So, did the Happening that was supposed to happen on the 23rd, happen? Or is Q full of shit...

So, did the Happening that was supposed to happen on the 23rd, happen? Or is Q full of shit? I kept checking Jow Forums and various news sources and there was just nothing, what did I miss?

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He didn't say the 23rd
He said 23 days from then.

appearantleyyy (how do you spell that) a false flag got averted where they discovered 3 c4 bombs in some shool or something 2 days ago

>he thinks Q meant 23rd of May
I see a newfag

I won't deny that I'm a newfag to Jow Forums, I just find it weird that after numerous posts saying something would happen on the 23rd there wasn't anything happening even on Jow Forums

what post are you guys referring to? i dont remember anything like this

>Q is full of shit

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What day would that make it then?

Qfag here
After the disappointment that was yesterday I’m done with defending Q
I’ll keep tabs on his shit the same reason I play COD, to escape reality.
We were told N Korea was a done deal and today happens. WTF?!
Can’t wait to see what Q comes up with for that BUT he hasn’t posted in 48 hours.

it's 23 days after he posted the trip

so june 11th

we shall see



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June 11

This xhecked.

>Believing a LARP
>in mid-2018

summer is upon us

This place was on fire on the 22nd, the house requested a second special counsel to investigate conspiracy from the former president. The media totally black bagged the whole thing.

Shut up leaf. Nobody likes your kind

Everything always happens next week.

Umm didn't a bunch of congressmen do a press conference that they're gonna go hard on spygate, and clapper, and Brennen and Comey and Clinton and Zero?


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might have been bs.
there's an ongoing teacher revolt in Arizona so a bunch of schools are closed.

It's an energy drain
Pure deradicalization technique.

This. How the hell did you all miss this?

nothing happened because Q is a fucking LARP. Every boomer will make any number of excuses why his "predictions" didn't come true including; "Oh you misread him" "Q didn't say exactly that". It's fucking worse than Nostrodamus as they try to wedge any sort of news into Q's asinine syntax.

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moved from Jow Forums to Jow Forums ? What the fuck is going on

Welcome home,autist poster.


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