is the peak of your life then you're just sad. That and I didn't have a girlfriend to go with. I spent the whole weekend at my grandparents house in another state. I prefer being out on a comfy farm than at some boring school dance.

I went but she cried all night because her ex was there with another girl. MISERABLE but at least she thanked me for taking her and apologized for spending most of the night in the bathroom fixing her makeup. I got to play with her tiddies though.

Yee by myself and I had a decent time despite being rejected by the girl i liked that had been leading me on for a year .

I didn't do the majority of things you usually do in high school. At the time I told myself that high school is stupid anyway and only the people that peak here care about it, yet I find myself thinking about it all the time. If I would've cared a little less about what people thought of me I probably would've had a great time.

No I went for walking in the highlands

You had a good time and that's all that matters .

I did and i was elected as prom king for a joke.

Dawm sorry dude . Did things get better for you as you got older .

Man videogames were so much better in school, it was so comforting to have a world to sink in to after another stressful day. So was being out in the world by yourself, getting food or whatever. One of my best memories is ditching school in the middle of the day because I knew I was going to fail my math test, walking downtown to a mexican place, eating a burrito and watching attack on titan on my phone for a couple hours while it rained outside.