How the fuck are so many people skinny? I see nudes posted all over /b/ like every single girl is skinny and hot...

how the fuck are so many people skinny? I see nudes posted all over /b/ like every single girl is skinny and hot. how the fuck is this possible?

I diet, I exercise every day, I starve, I mostly drink water and black coffee, sometimes I have a diet soda or low calorie energy drink, I eat mostly vegetables and fruits all day, I walk and bike for miles multiple times a week, I go on my treadmill and power walk with the incline maxed until im completely sweaty sometimes burning 400-500 calories. I dont fucking get it. I walk past the food chips pizza candy and shit and go straight to the vegetables in the store and I even have to bike a fucking mile and back to the god damn store to get food! and at night I go on night walks for a few miles

I highly doubt HIGHLY doubt every single person in the world is just working harder than me and eating less. what the fuck is this? do I just have like 20% the metabolism as everyone else? yeah yeah thermodynamics calories fuck off its not that

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also I dont drink alcohol or anything I see skinny alcoholics that dont even move

no energy drinks. that should fix alot. those things are horrible for you. you should also be just straight up running like a few miles a day.

>highlighting biking a mile
Fat people invariably have no clue how much theyre actually eating and how little theyre moving.

I barely drink them just once in awhile

Don't eat sugar, don't drink sugar, don't add oil or butter in your food, eat less carbs, eat protein

yeah, a mile on a bike is fucking nothing

>Tfw you eat all the trash fast food and junk you want and are still skinny.
Feels so damn good.
Maybe you are just destined ti be a fatty op.

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Use MyFitnessPal for a week and count calories of everything you eat and drink.

>eat less carbs, eat protein
bump, i lost 20lbs this way
also, lift weights. sugar is poison.

I biked 7 miles today
Fuck cars

if you live in a 2/3 world country you are skinny from start.
they are not in snow flavour enviroment.
alot of them are anorexic too like I used too till I got proteins and bought dumbbells

Eat less fatso

There are lots of theories out there on how some people are just genetically predisposed to being fat or skinny
Maybe theres some truth to it

I eat once a day roughly every other day lately because I'm too poor to afford food on a regular basis. I've been eating nothing but Wendy's

Also :
>>Jow Forums

Honestly think your lying OP (idk why you would on 4chins, this isn't reddit so no upboats for you here), but if your not do this.
>eat 1500-2000 calories a day
>1gram of protein for every pound of body weight you want to have (170lbs is your goal? 170 grams of protein, 170 was my goal)
>workout 5 days a week
>2-3 hours per workout
>30 minutes+ of running (6mph+, no less then 6mph unless your a fat FAT fuck)
>rest by doing farmers walks, 50lb dumbells in each hand to start, do 3ish laps around your gym
>then deadlifts/squats/bench depending on the day
>always do 5 reps at least, never 1 rep max like a nigger tard
>start low weight and get higher
>something like 5 reps each of 100, 150, 250, 400lbs or whatever you can do for now, maybe 50, 75, 100, 150lbs if your weak
>in between each set of 5 reps go do pullups, 10 minimum (if your weak like I was when I started use a band on your feet, gym owner should have some, if not buy them. They are colored bands that you can hang on the bar to help assist your pullups.
>once your done with that do a 5x5 of overhead press, start low because they are hard, maybe 50lbs and work up
>cooldown with some lunges holding 25-50lb dumbbells in your hands, up the weight as your legs get stronger

There's your start OP, this will guaranteed lose you weight, I would suggest running for an hour if you can but work and life gets in the way sometimes not to mention you probably wont be able to off the start, when I started I could only run for 25 minutes.
I used this exact workout to get Jow Forums from a fat NEET, if you have never lifted weights before expect to add weight to every lift each week for the first year, then your growth will start to taper as it gets harder and harder to get strong.

Good luck OP, if you actually want to get Jow Forums then you will.

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>I see nudes posted all over /b/ like every single girl is skinny and hot. how the fuck is this possible?
The fat girls aren't posting nudes, and if they are, those nudes aren't getting posted to /b/.

>eat 1500-2000 calories a day
That's such a big range to recommend. Depending on the person 1500 could be way under (especially considering all the exercise you're recommending).

Speaking of the amount of things you're recommending exercise-wise, it's way to much. One of the inherent flaws in humans is to do a lot at once and burn one's self out. Consistancy is KEY. Not doing all the ardious things you're recommending. Honestly, if OP is simply looking to lose weight, all he needs to do is eat less than his daily recommended caloric intake. That's it.

If OP wishes to exercise just do something more simple and consistent like a SS routine (3 days a week in the gym) and some form of cardio (daily or every other day).

You realize it's not actually possible for you to be burning more calories than you are consuming and NOT lose weight?
That energy has to come from somewhere. You can tell thermodynamics to fuck off all you want, but genetics are not magic and YOU are making the error somewhere.
I've lost 56lbs in the last 3 months. Count every calorie and eat less than you burn. I don't even work out. It's pretty fucking simple math, I highly doubt you're "starving". I guarantee if you counted calories and stayed at 1800(male) or 1200(female) you would be losing weight. Especially if you're burning 500cal like you say you are. Although I doubt you're actually counting shit, because you would have posted how much you eat in a day.
It doesn't matter how healthy the food is that you're eating. What matters is the calories in them. Fruits have calories. No food is free. A fucking single salad can have half your daily calories in it, easily. If I went from eating 4k cal a day, to 2k, then so can you.

are you the guy that literally shakes if he doesnt eat something salty and sweet?
you have quite some time fatbaiting

were all going to die. enjoy life, stop worrying so much about your self image. nigger.

>I see nudes posted all over /b/ like every single girl is skinny and hot. how the fuck is this possible?
Only skinny nudes are posted because only skinny nudes are worth posted.
Self-selection bias, but not self- in this case.

>I diet...
Eat less energy than you spend and your body makes up the difference from your fat reserves.
It's likely that you are way underestimating the quantity of food you are eating.

One solution is to eat nothing instead of eating less. That way you know for certain how many calories you are consuming, 0.
Check out /fast/ on Jow Forums for info on how to fast safely.

ok well I mean every single person I see is skinnier than me and like 3/4 of the world is skinny and I doubt DOUBT I mean DDOOOUUBBBTTT they are trying harder than me