ITT: Greentext how you spent your lunch period in high school

ITT: Greentext how you spent your lunch period in high school

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sometimes id just walk around and hide in the stalls cuz im a fat ugly retard

How do you get fat if you fast every day instead of lunch?

There was a storage room I'd go hide in

>sit with friends
>dont know how to interact
>some of them are hot girls that liked hanging out with me for some reason
>never flirt because no confidence
>girls steal my food

>lunch time
>eat sandwich
>filipino group across us all frantically studying for the math test next period
>sitting next to fat filipino kid wearing an anonymous mask writing in his death note
>weird kids playing smash on other side of table
>on other side of cafeteria are all the tall chads and stacies, listening to mumble rap
>everyone leaves caf after a couple minutes to get fast food next to school
>usually chill in caf with foreign indian kid whos pretty autistic

good times

cuz id eat in the stalls you fucking mongroloid. id eat in the stalls. do you understand mongoloid? eat in the stalls i would u see

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>eat in the stalls i would u see

people actually do this? there's a chance this isn't a staged photo?

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>lunch period
>caf is full of spics and gooks
>go to library instead
>sneak food in backpack
>go to computer room usually has class in but go to empty seats with friends
>play geoguesser or some shit until bell rings
>go to class
>chads in caf probably having sex tho

In middle school i tried to hide in the library and play flash games on a pc in there every lunch but the mean librarian lady locked it most of the time so i'd bang on the door and she'd shake her head then i'd aimlessly walk around the campus and drink from water fountains to kill time. in highschool i stopped giving a fuck and slept on a bench every lunch. switched to homeschool halfway through 9th grade

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fuck that teacher for locking the library. such dumb rules

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>get out of class
>put headphones on max volume
>run as fast as possible to lunch room while listening to some edgy shit
>finally get there, head outside
>eat behind AC units
>finish in like 2 minutes, start wandering around, singing typically
>occasionally get yelled at by a teacher
>some days just wander to one of the counselors and shoot the shit for no real reason

>that kid that ran to the caf


>walk rly slowly to a few water fountains and bathrooms to kill some time as if I did eat lunch
>awkwardly make my way into some corner in the library
>try not to cry while on my phone
>head back to class
>tfw stomach roaring like a lion during last period silent reading

Banishment is worse than getting picked on. This is the epidemic today's losers are facing.

did you sit the food in your lap and have to be quiet when other people came in?

>play flash games
This basically
>be me
>10th grade
>bring Halo on flash drive, install it on library computers
>have LAN party every lunch in the computer room with a bunch of stoned seniors
Even then it was a dated game, but it was fun as hell until staff caught on at the end of the year

I never went to lunch periods, i always stayed inside the class room reading

Yes and lift our feet up we had to do sometimes when the goons rolled in. fucken scary shit man. one time some other guy just stood outside the stall for a few minutes

>be me
>lunch time
>sit with people who were my "friends" but I never wanted to do shit with them so they started to cut me out
>eat my shit
>talk only a bit
I surprisingly never had an issue finding a table after the first week or so, it all sorta worked out.

>Lesson over
>all nerds rush to ICT room
>Boot up MMORPG we all play
>do guild raids together
>never interact outside the ICT room

>all degenerates niggers, gooks, spics, etc.
>gang life
> gooks are bloods
>niggers are crips
>spics are the puerto are walking, breathing puerto rican flags
>only colors they wear is the puerto rican flag
>mfw there isnt any aryans
>the white kid gang is this goofy disorganized group of drug addicts and autists
>they ask me to join
>i join ROTC
>this my gang now
>lunch time comes
>we all in uniforms every wednesday

Theres no point in this story

Walked home, watched tv, walked back. Never had breakfast or lunch, not once in all the years of highschool. Was obese.

Lol I stIll play rotmg

> no cafeteria, only a small cafe that filled up quick
> everyone else had to sit outside in the florida heat
> courtyard is a former parking lot
> parking lots here flood very easily to get water out of the roads
> guess what happened every single time it rained
> guess

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>Never had breakfast or lunch, not once in all the years of highschool. Was obese.
scientific proof that OMAD doesn't work

Sat with all the slight alternative(stoner), quiet, or kinda weird kids. I was the quietest. Bad memory honestly, some days I'd read a book and eat by myself.

Pretty much my group except we all played on the same LAN minecraft world every lunch period. Then one of the traitorous cunts turned our world into a server and gave it to the entire school
Almost days later half of the normies in the school was on our minecraft server and ruined fucking everything.

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>first 2 years
>sit at the same table as a bunch of friends, there was maybe 4-8 of us
>junior year
>all but 1 friend has a different lunch hour, sit at empty table with him
>senior year
>all friends have graduated
>see OP image

I know this feeling, i remember In middle school I was the same, there was this one time some guys just wouldnt leave, they thought they were alone for 10 minutes until they realized one of the stalls was occupied. They started teasing me and asking who I was, and kicking on the door. The bell rang eventually so they left, they never found out who I was luckily, but I definitely had a panic attack there.

>bell rings
>grab my book, phone, and headphones
>hurriedly walk through the crowds, I need to get close to the front
>pray the school counselor wasn't watching outside her office
>she never was, but if she saw me taking a right down the hallway towards the library and not a left towards the cafeteria she might have stopped me and made me eat lunch and sit with a bunch of people I don't know
>get to library
>nine times out of ten some stupid fat dyke bitch took the best seat out of the library, the one that overlocks the fields behind the school and the sun usually shines in on
>whatever I'll just sit in the comfy arm chair near the far wall and read
>read till bell rings
But if the library was ever closed
>go down to my locker
>fiddle with my shit for 5 minutes like I'm doing something
>walk around for a little but not too long because a teacher might ask me where I'm supposed to be
>end up just sitting in the bathroom halls toll the bell rings
Pretty standard fare. I'm sure there are at least three other identical experiences as mine itt

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>sit down with friends
>all is going fine
>connect to friend's hotspot because no wifi in school area
>having a decent time, eat sandwich
>ratchet fucking nigs sit on the other side
>we always form a wall with our backpacks and keep quite a distance
>occasionally they chimp out and start screaming ape noises at each other

By junior year all of us made it a habit to chill in the library during lunch because we got so tired of their bullshit.

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mostly just read in the library. found a lot of cool stuff i still like today... Stephen shore, Pablo neruda...

My high school library had awful selection. It was all YA garbage, bottom of the barrel tripe.

right? when else are fucking students supposed to go in the library? shit's stupid

Britbong here and I used to walk out and stand at bus stops do it'll just look like I'm waiting for a bus. I don't think I ate anything.

also why was every high school librarian a huge bitch?

Fucking sat at a table and ate lunch like a non-pussy-ass-weirdo-with-a-self-imposed-loser-complex. Not really sure what was so scary about sitting down and eating lunch.

The only autistic thing I did was I always brought the same lunch from home every single day and never once bought the school's lunch.

>eat at the loser table
>don't really talk to any of the other losers because most of them are morons and metalheads
>finish my food, go to library
>read a book, Wikipedia articles or use a proxy to play RuneScape

Otherwise I'd just wander around the halls or go into class early.

>lean/sit against wall away from everyone
>listen to music, think about school shootings
>sometimes this nice girl would talk to me
>sometimes she'd offer me coke or pills
>shitty times, but now I miss them

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It was cringey as fuck, but then again this was when I was having psychotic breakdowns and might as well have been MKULTRA'd.

>go into class early.

I hated getting to class early. Everyone else arrives and socializes and I'm there all alone... or worse yet, it's just me and the teacher for 8 minutes

I had a good group of friends 9th-11th grade, seniors, the drug kids and kids who were in DIY bands, I was kinda cool now that I think about it, senior year rolls around all my friends graduated or dropped out, had no body. Ate lunch in the bathroom for a while, then I just started leaving school all together to avoid the shame. Talk about a fall from grace

>start off by heading down to the bakery out of school grounds
>buy a Steak and Mushroom pie $4, maybe a banana for 1$ more
>eat outside
>head to library
>hop on a computer, far left corner (always)
>plug in earphones
>watch 2buck's video on youtube
>browse the internet, watch a movie I brought on a USB or play a flash game with my friend if he accompanied me
Was comfy as hell desu, but in my last year at highschool I degraded l to the point where I was watching anime and reading manga on the library computers. Funnily enough, I wasn't ridiculed but instead some classmates came over and reveled that they were also into weeb stuff. wew.

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Freshman year I'd sit in some stairwell and watch shows on netflix. Once I got a car I'd just drive home for lunch or go to the gym if I wasn't hungry

>go to cafeteria
>sit with other band kids
>sometimes i'd talk for a bit, other times i'd be on my phone the whole time
sums up my work lunch breaks so far except sometimes i just go back to my desk, but i dislike how it's so quiet you can hear everything

>go to tard school
>no lunchroom, thats a privilege only granted to non retards
>everybody eats at the tables they work at
>man in big truck brings hot food every day for people who order it
>too autistic to ask about ordering food
>bring in whatever i grabbed from the kitchen that morning before school
>eat at my desk alone

I'd go sleep in the hallway until it was time for the next class

before i went to tard school
>ate in band room with other band kids
>we had to bring in our lunch since they didnt like students roaming the halls between the cafeteria and band room
>one time my friend brought a mango and a knife and we cut up the mango and got juice everywhere
>fuck around with my friends all lunch period with minimal supervision
none of those friends speak to me anymore

I didn't know how to make friends and even then i was aware that im way too uninteressting and pathetic to ever make one trough normal conversation.

I'd sit with my "friends" whoring myself out like a court jester trying my hardest to be funny even if it meant appearing like a spineless clown. Sometimes they'd laugh but im pretty sure it was always at me.

Everyone made jokes at my expense and i'd make some "witty" comment back and they'd laugh, but they never spoke about eachother the way they spoke about me.

I was miserable as all hell, i was so scared that these people were going to leave me alone if i ever stopped being """"funny"""" that i'd lie awake all night literally writing jokes and rehearsing little bits for myself. Of course i wasn't actually funny, i was just some greasy haired sperg that would make dumb observations and get called a retard.

Worst part is that it was completely my fault, i chose to be a whipping boy because im such a worthless sack of shit my only other option was to have no friends at all.

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>Worst part is that it was completely my fault, i chose to be a whipping boy because i'm such a worthless sack of shit my only other option was to have no friends at all.

Would rather be this than 100% isolated. the kids that clown you in public have slightly more mercy than the ones that see you fuck up then ignore you if you ever try to talk to them again. at least they're honest

>in the library reading

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never ate there always came home for lunch.

>Go to photography room
>Meet friends 8 of us altogether
>5 of us played magic other anons just came to chill
>Play MTG either seperate games or big 5 players, double headed dragon was pretty cash when a sixth rando would join
>straight black resurrection/madness deck with vampires and zombie tokens
>Built around sacrifices for pic related
>Liliana Vess thrown in for good measure
>Other players choose the several other colours respectively, even (((blue))) though we all had a seperate deck of a different colour to mix things up.

Went like this from Grade 11 till the end of 12. Shit was cash for those two years, now the group hardly talks except for me and one of the anons who don't even play magic.

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Sophomore year
>walk into lunch room
>sit down with people I was acquainted with from junior high, but was drifting apart from
>eat, go on phone
>eventually find new group of people to eat with and talk to

Junior Year
>walk into lunch room
>eat with same group from last year
>good times

This year
>walk into lunch room
>talk to one dude from last year and eat
>sometimes on my phone as well
>he's the kind of dude that would browse this board, but he doesn't
Sometimes some of his friends come by, and they're alright. There's two gay sophomore-lookin grills that sit way at the opposite end of the table, but I know better than to talk to them. I'm pretty sure they hate men or something, because once one of the dude's friends sat, lik, one chair away from them and they just stared at him weird and left, but then came back when he left. I don't get why they'd go through all that trouble, but I'm not a gay misandrist loli, so I wouldn't know.

Playing football

Those weren't times to feel sorry, they were times to kick a ball for as much time as possible.

>Go to small high school
>school is poor as fuck
>even worse the superintendent embezzled what little was left
>school charges $3 for enough food to barely fill a middle school girl
>talking budget tv dinner level cuisine
>fuck all that
>not hungry enough to choke down soggy chicken fried steak or the yellow lettuce salad bar with dressing the consistency of skim milk
>no friends to sit with
>guess I'll just spend yet another day in my corner of the library completely alone reading, writing, or whatever

95% of the time i went home for lunch because my house was 2 mins away and my mom cooked good food just for me and I wouldn't have to carry a lunch or buy shit at the cafeteria, also, I could just decide to not go back for the rest of the day and play WoW or go sleep

5% of the time i sat at the nerd/weeb table in the cafeteria (which was half female, believe it or not) where we'd play mtg or discuss anime, or went on the computers at the library, where the librarian would kick me off for the slightest non-academic shit (eg posting on Gaia) but she let the black kids do whatever the fuck they wanted on the computers

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>sit alone
>listen to music

>no confidence
>girls steal my food

I think you answered your question there user

In my senior year I hung out with my friends near one of the trees outside. It was fun and honestly makes me miss the days when I actually had friends and I could act like a stupid teenager. Now I'm just an extremely lonely loser with no friends who sits inside posting on a korean starcraft discussion board all day

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>high school
>biggest loser in the entire school
>lunch hour comes
>go to class which follows lunch
>teacher eats his lunch in his class daily while grading papers and shit
>sit in my seat
>head down in desk

> floated around during freshman year
> despised it
> for the next 3 years I didn't eat lunch
> went to the library instead
> during this time I read a shit ton of mathematics texts
> I also did this in class whenever I could get away with it
> I even got in trouble for it some times

I got extremely far in this venture. Some of the stuff I learned about back then could be considered graduate level.

>Lunch time
>Know im socially retarded but dont want to show it
>tries to sit with classmates
>no one talks to me and im just there
>they leave, dont follow them
>please I dont want to look like a loser
>walks around the school in circles looking like im going somewhere important
>bell rings

I spent the latter two years in my physics teachers room. We had a wii and a waffle maker. Also lots of stuff and people to do stupid things with.

>Be me
>Grab nice tray
>Set on a table
>Realize I got almost nobody. I knew from before. Nobody talks to me.
>This is what's it going to be.
>Raise my glass
>cheers motherfuckers

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Hanging with my friends at one of their places

>hiding in library because no friends

In my school we were allowed to eat anymore since it was one lunch for everyone. So I would eat outside where the Agriculture kids would plant vegetables and flowers.
I would listen to this song and it was really comfy

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>almost never ate alone because of how many kids were fit into the cafe at once
>never had a friend group to sit next to, just whoever else happens to be there
>never talked to people
>finished lunch quickly
>read manga the rest of the time
>last two years of high school I switched schools and often stayed in the library after finishing up food

>Back in my senior year of high school lunch would begin right after my second class, English
>I was unfortunately stuck with one terrible teacher, so most of the time spent before lunch consisted of lengthy debates and day-dreaming
>As I would count the minutes until lunchtime, the bell eventually rung. I would often pack my things in a hurry and sprint outside the classroom in hopes of avoiding a conversation with the teacher (we often had many disagreements over our outlooks as I was, even then, far right politically while she leaned towards the polar opposite of direction of me)
>There existed three different options as to what I would do:

1. Hang out with my aspie friend to discuss memes, politics, and history.
2. Hang out with my druggie friends; often times we would take lsd together during school
3. Attend debate club to DESTROY the libtard's, regardless of what side I would be assigned to

All in all it was pretty fun. I forgot to mention that I would seldom eat lunch during the day because I was practicing intermittent fasting (mostly as an excuse for my laziness to actually preprepare food or spend money).

Based. Checkmate cucks.

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/ontario/ nigga reporting?

Eat during class or hide on school rooftop
i had no friends

>Run to the lunch line, yes, run, so I can be the first.
>Eat my meal from the food cup they gave us (usually some rice mixed with meat and vegetables) sitting next to the rain draining pipes.
>sit there and feed the cat family that lived in those pipes with whats left of my food.
>Watch the birds, we have some pretty nice birds where im at, colorful and with a good chirp to them, sometimes even some falcons would show.
> Try my best to interact with the animals until its time to come back to class.

Didnt have many friends but lunch time was pretty comfy most of the days. I even got a falcon to eat a piece of my lunch once, and that was fun

I stood beneath a tree for 30 minutes every day. Sometimes talk to people if they came up to me. None of my friends had my lunch so it was super boring

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>lunch period begins
>go to the guidance office and just chill there for half an hour with headphones on
>play virtual slots on my flip phone
>ignore the teachers asking me why I was there
>eventually they stopped asking after a few months

Chilled with my history teacher and my single friend and watched the show AP Bio on the projector while we looked at memes

>be me
>first day at new high school, Grade 11
>left other High school because of bulling from backstabbing assholes that only pretended to be my friend.(treated like dogshit for years)
>Don't feel anxiety or fear anymore because of said assholes when lunchtime rolls around
>try my best to be as anti social as possible
>at lunch I just walk to the local park and sit in the bench alone.
>feels great, one of the best days of my life, the fear and torment are gone, nobody gives a fuck about me
> do this for the rest of the high school days

I have given up on making friends along time ago, still have no friends & KHV but i would chose this over hanging out with the majority of society. I have accept my fate,and just enjoy the most of it.

How the fuck did nobody find you user?

I'd sit in the table where kids got detention all the time. I had no friends in high school.

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I ate my lunch really fast so I could maximize my Yugioh playing time.

>I would go to the school library, receive a pass, go to lunch and eat
>next I would either wander around the halls until it was over
>Or sit inside the bathroom to avoid social conversation
>Finally I sometimes would actually go back to the library to read a book or study and or finish my homework.

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>junior year of highschool
>been eating lunch in washroom for 2 yrs
>thought nobody would notice
>one day leaving the washroom to head to class
>group of kids from same class as me come to washroom just as im about to leave
>walk past and they say "hey user, enjoy your lunch?" then start snickering
>never eat in bathroom again

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>go to friends' houses to play vidya, smoke weed, and joyride
>always came back to class late but teachers gave up
felt good man

Corner outside school campus
school officials only cared if a group of students went outside campus, but if some loner goes by himself then who cares
it was nice to eat lunch by myself away from all the chatter and noise

>be me
>hiding in stall
>guy sees my shoes and recognized me
>he leaves
>still sitting in stall praying for lunch to be over already
>guy comes back into the bathroom
>hey user I know its you what are you doing in there
>tell him i'm going to the bathroom
>user you can stop hiding in there you know
>i'm just trying to go to the bathroom here
>sure ok bye user.
Luckily I graduated in 5 days

>tfw just remembered graduation

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>don't talk to anyone
>listen to music
>stare blankly when people try to speak to me
>eventually, girls start sitting around me (also other people)
>end up fingering both girls, outside of school, before Junior year
>one got fat from chubby, other got chubby from skinny
>both have kids now in unstable relationships
>may fuck chubby one day
One day, chubby baby, I'll fuck you

>that feeling when you belonged to a group, but werent part of it.

You dig?

>get in truck
>drive home
>eat a sandwich and watch YouTube
>go back to school

>either hangout with really shitty smoker people
>tried to talk to the girls
>eat in the bathroom alone by senior year
>either stayed in the bathroom or tried to >sneak somewhere and play music from my mp3 player ( music i go from the internet shitty quality)
>wander around listening to music from my mp3 or just try to relax somewhere
>i would also try to drink alchool that i stole from a gas station the morning of the day
i would do theses depending on the day

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But freshman year I ate school lunches by myself quickly then I would break into the orchestra room and take naps on the couch in there

>Chose one of my electives to be student store
>Do this for 3 years
>Only have to take Fundamentals(Math) and AP history during my senior year
In all honestly it kinda sucked going home at 10 am noting to do besides jacking off to meet and fuck games and shitposting

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>small school in the middle of no where
>600 kids altogether
>not allowed to leave campus until school is over
>sneak off campus to go to some local restaurants
I only did this a few times but it was pure kino bliss.

Grade 9: We moved halfway through the year. At my original high school, I'd eat at the autist/loner table. At the new school, some Staceys took pity on me since I was the new kid and ate with them for the rest of the year.

Grade 10: asked for pass to the library every day, would eat at the autist/loner table if it was denied.

Grade 11: asked for pass to the library every day, would eat at the autist/loner table if it was denied.

Grade 12: Seniors were allowed to leave, so I would leave every day and eat out, usually at the local Chinese food place. No matter if it was raining, snowing or whatever.

I sat with one good friend that I knew at the time, and he was fairly popular in school so he just knew a lot of people. We sat with these other two guys, one a normie and one a quiet nerd type, and this girl who sat with us for some reason. It actually barely made sense why this group of people would sit together every day, but that's how it worked. The five of us at a little round table every day. That's the year I remember the best for lunch.
I don't really remember the other years of highschool too well, but one of the years I did sit with my best friend and his older sister and people they knew at one of the really long tables.

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On Mondays, a group of us would do NFL pickems and go over our results from Sunday

It sucked going home at 10 am with nothing to do? What the fuck is your problem?

grade 7
>been around the school since 1st grade so i'm relatively known (and the school is also small at the time so almost everyone knows each other's names)
>some of the transfer students sit with me while eating lunch
>exchange food with each other when we feel like it
grade 8
>join C.A.T just for fun (and also since there's no active "club" in my school aside from this one)
>don't eat lunch anymore because of this, we just do general formations during lunch time
>if I need to eat I'll eat during break time (around 10am) while roaming around school and talking to other people)
grade 9
>still the same as grade 8
grade 10
>since we're officers now we don't have to be present all the time for general formation (except when called)
>some of my other friends (who are also officers) are managing the general formation of lower units so some of us are free to do whatever the fuck we want
>i mostly go check what their general formation looks like
>if not checking, i'll be hanging out with people i know from different grades (and since some of the people i hang out with formed a band, we'll do jamming sessions if we have enough instruments)
>i rarely eat lunch, only when needed