Injure knee

>injure knee
>Favorite movements unavailable
>can feel myself getting fat

Fucking IT band, why can't I just stretch this thing

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OOHHH I was on nofap bro what have you done? Now that pic is making me COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH

Have you seen a doctor about it?


No I live in the US, my insurance is too much of a mess. Don't wanna pay $90 a visit over and over hearing 'Idk ice it' until one finally just tells me the same info I can get from an Athlean X video.

If you've ever had a Jow Forums injury you know doctors and PTs are a trial-and-error crapshoot. The answer is always some combo of 'stretch, ice, strengthen'

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Enjoy never healing properly

Find a doctor who specializes in athlete injuries.

i’m sorry you live in america bro

The IT band is made of fascia woth two major muscles leading into it. If you relax the muscles they dont pull as hard on the IT band so it will have a lot less slack. Look up stretches for gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata (tfl) be sure to hold them for at least a minute each day. If you have coverage for it go see a massage therapist if they're any good they can sort you out in like 1 session if they're any good.

Look how thicc he drew the nun jesus

>I can get from an Athlean X video

Enjoy capitalism.

mama mia you're a retard

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This literally doesn't happen in countries where you have medical care available to the public that's free at the point of use

Capitalism is the evil here

Fucking brainlet, go back to leftypol you discord tranny.

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If I really flex and tense up my quads they always cramp up, seems like its focused around the area they attach to the IT band, would foam rollling help this or should i see a massage guy?

You just need a lean athletic but disinterested cutie to help with stretches.

Is it ITBS or a real injury? If the former, you can tape it quite easily. Developed a runners knee from training through a fasciitis and used to tape it for the last month of training and during the marathon I wanted to run. Worked quite well.

Who do you think produces all the medical innovations that countries with socialized healthcare relies on? It's the le ebil capitalists

it doesnt really cause any pain, just that for example if if sit down and do a motion like a knee extension and flex hard, my quads cramp up
annoying when im trying to do anything involving max leg extension, like handstands or leg raises, or hollow holds

>murica is responsible for all advancements in medical technology

jesus the propaganda really got you good huh

No here you wait 3 months to get an appointment and then additional six to get an MRI

Runners knee comes from an unstable kneecap - usually because of an imbalance between quads and hams. Short term fix is a strap or tape. Long term you need to strengthen by cycling or doing stairs. IT band is a bitch. Rest, ice, stretch and it can be a year or longer.

anyone know source on op pic?

I lean my legs into the safety poles of the squat rack. Impossible to stretch and roll without lots of pressure and a hard cylinder or ball.

>Fucking IT band, why can't I just stretch this thing
You absolutely can and should.

You stretch these muscles by dynamic warmup, then rolling, stretching, rolling, stretching, rolling stretching. So you're spending 20 minutes doing this. Every day.

You can also use your motor neurons to trick the muscles into relaxing: pick a surface that will apply force back against the muscle (a really stiff therapy band), do the stretch against that surface. As your muscle powers against the surface this will let the structures in the muscle fibers relax a little more than you'd usually get.

>you will never be a nun with 0 worries because you put all your faith in God and to further add to the feeling of submission and bliss of being free of worry you get fucked daily by the priest who whispers sweet psalms in your ear as he cummy wummies in your stommie


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This is what happens when you use expensive words you barely know the meaning of.

Or hes russian