What routine would you recommend for a 5’11 145 lb femanon who wants to get nicer legs?

What routine would you recommend for a 5’11 145 lb femanon who wants to get nicer legs?

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post your legs, tranny, or leave


>this mentally ill faggot will post one of his thousands of th*t pics and the thirsty beta “males” on this board will unironicly believe this roleplay shit

Posting tits with timestamp x 5

No thanks, I just want some advice

Squats for glutes/quads
Hammy curls for Hammys
Low weight high rep calf raises
Sprints to add definition


I could tell you what my gf did but I have no proof that you're not a tranny soooo

Squat heavy and deep

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Strong curves by Bret Contreras






friendly reminder that this is what a coomer ultimately becomes. disgusting.

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friendly reminder that if you don't use your dick on regular basis you'll slowly develop ED

Can't help you if I aint sure you're a rost-I mean a woman


I think cardio is a must, so jogging or swimming for maintaining a general slim physique, but also do weights.

A good leg routine for women would be:
-Weighted squats 5x8-12
-Any glute isolation 6x8-12 (could be split into 3 sets of two different exercises, but both being glute isolations)
-Leg extensions 4x12-15
-Leg curls 4x12-15

This is a very basic routine, keep in mind. You could also make the sets of the first exercise (weighted squats) heavy sets, so something like 5x5 and with focus on progressive overloading (if you dont know what it is just google)

Do it 2 or 3 times a week, depending on how much rest you need, but never once a week

Hope that helps

Jesus user

Thanks for going into detail. I usually do cardio but I want to focus more on being toned now

Try asking a little more nicer it usually works

This. The only girl's with legs I'm impressed by do strength training. Those high rep circuits do jackshit. A smith machine hip thrust with 20lbs added does NOTHING

This is extreme... even for Jow Forums...

try being white

>more on being toned now
focus on developing your lower body muscles

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It’s pretty normal

Based and serial killer pilled

Is that the final pill we all mist take to make it?


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Yeah gotta say that's pretty gay my dude

Muhammed this is a fitness board

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>tfw no tall femanon gf




I'd recommend jumping off a bridge

when was the last time you coomed?

Beat me to it. But for real. Girls think they will turn into the hulk if they lift "like guys" bullshit. Lifting will only increase your feminine features as lifting for men increases their masculine features. And strength is strength. Everyone should be strong.


Okay calm down rippeltoe

Kill women they are all below even dogs.

women should be in the home raising children you faggot.

Day A (legs)
> Weighted Back Squat 3x5 (or 5x5)
> Weighted lunges 3x8 (per leg) or weighted bulgarian split squat
> Leg extension 3x8
> Leg curl 3x8

Day B (butt and posterior chain)
>Sumo deadlift 3x5 (or 5x5)
>Barbell glute raises 3x6-8
>Barbell goodmornings 3x8
> Abs/Core exercises

Dont be afraid of going heavy! Learn the right technique and you will get amazing results. And no, you will NOT get "too buff" by accident.

If you are planning to run on the other days, focus on sprinting. It builds size, firmness and will help you with your lifts

This also looks good as a leg training, but i would not suggest to go further than 8 repetitions per set. Women have a different response to muscular stress and lactic acid. Stay in the 5-8 range.

Put me in screen cap

Squat and front squat in sets of 5

Rdls in sets of 8 and those bar humpy things girls do.

All the leg machines in sets of 8/12

>No thanks
This isn't an offer. Post body or get lost, you stupid roastie.

Absolute faggotry


Are you gonna make her leave? i dont understand

Imagine being such a tryhard faggot

Luckily you wont have to imagine

Go back to fucking your body pillow. Wouldn't it be nice to have a woman who could lift bails of hay and do heavy shit around the farm rather than have some little skinny bitch that can't do shit and die in childbirth? If you don't have a girl that lifts you basically have the female equivalent of yourself who can't do anything without snapping in half. Get smart fag.

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Not as long as you keep posting here, friendo

Just look at your own posts, faggo

>Wouldn't it be nice to have a woman who could lift bails of hay
no. thats what men are for.

Cringe and kill yourself

>wants advice
>>doesn't post body/legs

How you expect anyone to help you is beyond me, we're beyond the coom and you have no power here slut

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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Holy shit you’re tall

maybe your gay ass life. i'm a lion, bro.

my ideal is as follows:

i lay around all day. i get up to eat. i get up to lift. i get up to fuck. otherwise i sleep and chill, play video games and watch movies. i have a harem of women all tall blonde and white, they cook and clean all day and keep themselves clean for me. when they are on their periods they wear the red hood of shame and are not allowed to speak or be spoken to by the other women.

Based and antismithmachinepilled

so basically you want to be a manchild and have a bunch of mommies to take care of you? yeah thats real noble.

gee golly mister, tell me more about nobility please

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i mean you tried to compare yourself to a lion

user, I have some bad news

i didn't compare shit. i said, "I'm a lion, bro." and I stand by my word

I already know I’m a manlet :(

Intelligent comeback, I'm proud of you.

Ss is starting strength right? Dyel new day here

>only replies to these posts
I fucking hate women dude

gr8 b8 m8

Fuck you dumb slut

>below even dogs
The fuck is that supposed to mean you mudslime sub human? Dogs are amazing. If I had to save a random dog or you I'd save the dog then laugh at your dead body while petting the dog, you waste of space. Kys incel

You dumb, vapid whore. Kill yourself you fucking slut

stop being so tall bitch >:(

You whore, show me your tits and ass NOW!

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You just have to date me and cure my endless torment of melancholy and loneliness. Let me hold you in my arms at night and sniff your hair as I drift off to sleep.

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Front squats
Leg press
do jump squats between sets for maximum leg doms
Wide stance good mornings
Bulgarian split squats
do jump lunges in between sets there too


What a fucking cesspool

tits or gtfo

Holy shit why do people give advice to her
It's tits first, then advice. Faggots

The only correct answer


Wtf based

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You remind me of an arab or lebanese person

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I noticed you're new. Please refer yourself and anyone else to the FUCKING STICKY.

>145 lb
Spoon putdowns

post feet


Reading the sticky xF

print 50 copies and leave around in public on halloween

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