Look through old messages with girls

>look through old messages with girls

I now see why no females like me... I ruined those friendships faster than light can travel 2nm

I even ruined one friendship, which I really was trying to keep alive, damn sad

anons, a life tip. always reread your messages before sending them to females try to act like a normal human and not an autistic screeching tendie lover

Attached: sad sad sad.jpg (500x334, 46K)

but being yewreself is the best and truest policy, Yugi. Neber forget thaf

What are some of your most autistic messages?

trying to hit on them and their responses back just saying "k"

I like you larping robots. Go back to texting all your friends faggot

while still continuing to hit on them while theyre clearly not interested, also making stupid references to shit and they go "um cool"

the fuck did you write then? So robots maybe could learn something.

let me get em

being retarded like saying
>"That's highly classified information of why you do, I'll tell you one day"

(referring to the message above where its a long ass paragraph of how she made me nervous speaking to her)

her reply was

I call her the cutest female IN THE WORLD in two long paragraphs and I get this in return
>"Oh... i woulnt say im the cutest"
shutting me down^

I replied back with
>"oh id call you the cutest"

she says
>"Thats sweet"

lemme find others

>"lets fucc now"
I said that as a joke but... you cant joke about that with females

im too lazy to find more but yee

that was 90% pure autism but the last one was fucking funny though. And indeed most of them cant take a joke or joke with. Never understood people being friends with the other gender. Its all about one day fucking eachother or being an emotional cuck for her. disgusting

yep, I got deep ass feelings for one girl... turns out that was the biggest mistake I made. It happened months ago now and I still get sad everytime I think about it. Tbh im fucked and I keep trying to accept being a virginfag

What about stop trying to gf? You guys only see girls like fuckmachines. They are humans too.

Learn from your mistakes and never go full R9K in public. Hire a escort if thats an issue. You dont sound to old. There is time and have money if a prostitute is around.

Only once met a girl that actually could talk with, of course unstable as fuck and the rest is history. Girls are fuck machines in general for chads. They want dick so they get dick. Women have no substance, have you heard them actually having a conversation without almost having a stroke?

those messages are from when I was in highschool 3 years ago

Im still autistic as fuck, im desperate but an escort probably has 500 stds

Right, and humans have sex. Except for people on boards like this.
If you don't try to get a gf, you'll never get a gf.

Dont kiss her, go down on her and wear a condom.

Or as all the retarded libtard fucks say "one day a girl will come to you" honestly its huge bullshit

if ill do that I can officially be non khv, just a kh

Kek, underrated blyat

the fuck you can hug her BUT NEVER KISS.
Kisses are for fags.
When i heard that shit when i was younger, holy shit its so fucking stupid the persons face should be smashed against a wall

yeah im 21 now, and NO female has come to me. But being a manlet I can expect that

Yep, people kept telling me I'd meet the right person one day. Now I'm 33 and never even been on a date. That advice is complete bullshit.

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be me in a decade or so.

also your family calling you handsome as a kid n stuff, and "oh one day youll be married with kids"

Ive proved my parents wrong for 21 years

hahahahaha normie destroying aspie

stop being such a pussy and fuck yourself, make an effort

i don't think my dick is long enough to fuck myself
at least not without some serious contortion

why are you telling me this shit now, go wake up your dad and tell you got molested

fucking 21 years old ese, its nothing. just saying gay shit

what about when they just stop talking to you and it's not old?

fucking 21 years old ese, its nothing. just stop jsut saying gay shit