
What are you thoughts on speed, Jow Forums?

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very degen

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What if you've got ADHD? It's a means to an end.


take a wide guess.

Tweakers will steal your shit and then help you look for it. So that can be fun i guess....

No pills no powders.

we are told if we have adhd there is nothing we can do about it except taking the pills , we are told if we dont take the pills we will be losers and failures in life

Seems good if you need to blitzkrieg, outside of that not so much.

It identifies a certain slice of humanity.

Legalize all drugs and let Darwin take over

people with adhd struggle to do boring things? why not just do something interesting

It has it uses. Never seen someone clean so efficiently if they weren't on speed. A lot of cooks and other people at random other jobs use it regularly. Fucks up your body tho

Soldiers should have access to it.

hol up, how does taking a drug that makes you hyperactive help you if you are already hyperactive?

>Fucks up your body tho
Yeah, I'm well aware. I took it for a few months and it made me go off the deep end. Literally had never felt so unwell in my life, so I just stopped taking that shit.

Thing is that "something interesting" tends to oscillate far too often for me to develop my skills to any meaningful point. Being on this stuff gives me the discipline I otherwise lack and can't seem to be able to develop.

It does the opposite for people with ADHD. I've seen people act all hyper after they've taken this at a club, but for me it has an entirely different effect.

Speed gets shit done

Always felt like it would be a good item for a bugout bag. Keep you awake or keep you moving during a clinch.

Seems your basic biology is telling you to not develop meaningful skills. You should stop and find out what you would've done naturally, adhd is highly heritable what did you ancestors do to survive

>What are you thoughts on speed, Jow Forums?


>gives me the discipline I otherwise lack and can't seem to be able to develop.
you have the same problem most speed addicts have. This comes from being raised a certain way and your parents parenting or lack of parenting I should say. Its like a miracle drug for most fuck ups. Let me guess, you procrastinate a lot, probably sit in front of the TV doing nothing. I also bet if you take speed you smoke weed. Iv seen the same scenario hundreds of times.

I was diagnosed with ADD five years ago and got meds. My life is so much better, I never thought it could be this good. People who talk shit about amphetamines as a treatment for ADD/ADHD are clueless retards.

Lemmy is dead. He was built for speed and got diabetes and other shit, but in the end (((they))) said “He lived his life on his own terms.” Lemmy will have plenty of time to think about his own terms, under ground!

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Interestingly every doctor i spoken to in Australia has told me adults cant have adhd only children

>what did you ancestors do to survive
Worked their asses off abroad then came back to develop fairly prosperous businesses.

Thing is, as much inspiration as I may draw from their achievements, I still feel as if this will be a huge hindrance should I ever decide to go on a similar path.

> I also bet if you take speed you smoke weed
Never done that. I take it purely to get shit done when I need shit done properly and within due time.

What did you take? I was on Concerta for about half a year and it fucked me up. As soon as it wore off I felt like dying so I eventually just dropped it altogether. I'm curious about Vyvanse and Adderall, but I want to find a way to not have to rely on this stuff to function as I should.

Vyvanse at 20mg and 30 mg made me feel nothing. Adderall at 20mg made me get a prickly numbing feeling in my hands and half way up my forearms whenever I got stressed out. When I was on 30mg I still got that feeling but it also made me yawn a lot. I started taking 18mg of Ritalin but it didn’t make me feel any different either so I stopped taking it. Anyone know what the fucks wrong with me? I got them for ADD.

I read if someone has untreated adhd and drive a vehicle its the same being drunk, do you believe this? also people with untreated adhd have a 50% chance of being unemployed at any given time, do you believe this?

you can go for adderall which is basically meth lite

That's your body's reaction to the stuff differing from the norm, I guess.

I was on Concerta (long release Ritalin) and it worked for a few months. I worked up to 54mg but eventually stopped cause it just wasn't really working anymore.

Adderall is amphetamine (speed), not methamphetamine (meth)

The only thing I like about concerta is that it cuts your appetite. You can lose shitloads of weight when you take it regularly.

Actually I’m pretty sure we were taking the same thing, the specific name of what I was most recently taking was Methylphenidate Extended Release.

fucking skin pickers should hang

Not keen on it, prefer MDMA

I take Vyvanse and a similar drug that kicks in faster but doesn't last as long, I couldn't find the american name for it. I don't have any negative side effects besides being more thirsty. Maybe you can live without meds, but if you have ADD you probably have a ton of bad habits. I didn't even know how it would feel like to be normal until I got my meds. During these five years I've taught myslef better habbits and I'm on a lower dose now than when I started. But I never managed to fix my shit before I got my meds, and believe me I fucking tried.

Thing is if you have an idea then speed will make you want to see it through to the bitter end, but what if you have a dumb idea. If you take it for weeks on end without sleeping then you're gonna have some dumb ideas, also hallucinations. Cannot recommend.

Its good if you need to get shit done, but tweakers are human garbage.

taking stimulants of any kind isnt feeling normal, normal people dont feel like theyre on amphetamines 24/7

>If you take it for weeks on end without sleeping then you're gonna have some dumb ideas, also hallucinations.
Yeah, this used to be an issue for me. That shit just nuked my body with energy to the point where I couldn't sleep even after 24h+ of taking it. There is a warming sense of lucidity that comes with it though. The sleep deprivation is awful though. It's basically feeling tired as fuck but being unable to sleep.

They serve different purposes I guess. Also, fuck MDMA and its comedown. Literally hell after it wears off. In my case anyway.

Only tried once. Didn't sleep for 3 days.

This is when the weed comes into play. Its why I said a lot of speed users smoke weed too. Helps with the comedown and to sleep.

I know plenty of people with ADHD who are good drivers, but I don't have a driver's liscence because I tend to zone out and I don't trust myself with a car. I think there is some truth to the unemployment numbers. Employers hate it when you're late, and before I got my meds I was always late to everything. It's hard to explain, but it's like I didn't "feel" time. I could focus on something for a very short moment, and the next time I looked at the time 45 minutes had passed. As a kid I was in good shape because I had to run to school every damn day.

The meth trade is ruining rural New Zealand, the dealers and importers should have their hands cut off.

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i feel the exactly the same way and i dont have adhd

It does make you wonder how long humans can go without sleep though. A couple of months is very doable but like I said you start seeing weird shit, the weirdest in my case being what I understood to be time portals - even though I knew they weren't real I was afraid to try and go through them.

Nigga the record is 11 days, how are you going to do 60?

With speed. I've fucking done it. Can't swear that I didn't sleep at all though tbf.

>A couple of months is very doable
lawl what the fuck?

Started using it to self medicate depression and accompanying weakness and sleepiness but it was pure shit and caused headaches not to mention it was too "stimulating". Switched to modafinil, I still want to kill myself but at least I can go out of my bed and work.

not political. reported, gtfo.

Why does everyone on Jow Forums seem to have fucking adhd?

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It's fast?

Its shit. Literally poor man's coke. And if you wanted the best experience from this kind of drugs you would go for mephedrone or some other stuff.

When you have been up for a few days you start to microsleep, i would assume speed does little to effect this, at most push up the time with a few hours, befor you enter a constant cycle of microsleep, delirium and consciousness, since your brain would literally fry if you got zero sleep

Its almost impossible to know when you do this

We call it shabu here.
It makes me so much horny when I slam it.

what is slaming it

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Well I would consider slamming it to do it intravenously, but I have no idea what he meant

Makes sense. It definitely made me go nuts, I know that much. I was probably not the most reliable witness to say the least.

Good shit to fap/have sex for 6 hours, to have a soul shattering orgasms (which I/we only use it for, nothing else). Just remember;
>don't consume more than $20 worth of shit
>have plenty of sleep and eat huge nutritious meals before smoking/snorting
>have a 12 pack of beers to level off
>after session (7 hours later), force consume a peanut butter milkshake, laced with melatonin
>don't keep consuming after 8 hours (let alone a damn day[s]+) and don't go outside
>remember that you'll need to replenish and recover

That pile of fine powder looks like Anatolia.

In moderation, hugely beneficial to certain people.
Adderall-fuelled autists overthrew a ZOG before and they'll do it again.

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>more than $20 worth of shit
I get a gram for about $15 and that's gonna last me a few lifetimes.

>tfw I want to buy speed but I don't know where to go.

None of my friends would be any help in this department

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IV. Effect is instantanous.

>don't go outside
taking drugs when you're home alone is the saddest shit you can ever do.
If you want to snort that degenerate shit at least do it with your buddies

go to your local "rave" like party and you'll find whatever you'll looking for in 5 minutes

The internet can go a long way when it comes to buying drugs.

You don't want to be buying drugs on the street.
As fucked as the pharmaceutical industry is, you're still better off getting a diagnosis and prescription. It's pretty fuckin easy to do.

most of the retards here don't understand that ADHD has to do with having serotonin/dopamine issues which is why when you give those lads coke/speed they calm the fuck down. It doesn't affect them the same way it does a "normal" person with "normal" brain chemistry.

amfetamines are great in the NL

Fappening/Fucking while high on meth is the only thing one should do. Why would you be amped up and horny in the streets? Have you done meth? Do you know how high the state of arousal and pleasure is? Anyways, always have beers on standby.
There are dumbasses that do $80 worth, on a 4 day binger. Fucking dumb. I recognize that redlining can last only so long before my alloted pleasure hormones/chemstry is depleted and recovery is a must.

>what is slaming it

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Taken it recreationally a few times. Overall not a fan of it. Of course your experience may be different.

I had an episode with it when i was in my lowest low, kinda helped me but mostly in a "what the fuck are you doing with yourself idiot" way.
Never used it again.

It's alright

Thing about Concerta/Ritalin/Adderall is that there's always a downer phase after the upper phase, which sucks

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