How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men and ruining the gene pool?

How do we stop Asian women from seducing white men and ruining the gene pool?

Attached: hapa baby.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

White women not being so fucking terrible might help

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Nothing to worry about. Happas dont reproduce. Like muled.

unfortunately wrong
real life isn't internet memes

fear more, wh*Te boi

we're going to start to breed your shitty race out of existence through race mixing and there's nothing you can stop it as wh*Te bois are fucking low test beta incels compared to us Asian Bulls
who the fuck wanna be with wh*Te bois instead of us?
who the fuck prefers wh*Te bois over us?
no one likes wh*Te males

if you're an Asian Bull

>universally praised
>wet pussy all over the world

if you're a wh*Toid

>universally despised
>rejected by any races of women all over the world

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How do we stop OP being a faggot?

You can't

wh*Toids actually can't get the epitome of asian beauty
only would uggos like your webm one ever prefer wh*Toids

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so you want to bread yourself out of existence?

We don’t, they only ever take from the bottom of the barrel and the Hapas just mix back in 80% of the time anyway.

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based english teacher

what's a wh*Toid

Cut your fag's ballsack! That's it.

Ugh, those fucking teeth. 0/10, bitch needs to get braces.

Gook women are very low status, and most are super ugly without makeup. Never seen a good looking gook woman IRL, only see them in porn desu. And a white male who dates a gook woman, even a Chad, will be considered low status by most people in society, shit even liberals are now looking down on WMAW relationships because of yellow fever. If you absolutely cannot get a white woman, which is the only reason to date/marry gook woman, then make sure to abort every son you have and encourage hapa daughters to date white guys, and atleast get white looking grandchildren. But even walking around the malls with your goo looking daughters you will probably and get stared at and mocked by more alpha white guys.

hapas are alright

Ruining the gene pool only if you only fuck one. If you go gengis khan, you're actually contributing to the gene pool. Take the polygamy pill

No need. Every white male gets a white wife and an asian waifu. Keep the white race going AND bleach Asia.

Hapas are chads

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the absolute state of Jow Forums

lol. look at the way her eyes act while she's talking. she's definitely on the crazy side. The way her eyes go really wide when she says "they're really beautiful".

>Hapas are chads

OP, your faggotry has certainly reached the highest level. If someone loves someone else, its their own decision, now stop biching about other peoples lifes and take care of yours

so are you saying that you think it would help to lower the age of consent? That you believe that all women belong either in the bedroom or the kitchen, to build strong families, to be barefoot and pregnant?

We don't, can't compete..