Jew here...

Jew here, can someone please explain to me how it is possible that us being 1% of the world can somehow be responsible for all the bad things?
I won't even try to disprove the anti semites, i'm just genuinely curious how people on this site(not this board specifically) think that this is even possible.

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Jow Forumsfags reckon all Jews are in on a conspiracy to take over the world by owning every bank and media station by working with the lizard shapeshifter in British royalty.

simply put Jow Forumsacks are just retards

U stupid.

How to summon a Jow Forumstard in one simple step

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Found the Jow Forumstard

Hey check it out, you were right.

no one is answering the questions, i'm not even saying they're wrong, though i personally think they are, i'm just genuinely curious how it is possible for a group of people that makes up 1% of the world to be responsible for everyone else's problems in someone's mind

that's because you're on the wrong board brah.

What I said here my guy. People, including my mum, unironically believe this.

Literally nobody thinks that. They just don't like that your religion justifies atrocities against us.

Jews are over represented.
30% of billionaires are Jewish
90% of media is controlled by five companies, all of those owners are Jewish.
Most students in Ivy league schools are Jewish.

but how many of these people can actually say they've studied these books beyond seeing pictures on Jow Forums and watching youtube videos? they wouldn't even know what the Talmud or Torah was if they'd never browsed Jow Forums are they not capable of teaching themselves hebrew and coming to their own conclusions? the worst law i've ever been aware of is the it's ok to charge interest to anyone but Jews, but even that law was written when Jews weren't allowed to leave the ghettos, i'm not playing the victim because Jews were not always innocent, i just don't see how they think they know so much about a book written in a language 99% of the world and even most Jews themselves don't understand

Cursed dubs of anti-semitism

ok, but how is this possible? how does this mean that we want to wipe out the white race?

>Hebrew is untranslatable
>You gotta do everything yourself don't trust authority figures

- Aaron Lopez creator of trans-Atlantic slave trade was Jewish.
- Karl Marx was Jewish
- Leon Trotsky was Jewish
- Vladimir Lenin was part Jewish
- Three quarters of Bolshevik leaders were Jewish
- Most slave ship owners were Jewish
- George Soros is Jewish

>70% of billionaires aren't Jewish
>90% of the Jewish owned media tries their hardest to include everyone and keep non-Jewish faces on screen
granted the obnoxious liberal Jews are very annoying but most Jews despise them as much as you do, and obnoxious liberals aren't an exclusively Jewish phenomenon in the first place
how many non-Jews have been given life on a golden platter by a Jewish producer just for being able to sing and dance or make a funny joke?

Hebrew isn't untranslateable, there are thousands of books that can help you learn Hebrew, and honestly if you walked into a synagogue and told a rabbi you wanted to learn Hebrew and study the Torah they wouldn't turn you down, once you know Hebrew you can read the books yourself

Because most are liberal.
For the example the crafter of the 1965 immigration act (which is what let non-whites immigrate to the US in mass) was crafted by Emmanual Celler, a Jew.

Also many politicians who advocate for mass migration are Jewish and Jews over whemingly vote democrat.

Here is a picture of Jews on average having increased support for affirmative action after being told it harms whites.

Also Jews are known for usury :/

Attached: Affirmiative.png (714x644, 169K)


>the communist manifesto
written by 2 people, one was a Jew, the other was not
>many Jews were slave owners
this is oddly unknown information, but non-Jews didn't have any issues owning slaves
>most slave ship owners were jewish
source for this?
>Vladimir Lenin was Jewish
there is very shaky evidence for this at best, and most of the Jews who were involved in the bolshevik revolution were slaughtered after the regime came to power
>George Soros is Jewish
is he the only shady billionaire in the world? what about the sand nigger oil tycoons or the Chinese who are slowly buying the western world out from under us?

Most Jews are not liberal, most Jews are orthodox and only interact with other Jews, orthodox Jews are more conservative than any Trump supporter I've ever met, and many of them DESPISE Hollywood and Israel and even go so far as to say Jews have often times brought their own persecution on themselves, not to mention Israel LOVES Donald Trump and supports his anti immigrant platform whole heartedly
also there were more Jews opposed to this immigration act than for it

how is that a joke?
do you even know any Jews in real life?

Benny, Milo, and Jordan all Jews. All vehemently against the very idea of a White identity.

Yeah his name is Dawson Jackson

I don't believe Milo is actually a Jew, and I have no idea why anyone thinks Jordan Peterson is a heeb, i don't know who Benny is

Do you have a better sauce than a Twitter post m8?

American Jews being majority conservative is false.

Israelis are conservative, but that's due to the Mizrahim population and not Ashkenazis.

I also don't want you to misunderstand me, I am not anti-Semitic myself. I only hate the intelligentsia and their agenda. Many of my friends are Jewish.

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so you know one Jew and you assume the rest are just like that?
I don't even particularly care if people hate Jews honestly, i just have trouble grasping how you guys can think this group can take over the entire world and be responsible for everyone else's problems

One moment, I have the study bookmarked but it may take a while for me to find.

i'm not denying the shadiness in academia, but the fact that colleges don't give two shits what agenda their dumbass liberal arts and sociology department is pushing seems to have more to do with people wanting college loan money than a grand Jewish conspiracy, also i'm gonna need another source besides that one, there are a ton of liberal Jews, but most of them are only Jewish as in having a Jewish great grandfather, which more people have than you might think, people who were born in Jewish families and raised in synagogue and Jewish don't go on TV and promote degeneracy as much as Jow Forums likes to pretend they do, though I would be lying if i said it never happens

even if you find a better source, that still doesn't explain how you(if you think this) think this is possible, are you guys saying Jews have magical powers? or are you admitting that Jews are generally smarter and just upset that they're misusing their supposed intelligence to exploit everyone?

Here are other links if you'd like more detail.

ok if i grant you this can you explain how it is possible that Jews who think like this supposedly control everyone's mind?

if Jews are so bad how did they somehow make it to positions of power unless whites in general just stopped giving a shit? Can non-Jews not act like degenerates without Jewish influence?

Jews got to where they are by taking advantage of native Europeans. For example during the medieval period usury was a sin in Catholicism, while Jews were allowed to practice it freely.

This led to Jews taking advantage of Christians and pretty much forcing them into debt slavery. This is how families such as the Rothschilds became so rich and how Jews control so much of the economy. With the removal of European monarchs, nobility, and modern nepotism this has allowed Jews to flourish.

why did everyone have to take loans out? if it was known that Jews were greedy and would rip you off why did people take them up on loan offers?

I don't think the fall of monarchies and the rise of democracy is because of the Jews. Also more Chinks own shares in the Rothschild's bank than actual Rothschilds.

you are right about the usury but a lot, though i doubt all, of European countries specifically forbid Jews to go into trades or even work on farms, so the usury was a rock and a hard place situation for a lot of Jews, maybe not all, i'm trying to be fair here

The media.

"Give them circuses and give them bread and they will never revolt."

And again I would like to reiterate that I'm not insulting you nor do I hate Jews. I hate just as many white Christians as I hate Jews, and I loved most of the Jewish people I've met.

so are you saying white people can't think for themselves and a few naughty tv shows and music videos is all it takes to corrupt them?

Interesting. I will look more into this.
You're quite literally responsible for a lot, you're not a religion, you're a race, and some of you have done some pretty horrible shit and won't admit to it.

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I'm trying to be fair here, I don't like thinking that somehow my own people are magically the most evil on the planet, i'm trying to understand how people can think that

I'm saying people in general can't think for themselves.

Tribal mentality is more common than you think.

the Kalergi plan wasn't a Jewish guy he was an Austrian Jap mutt, i don't know why you guys keep bringing that one up, he was mad that Europe and Japan didn't accept him, also don't use David Duke as a source i'm sure you can find another source to prove Jews owned the slave trade
yeah Jews are a race, but how are Jews responsible for all of everyone else's problems? are you saying you think a Jew can magically make a white woman fuck a nigger?

lol m8 look at the shit whites have done. Colonialism, genocide, mass executions, slavery (of their own people), mass rapes, etc. Blacks did all kinds of nasty shit too. Look at African history. The Chinks have done a lot of evil shit as well, like genocide and mass rapings and assassinations and all kinds of shit.

this is true of all people including Jews, otherwise nobody would be Jewish after all the pograms in Europe

Your people aren't the most evil on the planet, that's just slander and bull shit.

It just so happens that a lot of the most evil people are or were born Jews. George Soros for example is a self proclaimed Atheist and assisted the Nazis in capturing Jews during the holocaust.

I don't have an exact quote from the bible, but I remember hearing that it warns people to look out for "fake Jews," and if that is in the bible I wouldn't be surprised.

George Soros is not the only shady billionaire on the planet, have you ever looked into how exactly the chinks obtain all the resources for all the computer chips and smartphones they produce?

I'm not by any means disagreeing that there have been no shortage of shady Jews, I just have trouble believing we are the only ones, the rest of the world had to cooperate if we were doing these kinds of things, there aren't a whole lot of us in the world

>but how are Jews responsible for all of everyone else's problems? are you saying you think a Jew can magically make a white woman fuck a nigger?
Through years of subversive psyops, yes.

Exactly. Look at the Chinese. They are taking over Asia (Spratley Islands and other places in the oceans) and Africa. Just recently they gave the Ugandan's a goddamn nuclear reactor.

>citing Roosh V

so are you saying that all of the nonJews in the world are completely incapable of figuring out that these supposed evil Jews are full of shit?
do you think the world wouldn't have any problems if Jews weren't around to kick everybody around?

I halfway wonder if the Chinese have been paying off shady media Jews to act like this so we get blamed

though even saying that makes me cringe since there's still more non Jew journalists and media personalities spewing this nonsense

I didn't imply that whites are innocent, don't forget that Jow Forums's goal is to organize neo-nazis into deporting off other races in this country and converting it into an anglo-state with higher standards and no subversive influences or corruption that degrade life.

I'm pretty sure the chinks are behind almost everything at this point. They profit off Westerners existence (manufacturing and so forth) and look at how often some fad item comes out. Don't like school shootings? Buy this "BAN GUNS" plastic pin. (Please note I'm not saying that the chinks are behind school shootings, but the sheer amount of press coverage Hogg and Mutt get are POSSIBLY their fault by playing everyone,)

the chinks seem like a more practical thing to blame seeing as how they've already outbred the west a ton and are buying property all over the world openly, not to mention the way they treat all their own citizens

I'm not even sure how Jow Forums seems to think the Jews would be better off without whitey around to protect us from sand niggers and chinks which they also say we make whitey do

If you aren't against Kiwifarms for whatever reason, I suggest you read this thread. It's about a lot of the evil shit chinks do.

i've read plenty on the Chinese, i'm not even denying that Jews do shady shit, i just don't see how people can't see whitey vs. Jews not harming us both in the long term which China would LOVE

Boy were you right about that lol

Fellow Jew here, people like you are exactly what's wrong with us.


gas urself

Wow rude

You're taking people way too seriously. The fact that you're posting on here makes me think that something got to you. Take it like the joke is most likely is. Just roll with the joke, its actually funny if you don't get buthurt.

> Jow Forums is actually funny

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it is funny i'm not denying that or i wouldn't have posted a merchant pic, but you're an idiot if you think they're all joking and our history shows a lot of people were not, i'm just curious how they can think we cause all their problems, i'm not offended and i don't care that they don't like me, if someone is dumb enough to think a small minority causes all the problems in the world their mind isn't going to be changed i just genuinely wonder what goes on in someone's head to rationalize that

easy, we're different and a lot of us don't like christians.

there are niggers in Africa and spics in Mexico who have never met a white person who believe white people are the only reason they specifically have problems, if i could ask them how they rationalize that i would too, but those "people" don't get on sites like this

a gypsy is different than a Pole, but Poles don't blame gypsies when they go into debt

All of you are the biggest gay
also buy my pass

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ya but that's just because jews are famous for being about money. gypies are a whole other boat.

Actual Jews aren't the problem. The problem Jews are the Jews that don't actually believe a word of their religion and only use Judaism as either an excuse for consequence or tool to get ahead. They have no real values.

Why must you shitpost in the only serious thread in Jow Forumss history?

do what he said

Attached: do it now.jpg (620x387, 37K)

this doesn't have to be that serious, the idea that someone thinks Jews are responsible for all the world's problems is objectively funny tbqh